Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | 1960s Tax Law and Non-Muslim Exodus From Istanbul: Turkification of the City | Akpınar, İpek |
2022 | 44 Current Challenges in Mirnomics | Akgül, Bünyamin ; Stadler, Peter F.; Hawkins, Liam J.; Hadj-Moussa, Hanane; Storey, Kenneth B.; Ergin, Kemal; Allmer, Jens |
2020 | An Acceptance Model for the Adoption of Smart Glasses Technology by Healthcare Professionals | Özdemir Güngör, Dilek; Göken, Mine; Başoğlu, Nuri ; Shaygan, Amir; Dabić, Marina; Daim, Tuğrul U. |
2016 | Adoption Factors of Electronic Health Record Systems | Kök,O.M.; Basoglu,N.; Daim,T.U. |
2022 | Advances and Future Perspective of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (gfets) for Medical Diagnostics and Point-Of Tools | İnanç,D.Ö.; Mutlu,M.U.; Karabacak,S.; Yıldız,Ü.H. |
2017 | Advances in Model-Based Testing of Graphical User Interfaces | Belli, Fevzi ; Beyazıt, Mutlu; Budnik, Christof J.; Tuğlular, Tuğkan |
2024 | Advances in Nanocomposite Membranes for Co2 Removal | Marpani,F.; Othman,N.H.; Alias,N.H.; Mat Shayuti,M.S.; Altinkaya,S.A. |
2013 | Agrobacterium Rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation and Its Biotechnological Applications in Crops | Özyiğit, İbrahim İlker; Doğan, İlhan ; Artam Tarhan, Ebru |
2014 | Aluminium-Coated Polymer Films as Infrared Light Shields for Food Packing | Arkiş, E.; Balköse, D. |
2015 | Aluminium-Coated Polymer Films as Infrared Light Shields for Food Packing | Arkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim |
2022 | Application of Fuzzy Logic in Water Resources Engineering | Tayfur, Gökmen |
2014 | Application of Geophysical Methods in Gulbahce Geothermal Site, Urla-Izmir, Western Anatolia | Pamukçu, Oya; Gönenç, Tolga; Sındırgı, Petek; Baba, Alper |
2024 | Application of Geothermal Energy in Hydrogen Production | Ayzit, T.; Özmumcu, A.; Baba, A. |
2023 | Application of Nanofiltration for Reclamation and Reuse of Wastewater and Spent Geothermal Fluid | Jarma, Yakubu A.; Cihanoğlu, Aydın; Güler, Enver; Tomaszewska, Barbara; Kasztelewicz, Aleksandra; Baba, Alper ; Kabay, Nalan |
2023 | Arcobacter | Ceylan,Ç. |
2022 | Arsenic Removal by Electrocoagulation | Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Kobya, Mehmet |
2023 | Astragalus sp. | Yakuboğulları, Nilgün ; Bedir, Erdal |
2023 | Automated Analysis of Phase-Contrast Optical Microscopy Time-Lapse Images: Application To Wound Healing and Cell Motility Assays of Breast Cancer | Erdem, Yusuf Sait; Ayanzadeh, Aydın; Mayalı, Berkay; Balıkçı, Muhammed; Belli, Özge Nur; Uçar, Mahmut; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden ; Pesen Okvur, Devrim ; Önal, Sevgi; Morani, Kenan; Iheme, Leonardo Obinna; Töreyin, Behçet Uğur |
2023 | Avant-Garde Hydrogels as Stem Cell Niche for Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine | Yilmaz,H.D.; Arslan,Y.E. |
2014 | Bacteria: Arcobacter | Atabay, Halil İbrahim ; Corry, Janet E.L.; Ceylan, Çağatay |
2018 | Basic Strategies and Testing Methods To Develop Effective Edible Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Coating | Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
2024 | Battery Cells and Their Thermal Management With a Constructal Approach | Lorente,S.; Gungor,S.; Cetkin,E. |
2021 | Bilgi Merkezlerinde Yönetim ve Teknik Hizmetler: Açık Erişim Uygulamaları | Gürdal, Gültekin ; Can, Gönül Kafalı |
Jan-2022 | Biogas Production From Aquatic Biomass | Wieczorek, Nils; Kosheleva, Arina; Kuchta, Kerstin; Önen Çınar, Senem; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali |
