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Showing results 2022 to 2121 of 11520 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019D-0 R-Aa in Pbpb Collisions at Root S(nn)=5.02 Tev and Elliptic Flow in Ppb Collisions at Root S(nn)=8.16 Tev With CmsKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
2017Daha İyi Bir Gelecek için Açık BilimGürdal, Gültekin 
2014Daily Application of Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimulus Inhibits the Growth of Mda-Mb Breast Cancer Cells in VitroÖlçüm, Melis; Özçivici, Engin 
Jul-2016Daily Life Objects, Interaction of Cultures and the Selected Izmir HomesTaşkın, Burcu
2023Dalgacık gürültü giderme yöntemiyle mikrodalga bileşen karakterizasyonunun iyileştirilmesiKaratay, Anıl ; Olcay, Bilal Orkan ; Yaman, Fatih 
2007Dalgacık Tepeleri Kullanarak İ̇şaretlerin Bileşenlerine AyrılmasıÖzkurt, Nalan; Savacı, Ferit Acar 
2024Damage To Monumental Masonry Buildings in Hatay and Osmaniye Following the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence: the Role of Wall Geometry, Construction Quality, and Material PropertiesBozyigit,B.; Ozdemir,A.; Donmez,K.; Dalgic,K.D.; Durgut,E.; Yesilyurt,C.; Acikgoz,S.
2012Damped Parametric Oscillator and Exactly Solvable Complex Burgers EquationsAtılgan Büyükaşık, Şirin ; Pashaev, Oktay 
2007Damping Oscillatory Models in General Theory of RelativityTığrak Ulaş, Esra
2009Dampness Problems in a Historic House in Izmir, TurkeyYardım, Bülent; Tunçoku, Selim Sarp 
May-2024Danışma KütüphaneciliğiBinen, Ayşen 
2016Darbe altında ışıma yapan polimerik filmler ve lif demetlerinin üretilmesi ve uygulamalarıDemir, Mustafa M. ; İncel, Anıl
2011Dark Energy Mechanisms in the Context of Extra Dimensional ModelsYağmurcukardeş, Mehmet 
2014Dark Matter From Conformal SectorsDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Frank, Mariana; Korutlu, Beste
2011A Data Coding and Screening System for Accident Risk Patterns: A Learning SystemGeçer Sargın, Feral ; Geçer Sargın, Feral ; Duvarcı, Yavuz ; Duvarcı, Yavuz ; İnan, E. ; İnan, E. ; Kumova, Bora İsmail ; Kumova, Bora İsmail ; Atay Kaya, İlgi; Atay Kaya, İlgi
2023Data Driven Leak Detection in a Real Heat Exchanger in an Oil RefineryYasmal, Aslı; Kuşoğlu Kaya, Gizem; Oktay, Emirhan; Çölmekci, Ceylan; Uzunlar, Erdal 
2003Data Driven Modeling Using Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous AgentsKarakurt, Murat
2013Data Mining for Microrna Gene Prediction: on the Impact of Class Imbalance and Feature Number for Microrna Gene PredictionSaçar, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2019Data Pre-Post Processing Methods in Ai-Based Modeling of Seepage Through Earthen DamsSharghi, Elnaz; Nourani, Vahid; Behfar, Nazanin; Tayfur, Gökmen 
2020Data-Driven Computational Prediction and Experimental Realization of Exotic Perovskite-Related Polar MagnetsHan, Yifeng; Wu, Meixia; Gui, Churen; Zhu, Chuanhui; Sun, Zhongxiong; Zhao, Mei-Huan; Adem, Umut ; Li, Man-Rong
Oct-2019Data-Driven Modelling of Daylight Redirecting Fenestration at Variable Directional ResolutionGrobe, Lars Oliver 
12-May-2023Database Covering the Prayer Movements Which Were Not Available PreviouslyMihçin, Şenay ; Şahin, Ahmet Mert; Yılmaz, Mehmet; Alpkaya, Alican Tuncay ; Tuna, Merve; Akdeniz, Sevinç; Can, Nuray Korkmaz; Tosun, Aliye; Şahin, Serap 
14-May-2023Database Covering the Previously Excluded Daily Life ActivitiesMihçin, Şenay ; Şahin, Ahmet Mert; Yılmaz, Mehmet; Alpkaya, Alican Tuncay ; Tuna, Merve; Can, Nuray Korkmaz; Şahin, Serap ; Akdeniz, Sevinç; Tosun, Aliye
2016Database Normalization Is Crucial for Reliable Protein Identification in Mass Spectrometry-Based ProteomicsHas, Canan; Mungan, Mehmet Direnç; Çiftçi, Cansu; Allmer, Jens 
Apr-2023Dataset of Virtual and Real-Life Visual Experiences Inside a Museum: Survey on Visual Perception With Objective and Subjective MeasuresSalvadori, Giacomo; Tambellini, Giuseppe; Çevik, Aslıhan; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Leccese, Francesco
2023Daylight Performance and Lighting Energy Savings of Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells in an Architecture StudioTaşer, Aybüke; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe 
May-2014Dayside Episodic Ion Outflow From Martian Magnetic Cusps And/Or Magnetosheath Boundary Motion Associated With Plasma OscillationsDuru, Firdevs; Gurnett, D. A.; Morgan, D. D.; Lundin, R.; Duru, İsmail Hakkı ; Winningham, J. D.; Frahm, R. A.
