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Showing results 2549 to 2648 of 11519 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Development of End-Group Functional Temperature-Responsive PolymersÖzer, Ekrem
Jul-2019Development of Endosome Disruptive Peptide and Peg Conjugate Based Doxorubicin Delivery SystemÖzkıyıcı, Selin
Dec-2018Development of Energy-Efficient Personalized Thermal Comfort Driven Control in Hvac SystemsTurhan, Cihan
2010Development of Engobe Compositions for Local Roof TilesBodur, Hilal
Jun-2013Development of Est-Ssr Markers for Diversity and Breeding Studies in Opium PoppyŞelale, Hatice ; Çelik, İbrahim; Gültekin, Visam; Allmer, Jens ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
Dec-2016Development of Fast and Simple Analytical Methods for the Determination of Honey Adulteration and Forgery Based on Chemometric Multivariate Data Analysis by Using Molecular SpectroscopyBaşar, Başak
Dec-2022Development of Fermented Vegan Food Formulations With Improved Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory (ace-I) ActivityEsen, Berna
Dec-2019Development of Fiber Reinforced Cylindrical Composite Structures by Filament Winding TechniqueAydın, Mustafa
Oct-2011Development of Flexible Antimicrobial Packaging Materials Against Campylobacter Jejuni by Incorporation of Gallic Acid Into Zein-Based FilmsAlkan, Derya; Aydemir, Levent Yurdaer; Arcan, İskender; Yavuzdurmaz, Hatice; Atabay, Halil İbrahim ; Ceylan, Çağatay ; Yemencioğlu, Ahmet
2019Development of Flexible Antimicrobial Zein Coatings With Essential Oils for the Inhibition of Critical Pathogens on the Surface of Whole Fruits: Test of Coatings on Inoculated MelonsBoyacı, Derya; Iorio, Gianmarco; Sözbilen, Gözde Seval; Alkan, Derya; Trabattoni, Silvia; Pucillo, Flavia; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Apr-2013Development of Flexible Zein-Wax Composite and Zein-Fatty Acid Blend Films for Controlled Release of LysozymeArcan, İskender; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Dec-2021Development of Fluorescent Carbon-Dots for Biological ImagingKavuranpala, Tuğçe 
Jul-2023The Development of Forming Simulation Methodology of a Plate Type Heat ExchangerŞimşek, İbrahim
Oct-2019Development of Functional Chocolate Using Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid Producer Probiotic: Prominent To Alleviate Anxiety DisorderÖzer, Merve
2013Development of Functional Composite Edible Packaging Materials for Controlled Release of Bioactive SubstancesArcan, İskender
Jul-2015Development of Functional Food Ingredient as a Solution for Protein-Energy Malnutrition; an Amino Acid Source With Low-Phenylalanine ContentAkın, Hilal
2015Development of Functional Materials for Sirna Delivery and Neural Tissue EngineeringUz, Metin; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide ; Mallapragada, Surya K.
2010Development of Fuzzy Syllogistic Algorithms and Applications Distributed Reasoning ApproachesÇakır, Hüseyin
2020Development of Gel-Based Pads Loaded With Lysozyme and Green Tea Extract: Characterization of Pads and Test of Their Antilisterial Potential on Cold-Smoked SalmonBoyacı, Derya; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
2009Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Classification and Cluster Analysis Methods for Analytical DataÖztürk, Betül 
2013Development of Genetic Algorithms Based Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Lubricating Oil Compositions Using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyAnıl, İrem
Feb-2017Development of Genomic Simple Sequence Repeat Markers in Faba Bean by Next-Generation SequencingAbuzayed, Mazen A.; Göktay, Mehmet ; Allmer, Jens ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
Aug-2014Development of Genomic Simple Sequence Repeat Markers in Opium Poppy by Next-Generation SequencingÇelik, İbrahim; Gültekin, Visam; Allmer, Jens ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
Dec-2016Development of Gluten-Free Bread Formulations Based on Chickpea Flour: Optimization of Formulation, Evaluation of Dough Properties and Bread QualityKahraman, Gökçen 
Jul-2017Development of Gold Nanoparticle-Based Plasmonic Assay Platform for Esherichia Coli DetectionErdoğan, Duygu
Jun-2018Development of Graphene Nanoplatelet-Reinforced Az91 Magnesium Alloy by Solidification ProcessingKandemir, Sinan 
2016Development of Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Nanocomposites by a Combination of Semi-Solid Stirring and Ultrasonic TreatmentKandemir, Sinan ; Aydoğan, Yücel
Mar-2019Development of High Flux Nanofiltration Membranes Through Single Bilayer Polyethyleneimine/Alginate DepositionTekinalp, Önder; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