2024 | Biomass-Based Polygeneration Systems With Hydrogen Production: a Concise Review and Case Study | Hajimohammadi Tabriz,Z.; Mohammadpourfard,M.; Gökçen Akkurt,G.; Çağlar,B. |
2022 | Bioprinting of Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering and Drug Screening Applications | Özmen, Ece; Yıldırım, Özüm; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu |
Nov-2017 | A Brief History of Silicene | Cahangirov, Seymur; Şahin, Hasan ; Le Lay, Guy; Rubio, Angel |
2015 | Calcium Soap Lubricants | İzer, Alaz; Kahyaoğlu, Tuğçe Nefise; Balköse, Devrim |
2015 | Calcium Soap Lubricants | İzer, Alaz; Kahyaoğlu, Tuğçe Nefise; Balköse, Devrim |
2020 | Calibration Study of a Continuously Variable Transmission System Designed for Phri | Mobedi, Emir; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2015 | A Case Study for Seismic Assessment and Restoration of Historic Buildings: the Arditi Residence | Dönmez, Cemalettin ; Erberik, Murat Altuğ |
2021 | Catalog and Illustrative Examples of Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives | Mileva,A.; Dimitrova,V.; Kara,O.; Mihaljević,M.J. |
2008 | Chemical Composition and Health Aspects of Chestnut (castanea Spp.) | Korel,F.; Balaban,M.Ö. |
2024 | Cinematographic Expressions of Diasporic Experience: Decades of Turkish-German Cinema | Cox,A.T. |
16-Oct-2013 | A Closed-Form Solution of Spatial Sliders for Rigid-Body Guidance | Huang, Chintien; Huang, Weiche; Kiper, Gökhan |
2024 | Comparative Mapping | Frary, A. ; Doganlar, S. ; Ratnaparkhe, M.B. |
2019 | Computation Time Efficient Stiffness Analysis of the Modified R-Cube Mechanism | Görgülü, İbrahimcan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2024 | Computational Approaches for Antibody-Based Drug Design | Gunes, S. ; Arkca, I.; Atik, S.B.; Ulucan-Karnak, F.; Sezgin, H.T.; Uyar, A. |
2017 | Confronted and Disappointed? Struggle of Turkish Planners Against Authoritarian State-Regulated Urban Development | Taşan Kok, Tuna; Penpecioğlu, Mehmet |
2019 | Control Methods for a Teleoperated Endoscope Robot | Işıtman, Oğulcan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2014 | Control of the Particle Size and Purity of Nano Zinc Oxide | Özmıhçı Ömürlü, Filiz ; Balköse, Devrim |
2010 | Control of the Particle Size and Purity of Nano Zinc Oxide | Omurlu,F.O.; Balköse,D. |
Aug-2007 | Controlled Release of Drugs From Tablet Coatings | Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide |
2008 | Creative Urban Regions: Harnessing Urban Technologies To Support Knowledge City Initiatives Preface | Yiğitcanlar, Tan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Baum, Scott |
2009 | Curating the Nation: Turkish Pavilions in World Expositions | Young, S.Y. |
2009 | Curating the Nation: Turkish Pavilions in World Expositions | Young,S.Y. |
Oct-2022 | Customized Housing Designs for Contemporary Users in Turkey From the Perspective of Architecture Students | Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Beyhan, Şefika Gülin |
2023 | Data Driven Leak Detection in a Real Heat Exchanger in an Oil Refinery | Yasmal, Aslı; Kuşoğlu Kaya, Gizem; Oktay, Emirhan; Çölmekci, Ceylan; Uzunlar, Erdal |
2023 | Dementia Detection With Deep Networks Using Multi-Modal Image Data | Yiğit, Altuğ; Işık, Zerrin; Baştanlar, Yalın |
2014 | Derivation of Input/Output Relationships for the Bennett 6r Linkages Based on the Method of Decomposition | Alizade, Rasim ; Kiper, Gökhan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can ; Uzunoğlu, Emre |