2022(de)humanized Androids as Monsters in Garland’s Ex MachinaDalyan, Mustafa Fatih; Gökçen, Nilsen
Jun-2023De-Sealing Reverses Habitat Decay More Than Increasing Groundcover VegetationCouch, Virginia ; Salata, Stefano ; Saygın, Nicel ; Frary, Anne ; Arslan, Bertan
2003The Debate on the Transition To Flexible Production: a Case Study on Manufacturing Industry in Turkey and Its ProvincesÖzbolat, Nida Kamil
2021Decellularised Extracellular Matrix Decorated Pcl Polyhipe Scaffolds for Enhanced Cellular Activity, Integration and AngiogenesisDikici, Serkan ; Aldemir Dikici, Betül ; MacNeil, Sheila; Claeyssens, Frederik
2021Deception Through Cloning Against Web Site AttacksArslan,M.; Carikci,B.; Erten,Y.M.
2011Deciphering 5-Fluorouracil Mediated Molecular Mechanisms Required for Cell DeathCan, Geylani
Jul-2015Deciphering Functions of Aberrant Hemichannels Formed by Connexin 26- I30n and D50y MutationsAypek, Hande
2023Decision Making on Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy for Patients With T3n0m0 Luminal Breast CancerKing, Caleb; Vargo, John; Bhargava, Rohit; Diego, Emilia J.; Cowher, Michael; Johnson, Ronald; Sezgin, Efe 
2013Decision Making on Turbine Types and Capacities for Run-Of Hydroelectric Power Plants a Case Study on Eglence-1 HeppTemiz, Aktan
2013A Decision Support System for Assessment of Land-Use Changes, the Case of IzmirYazdani, Hamidreza; Saygın, Ömür 
2023Decoding and Predicting the Attributes of Urban Public Spaces With Soft Computing Models and Space Syntax ApproachesYönder, Veli Mustafa ; Doğan, Fehmi ; Çavka, Hasan Burak ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Dülgeroğlu, Özüm
2023Decoding and Predicting the Attributes of Urban Public Spaces With Soft Computing Models and Space Syntax ApproachesYonder, Veli Mustafa ; Dogan, Fehmi ; Cavka, Hasan Burak ; Tayfur, Gokmen ; Dulgeroglu, Ozum
Nov-2016Decomposing Transverse Momentum Balance Contributions for Quenched Jets in Pbpb Collisions at ?snn=2.76 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
2020Decontamination of Seeds Destined for Edible Sprout Production From Listeria by Using Chitosan Coating With Synergetic Lysozyme-Nisin MixtureSözbilen, Gözde Seval; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Feb-2015Decreased Expression of Efs Is Correlated With the Advanced Prostate CancerSertkaya, Selda; Hamid, Syed Muhammad; Dilsiz, Nihat; Varışlı, Lokman
Oct-2021Dedekind Harmonic NumbersAltuntaş, Çağatay; Göral, Haydar 
Jul-2019A Dedicated Server Design for Physical Web ApplicationsAbdennebi, Anes
2019Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Viability Analysis Directly From Cell Holograms Captured Using Lensless Holographic MicroscopyDelikoyun, Kerem ; Çine, Ersin; Anıl İnevi, Müge ; Özçivici, Engin ; Özuysal, Mustafa ; Tekin, Hüseyin Cumhur 
2021Deep Learning Based Adaptive Bit Allocation for Heterogeneous Interference ChannelsAycan, Esra ; Özbek, Berna ; Le Ruyet, Didier
Jul-2023Deep Learning Based Real-Time Sequential Facial Expression Analysisusing Geometric FeaturesKöksal, Talha Enes
2020Deep Learning Based Segmentation Pipeline for Label-Free Phase-Contrast Microscopy ImagesAyanzadeh, Aydın; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden ; Okvur, Devrim Pesen ; Önal, Sevgi; Töreyin, Behçet Uğur; Ünay, Devrim