Jul-2022Development of High Stability Antioxidant Emulsions Based on Citrus and Fig PectinsBüyük, Miray
Oct-2015Development of High-Yielding and Disease Resistant Processing Tomato Lines Using Molecular Marker TechnologyÖzbek, Ayten Gizem
2024Development of Hydrogels Via Photocrosslinking of Wool ProteinsYakar, İrem
2005Development of Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopic Methods for the Determination of Metals in Beluga (delphinapterus Leucas) and Pygmy Sperm (kogia Breviceps) Whale Liver SamplesParlayan, Filiz
Dec-2022Development of Innovative Polymeric Membranes Using Green Approaches for Water and Energy SustainabilityGüngörmüş Deliismail, Elif
2002Development of Intelligent Buildings and Their Impacts on Architecture in TurkeyZağpus, Selin
Jul-2020Development of Joining Techniques for Carbon Fiber Based Polymer Matrix Compositesİplikçi, Hande
Jul-2022Development of Keratin Based Hydrogel SystemsYalçın Göl, Damla
Jul-2019Development of Kinetic Model for Industrial Ethylene Oxide Catalyst by Using Model-Targeted Experimentation ApproachSarrafi, Şahin
Dec-2022Development of Kinetostatic Design Methodology for Airplane Flap MechanismsArslan, Gökhan
2006Development of Layered Silicate/Epoxy NanocompositeKaya, Elçin Dilek
2012Development of Lead Foams for Automobile BatteriesSavacı, Umut
2020The Development of Lentil Derived Protein-Iron Complexes and Their Effects on Iron Deficiency Anemia in VitroEvcan, Ezgi ; Güleç, Şükrü 
2023Development of Lightweight Geopolymer Composites Containing Perlite and VermiculiteKorniejenko, Kinga; Pławecka, Kinga; Bulut, Alperen; Şahin, Baran; Azizağaoğlu, Göksu; Figiela, Beata
Apr-2022Development of Liposomal Formulations of the Eggplant Glycoalkaloids Solasonine and SolamargineTatlıdil, Engin ; Gürbüz, Nergiz ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
2011Development of Liquid Armor Materials and Rheological Behavior of Shear Thickening Fluids (stfs)Erdoğan, Taner
2013Development of Liquid Body Armor SystemsÇolpankan, Oylum
2024Development of Long Distance Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution SystemTapşın, Ömer Salih
2021Development of Low-Cost Portable Blood Vessel Imaging SystemAltay,A.; Gumus,A.
2008Development of Lysozy Incorporated Antimicrobial Zein Films and Evaluation of Their Effectson Quality of Cold Stored BurgersUysal, İlke
Jul-2020Development of Magnetic Levitation-Based Sensitive AssaysYaman, Sena 
May-2011Development of Mentor Teacher Role InventoryKoç, Ebru Melek
2024Development of Methods and Tools in Npcs and Zebrafish Towards Modeling of Dna Sequence Variants in Patients With PachygyriaKuruoglu, A.; Hiz, A. S.; Cark, O.; Gencpinar, P.; Bora, U.; Karakulah, G.; Oktay, Y.
2024Development of Mg-Alginate Based Self Disassociative Bio-Ink for Magnetic Bio-Patterning of 3d Tumor ModelsCoban, Basak; Baskurt, Mehmet; Sahin, Hasan ; Arslan-Yildiz, Ahu 
Dec-2018Development of Micro-Optical Furnace With Atmospheric Control for Research PurposesKıvanç, Mehmet
2023Development of Microfibrillated Cellulose-Based Films From Globe Artichokes (cynara Scolymus)Erguner, Merve (Samli); Harsa, Hayriye Sebnem ; Ergüner, Merve
2023Development of Microfluidic Devices for Investigating Small Molecule Induced Chemotaxis of Dendritic CellsKhurram, Muhammad Maaz
Dec-2019Development of Mitochondria Targeted Gold NanorodsUçak, Hande
Dec-2020Development of Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy Based Multivariate Calibration Models for Quantitative Determination of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerol Compositions of Olive OilsHedef, Onur 
2012Development of Molecular Markers Linked To Me1 Gene Conferring Resistance To Nematode in PepperÖztürk, Leyla
Mar-2014Development of Molecular Spectroscopic Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Fatty Acid and Triachyl Glycerol Compositions of Olive OilsKuday, Esra
2017Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (mips) as a Solid Phase Extraction (spe) Sorbent for the Determination of Ibuprofen in WaterÖlçer, Yekta Arya; Demirkurt, Merve; Demir, Mustafa Muammer ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin 
Jul-2022Development of Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Method for the Detemination of Vitamin D DerivativesTosun Kurtalan, Hazal
Dec-2011Development of Mono and Multilayer Antimicrobial Food Packaging Materials for Controlled Release of Potassium SorbateUz, Metin; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
Jul-2017Development of Mr-Fluid Based Semi-Active Dampers To Be Used in Haptic DevicesKarabulut, Mehmet Görkem 
2008Development of Multi and Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes (cnts) / Vinylester NanocompositesSeyhan, Abdullah Tuğrul