2023 | Design and Construction of a Test Setup To Investigate Ground Settlement Response of Large-Scale Masonry Building Models | Liu, Yiyan; Dalgıç, Korhan Deniz ; Yeşilyurt, Cennet; Gülen, Burcu; Açıkgöz, Sinan; Maraşlı, Muhammed; İlki, Alper |
2017 | Design and Optimization of Fiber Composites | Aydın, Levent; Artem, Hatice Seçil |
2019 | Design of a Teleoperation Scheme With a Wearable Master for Minimally Invasive Surgery | Ateş, Gizem ; Majani, Ronny; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2013 | Design of Adaptive Structures by Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms | Akgün,Y.; Maden,F.; Korkmaz,K. |
2013 | Design of Reconfigurable Doubly-Curved Canopy Structure | Maden,F.; Korkmaz,K.; Akgün,Y. |
2022 | Designing Healthier Cities. an Empirical Study of the Ecosystem Functioning and Mortality in the Districts of Turin (italy) | Salata, Stefano |
Mar-2022 | Destined for Coal?: a "hierarchy of Harms" and the Prospects of Renewable Energy in Kosovo | Aydın Dikmen, Bengü ; Buhari Gülmez, Didem |
2014 | Determination of Aluminum Rolling Oil and Machinery Oil Residues on Finished Aluminum Sheet and Foil Using Elemental Analysis and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Multivariate Calibration | Uçar,Ö.I.; Altuner,H.M.; Günyüz,M.; Dündar,M.M.; Özdemir,D. |
2022 | Developments in Sediment Transport Modeling in Alluvial Channels | Tayfur, Gökmen |
2016 | Differential Expression of Toxoplasma Gondii Micrornas in Murine and Human Hosts | Allmer, Jens ; Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Bağcı, Caner |
2023 | Discovery, Characterization, and Databases of Enzymes From Sourdough | Ağırbaşlı, Zeynep; Harsa, Şebnem |
2010 | E-Planning Applications in Turkish Local Governments | Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
2010 | An Effect of Climate Change: Increased Health Risks Due To Arsenic in Drinking Water - the Case of Izmir, Turkey | Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun |
2010 | An Effect of Climate Change: Increased Health Risks Due To Arsenic in Drinking Water - the Case of İzmir, Turkey | Sofuoglu,S.C.; Sofuoglu,A. |
2023 | Electrocaloric Ceramics | Alkoy, S.; Okatan, M.B.; Mısırlıoğlu, I.B.; Menşur-Alkoy, E. |
2016 | Electronic Nose Technology in Food Analysis | Korel, Figen ; Balaban, Murat Ömer |
2022 | Endogenous miRNA Sponges | Alkan, Ayşe Hale; Akgül, Bünyamin |
2018 | Energetic and Exergetic Design Evaluations of a Building Block Based on a Hybrid Solar Envelope Method | Mert, Yelda; Saygın, Nicel |
2023 | Enzyme Production From Sourdough | Elvan, Menşure; Harsa, Şebnem |
2022 | Enzyme Technology in Value Addition of Wine and Beer Processing | Uzuner, Sibel |
2016 | Epigenetics of Breast Cancer: Dna Methylome and Global Histone Modifications | Meşe, Gülistan ; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden |
2022 | Epitranscriptomics Changes the Play: M6a Rna Modifications in Apoptosis | Akçaöz, Azime ; Akgül, Bünyamin |
2022 | Eu as a Good (enough) Governance Exporter in Kosovo? Local Views on the Aborted Kosovo E Re Power Plant Project | Buhari Gülmez, Didem; Aydın Dikmen, Bengü |
2021 | An Evaluation of Measuring the Publicness Level of Interiors in Public Building Design: Visual Graph Analysis (vga) Approach | Aykutlar, Pelin; Kutucu, Seçkin; Can Traunmüller, Işın |
2014 | Exergetic and Exergoeconomic Aspects of Ground-Source (geothermal) Heat Pumps in Turkey | Hepbaşlı, Arif; Hancıoğlu Kuzgunkaya, Ebru |