Jul-2020Deep Learning in Fingerprint Analysisİrtem, Pelin
2018Deep Sequencing Reveals Two Jurkat Subpopulations With Distinct Mirna Profiles During Camptothecin-Induced ApoptosisErdoğan, İpek ; Coşacak, Mehmet İlyas; Nalbant, Ayten ; Akgül, Bünyamin 
Oct-2018Defect Induced Anderson Localization and Magnetization in Graphene Quantum DotsAltıntaş, Abdulmenaf; Güçlü, Alev Devrim 
Oct-2015Defect Reduction Study of Molecular Beam Epitaxially Grown Cdte Thin Flims by Ex-Situ AnnealingBakali, Emine
2019Defect Tolerant and Dimension Dependent Ferromagnetism in Mnse2Eren, İsmail ; İyikanat, Fadıl; Şahin, Hasan 
2023Defect-Engineering Agsbte2 With High Thermoelectric PerformanceZhang, Yu; Li, Zhi; Singh, Saurabh; Nozariasbmarz, Amin; Li, Wenjie; Genç, Aziz ; Xia, Yi
2006Defining a Sample Template for Governmental Procurements of Cryptographic ProductsTaş, Levent
2023Defining the Impacts of Historical Development Activities on Urban Heritage of Iskenderun (alexandretta)Nalça Kıssaboylu, Canan; Kul, Fatma Nurşen ; Rifaioğlu, Mert Nezih
Dec-2017The Deformation Behavior of a Multi-Layered Aluminum Corrugated Structure at Increasing Impact VelocitiesSarıkaya, Mustafa Kemal
Dec-2021The Deformation Rate Sensitivities of Additively and Conventionally Fabricated 316l AlloysEnser, Samed 
Jul-2005Degenerate Four-Virtual Resonance for the Kp-IiPashaev, Oktay ; Francisco, Meltem L. Y.
2021Degradation Behaviour of Ti-12nb Alloy Coated With Zno/Tin Double LayerÇaha, İhsan; Alves, A. C.; Affonco, L. J.; da Silva, J. H. D.; Rodrigues, I. R.; Grandini, C. R.; Rocha, L. A.; Pinto, Ana Maria Pires; Lisboa Filho, P. N.; Toptan, Fatih 
Mar-2002Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanins From Sour Cherry, Pomegranate, and Strawberry Juices by Hydrogen PeroxideÖzkan, Mehmet; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Asefi, N.; Cemeroglu, Bekir
Oct-2005Degradation of Various Fruit Juice Anthocyanins by Hydrogen PeroxideÖzkan, Mehmet; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Cemeroglu, Bekir
2024Degraded Arid Soil Reclamation for Cotton Cultivation Using Organic Waste AmendmentsKogbara,R.; Hamdi,H.; Al-Sharshani,A.; Abdalla,O.; Onwusogh,U.; Solim,S.
2020Değişken Kuvvetli Emg Sinyallerinin Çok Değişkenli Görgül Kip Ayrışımı ile Analizi ve SınıflandırılmasıOnay, Fatih; Mert, Ahmet
2010Değişken sönümleme katsayılı amortisörlerin deprem simülasyonu ile üç katlı bir yapıya olan etkisinin değerlendirilmesiTuran, Gürsoy ; Aydın, Ersin
Nov-2012Dehydration, Water Vapor Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Zn[b3o3(oh)5] · H2o and Zn[b3o4(oh)3]Alp, Burcu ; Gönen, Mehmet; Atakul Savrık, Sevdiye; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
Jul-2019Deindustrialisation and Neoliberal Urbanisation: the Rear Port of Izmir, AlsancakEsen, Gizem
2022Delay Minimization for Massive Mimo Based Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing System With Secure OffloadingMümtaz, Rao; Yılmaz, Simay ; Özbek, Berna 
2009Delays in Issuing of Building Permit and Occupancy Permit: an Analysis of Causes and DurationsDemirciefe, Aysu
2016Deletion of Sialidase Neu3 Causes Progressive Neurodegeneration in Tay-Sachs MiceSeyrantepe, Volkan 
2024Delignification of Corncob by Choline Chloride-Urea Deep Eutectic Solvent for Enzymatic Production of XylooligosaccharidesYanak,S.; Buyukkileci,A.O.