Aug-2020Development of Multi Metal Oxide Photo-Electrodes for Energy ApplicationsÖzkahraman, Ecem Ezgi
Dec-2017Development of Nanofiltration Membranes Through Surface Modification of Polysulfone Based Ultrafiltration MembranesBar, Canbike
2006Development of Nanopatterns on Self Assembled Monolayer (sam) Organic Films Using Scanning Probe Microscope (spm) Nanolithography TechiqueGül, Semra
2010Development of Natural Compound-Loaded Nanofibers by ElectrospinningBalta, Ali Bora
Dec-2022Development of New Chemometrics Approaches To Determine Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Distillation Unit Products Based on Molecular SpectroscopyMeşe Sezen, Ayten Ekin
Apr-2022Development of New Generation Hydrocolloid Bio-Ink for 3d BioprintingArslan Yıldız, Ahu 
Jul-2015Development of Nonlinear Robust Control Techniques for Unmanned Aerial VehiclesTanyer, İlker
Jul-2021Development of Novel Anticounterfeiting Technologies Using Heavy Metal Free NanoparticlesTaşcıoğlu, Didem 
Dec-2017Development of Novel Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Bioactive Edible Gels Intended for Food Preservation and Promotion of Human HealthBoyacı, Derya
2013Development of Novel Bio-Based Methods for Inhibition of Plant PathogensAlkan, Derya
Jan-2016Development of Novel Chitosan Nanocomposites as a Controlled Drug Release System for Helicobacter Pylori TreatmentGüneş, Suna Seda 
Jul-2018Development of Novel Columns for Determination of Various Diuretics by Capillary ElectrochromatographyYaşar, Cemre
Jul-2018Development of Novel Columns for Determination of Various Ss-Blockers by Capillary ElectrochromatographyGürel, Elif
Jul-2015Development of Novel Functional Foods From Turkish Kabuli Type ChickpeasŞahin, Damla Öykü
2011Development of Novel Functionalized Solid Phase Extraction (spe) Sorbents and Solid Phase Microextraction (spme) Fiber Coatings for Analytical ApplicationsBoyacı, Ezel
May-2009Development of Novel Multilayer Materials for Impact Applications: a Combined Numerical and Experimental ApproachTaşdemirci, Alper ; Hall, Ian W.
Sep-2022Development of Novel Nanotoxicity Assessment Method Utilizing 3d Printing SystemBaşlar, Muhammet Semih; Öksel Karakuş, Ceyda ; Aldemir Dikici, Betül 
Jun-2022Development of Novel Pet Food Involving Drying StepAlyamaç, Ayşegül
Jun-2021Development of Novel Polymeric Carriers for Gene TherapyZelçak, Aykut
Dec-2017Development of Novel Solid Phase Extraction (spe) Sorbents and Solid Phase Microextraction (spme) Fiber Coatings for Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (edcs)Demirkurt, Merve
2011Development of Novel Sorbents for Speciation of Inorganic and Organik Selenium Prior To Determination by Atomic Spectrometric TechniquesDemirkurt, Merve
2011Development of Novel Sorbents for the Determination of Mercury in Waters by Cold Vaporatomic Absorption SpectrometryErdem, Arzu
2020Development of Pectin-Eugenol Emulsion Coatings for Inhibition of Listeria on Webbed-Rind Melons: a Comparative Study With Fig and Citrus PectinsÇavdaroğlu, Elif; Farris, Stefano; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
2024Development of Pectin-Wax Composite Edible Films With High Moisture Barrier PropertiesÇakıtlı, Gamze
Jun-2016Development of Peg and Peg-Peptide Based Drug Delivery SystemsBalcı, Beste
Dec-2022Development of Peg-Peptide Conjugate Based Curcumin Delivery SystemsAydoğan, Gamze
2011Development of Ph-Controlled Triggering Mechanisms for Controlled Release of LysozymeBoyacı, Derya
Jun-2023Development of Plant-Based Biopolymer Coatings for 3d Cell Culture: Boron-Silica Quince Seed Mucilage NanocompositesYılmaz, Hilal Deniz; Cengiz, Uğur; Derkuş, Burak; Arslan, Yavuz Emre
Dec-2019Development of Plasmonic Nanostructures for Photothermal Therapy of Prostate and Breast CancerTomak, Aysel 
Jul-2019Development of Polyamideimide Based Nanofiltration Membranes for Separation of Dyes and Salts in Textile Wastewater TreatmentMetecan, Ayşe
Jun-2023Development of Polymeric Carriers for Mrna DeliverySavaş, Müge
2009Development of Porous Ceramics for Air Diffuser ApplicationsKüçük, Aslı
Jan-2008Development of Practical Hplc Methods for the Separation and Determination of Eggplant Steroidal Glycoalkaloids and Their AglyconesEanes, Ritchie C. ; Tek, Neslihan ; Kırsoy, Öyküm; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Almeida, Adelia E.
2023Development of Pro-Angiogenic Wound Dressings From 2-Deoxy (2ddr)-Loaded Decellularized Plant LeavesDikici, Serkan ; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı 
2024Development of Probiotic Bar With Microencapsulated Probioticsİriçağıl, Zelihan 
2013Development of Process Techniques for Composite Based Leaf Spring SystemsGüneş, Mehmet Deniz