2014 | Exergetic and Exergoeconomic Aspects of Ground-Source (geothermal) Heat Pumps in Turkey | Hepbasli,A.; Kuzgunkaya,E.H. |
2021 | Exopolysaccharides in Food Processing Industrials | Arserim-Uçar, Dilhun Keriman; Konuk Takma, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
2019 | Experimental Evaluation of Actuation and Sensing Capabilities of a Haptic Device | Mobedi, Emir; Görgülü, İbrahimcan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2022 | Experimental MicroRNA Detection Methods | Yaylak, Bilge; Akgül, Bünyamin |
2021 | An Experimental Setup and Procedure for Stiffness Evaluation of Robot Manipulators | Görgülü, İbrahimcan ; Paksoy, Erkan ; Carbone, Giuseppe; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can |
2019 | An Experimental Test Procedure for Validation of Stiffness Model: a Case Study for R-Cube Parallel Mechanism | Görgülü, İbrahimcan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can ; Carbone, Giuseppe |
2024 | Exploring Quantitative Analysis of Thermal Comfort in Architecture as a Positivist Research Paradigm | Avcı, Ali Berkay |
2021 | Extremophilic Carbohydrases: Production, Application, and Challenges in Association With Food Processing | Uzuner,S.; Cekmecelioglu,D. |
2009 | Factors Affecting the Learning Process of Professionals in Architectural Design Firms | Ozturk-Barlak,G.B.; Arditi,D.; Gunaydin,H.M. ; Kale,S.; Yitmen,I. |
2022 | Fermentation of Soybeans – Technology, Nutritional Properties, and Effects | Mukherjee,R.; Chakraborty,R.; Dutta,A. |
2022 | Field Experiments in Bargaining | Dindaroğlu, Burak ; Ertaç, Seda |
2020 | Flavonoids in Cancer Therapy: Current and Future Trends | Gürler,S.B.; Kiraz,Y.; Baran,Y. |
2024 | Fragrance Emissions Into the Air and Their Impact on Air Quality and Human Health | Balci,E.; Sofuoglu,A. |
Nov-2017 | Freestanding Silicene | Cahangirov, Seymur; Şahin, Hasan ; Le Lay, Guy; Rubio, Angel |
27-Aug-2014 | Function Generation Synthesis With a 2-Dof Overconstrained Double-Spherical 7r Mechanism Using the Method of Decomposition and Least Squares Approximation | Kiper, Gökhan ; Bağdadioğlu, Barış |
20-May-2014 | Function Synthesis of the Planar 5r Mechanism Using Least Squares Approximation | Kiper, Gökhan ; Bağdadioğlu, Barış; Bilgincan, Tunç |
2018 | Future Applications of Artificially-Synthesized Organic Molecules Containing Transition-Metal Atoms | Mayda, Selma ; Kandemir, Zafer ; Bulut, Nejat |
2024 | The Future of Fossil Fuels | Kizilkaya,A.C. |
2024 | Future Trends of Hybrid Energy Systems | Taheri, M.H.; Seiiedhoseiny, M.; Mohammadpourfard, M. ; Akkurt, G.G. |
2011 | Gender Roles at the Intersection of Public and Private Spheres: Transformation From Detached House To Apartment in Izmir, Turkey | Erdoğdu Erkarslan, Özlem |
2024 | Geothermal Fluids: Physicochemical Properties, Compositions, and Treatment | Jarma, Y.A.; Cihanoğlu, A.; Kabay, N.; Baba, A. ; Tomaszewska, B.; Kasztelewicz, A.; Bryjak, M. |
2014 | Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources Turkey and Greece Foreword | Baba, Alper ; Bundschuh, Jochen; Chandrasekaram, D. |
Nov-2017 | Germanene, Stanene and Other 2d Materials | Cahangirov, Seymur; Şahin, Hasan ; Le Lay, Guy; Rubio, Angel |
2014 | Graphene quantum dots preface | Güçlü, Alev Devrim ; Potasz, Pawel; Korkusinski, Marek; Hawrylak, Pawel |
2013 | Graphene-Based Integrated Electronic, Photonic and Spintronic Circuit | Güçlü,A.D.; Potasz,P.; Hawrylak,P. |