2017Delineating the Impact of Machine Learning Elements in Pre-Microrna DetectionSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2023Dementia Detection With Deep Networks Using Multi-Modal Image DataYiğit, Altuğ; Işık, Zerrin; Baştanlar, Yalın 
2022Dementia diagnosis by ensemble deep neural networks using FDG-PET scansYiğit, Altuğ; Baştanlar, Yalın ; Işık, Zerrin
2024Demir Sıpa: Zanaat ve Tasarım Arasında Türk El Sanatlarını Tanıtma DerneğiEmgin, Bahar 
Mar-2014Demonstration of Pulse Controlled All-Optical Switch/ModulatorAkın, Osman; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih 
2017Deneysel Mod Ayrıştırması Uygulanmış Yazma Hareket Bilgisi Kullanılarak El Yazısı Karakter TanımaTunçer, Esra; Olcay, Bilal Orkan ; Ünlü, Mehmet Zübeyir 
2024Deniz Araçlarında Kullanılan Jiroskopik Sönümleyiciler için Kontrolcü TasarımıBozelli, Muhammed Rıza
2014Deniz pancarı bitkisinde mangan toleransında rol oynayan genlerin tanımlanmasıKarakaya, Hüseyin Çağlar 
2024Denizel Kaynaklı Aktinobakterilerin Sekonder Metabolitleri ve Bunların BiyoaktiviteleriCan, Özge 
May-2017Densification and Characterization of Rapid Carbothermal Synthesized Boron CarbideToksoy, Muhammet Fatih ; Rafaniello, William; Xie, Kelvin Yu; Ma, Luoning; Hemker, Kevin Jude; Haber, Richard Alan
2005The Densification and Sintering Behaviour of Molten Salt Synthesized Ha Whisker/Ha CompositesBozkurt, Suat Bahar
Nov-2019Density Grid Based Stream Clustering AlgorithmAhmed, Rowanda Daoud
2019Density-Aware Cellular Coverage Control: Interference-Based Density EstimationEroğlu, Alperen; Yaman, Okan; Onur, Ertan
2019Density-Based Separation of Microparticles Using Magnetic Levitation Technology Integrated on Lensless Holographic Microscopy PlatformDelikoyun, Kerem ; Yaman, Sena ; Tekin, Hüseyin Cumhur 
2020Dependence of Inclusive Jet Production on the Anti-K(t) Distance Parameter in Pp Collisions at Root S=13 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
2007Dependence of Josephson Junction Critical Current on the Deposition Rate of Yba2cu3o7-? Thin FilmsAlgül, B. P.; Avcı, İlbeyi; Akram, R.; Bozbey, Ali; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
2011Dependence on Pseudorapidity and on Centrality of Charged Hadron Production in Pbpb Collisions at Root S(nn)=2.76 TevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
Dec-2018Deposition of Cu-Btc on Pulp and Textile Fibers for Sensor ApplicationGüner, Cemal
2007Deprem simülatörü (masaüstü)Turan, Gürsoy ; Kınay, Gökçe
2024Depression in Older Adults and Its Associations With Sleep and Synaptic DensityDidikoglu, Altug ; Guler, Esin Simge; Turk, Halil Kaan; Can, Kubilay; Erim, Aleyna Nur; Payton, Antony; Maharani, Asri
Jul-2023Depth Based Calibration of Multiple Rgbd Cameras for Full 3d ReconstructionTunçer Çalı, Esra
2022Depth Camera Calibration Using 4 Spheres on Tetrahedron CornersTunçer, Esra; Gümüştekin, Şevket 
2018Derin Öğrenme ile Zemin Dokusu SınıflandırmaÖzuysal, Mustafa 
Jul-2019Derivation of Century-Based Wave Climate and Extreme Wave Analysis Along Turkish CoastsTurgut, Ahmet Rıza
2014Derivation of Input/Output Relationships for the Bennett 6r Linkages Based on the Method of DecompositionAlizade, Rasim ; Kiper, Gökhan ; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can ; Uzunoğlu, Emre 
2003Derivative and Integration on Time Scale With MathematicaYantır, Ahmet
Jan-2022Desalination and Detoxification of Textile Wastewater by Novel Photocatalytic Electrolysis Membrane Reactor for Ecosafe Hydroponic FarmingAydın, Muhammed Iberia; Özaktaç, Damla; Yüzer, Burak; Doğu, Mustafa; İnan, Hatice; Ökten, Hatice Eser ; Coşkun, Serdar; Selçuk, Hüseyin
2021Desalination: From Ancient To Present and FutureAngelakis, Andreas N.; Valipour, Mohammad; Choo, Kwang-Ho; Ahmed, Abdelkader T.; Baba, Alper ; Kumar, Rohitashw; Toor, Gurpal S.
30-Jul-2015Describing the Karst Evolution by the Exploitation of Hydrologic Time-Series DataKatsanou, K.; Lambrakis, Nicolaos J.; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Baba, Alper