Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Aug-2005 | Artificial Neural Network (ann) Prediction of Compressive Strength of Vartm Processed Polymer Composites | Seyhan, Abdullah Tuğrul; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Karakurt, Murat; Tanoğlu, Metin |
Oct-2010 | Artificial Neural Network Prediction of Tropospheric Ozone Concentrations in Istanbul, Turkey | İnal, Fikret |
Nov-2006 | Artificial Neural Network Predictions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation in Premixed N-Heptane Flames | İnal, Fikret |
2004 | Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications in Modeling the Compressive Strength of Portland Cement | Can, Sever |
Aug-2005 | Artificial Neural Networks Applications in Building Energy Predictions and a Case Study for Tropical Climates | Yalçıntaş, Melek; Akkurt, Sedat |
2006 | Artificial Neural Networks for Estimating Daily Total Suspended Sediment in Natural Streams | Tayfur, Gökmen ; Güldal, Veysel |
Dec-2002 | Artificial Neural Networks for Sheet Sediment Transport | Tayfur, Gökmen |
2002 | Artificial Neural Networks Model for Air Quality in the Region of Izmir | Birgili, Savaş |
Aug-2009 | Artificial Neural Networks To Predict Daylight Illuminance in Office Buildings | Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Günaydın, Hüsnü Murat ; Binol, Selcen |
2013 | Artificial Neutral Networks To Predict Design Properties for Cemented Embankment Layers of High Speed Train Rail Ways | Egeli, İsfendiyar ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Yılmaz, E. ; Uşun, Handan |
2020 | Artisans Meet Design: the Reception of the Turkish Handicraft Development Office in Turkey | Emgin, Bahar |
2021 | Artist Recommendation Based on Association Rule Mining and Community Detection | Ciftci,O.; Tenekeci,S.; Ulgenturk,C. |
2021 | Artist Recommendation Based on Association Rule Mining and Community Detection | Çiftçi, Okan; Tenekeci, Samet ; Ülgentürk, Ceren |
2017 | Artırılmış Gerçeklik için Brıef Betimleyicileri ve Yerelliğe Duyarlı Karma Yöntemi ile Nesne Arama | Özuysal, Mustafa |
Jul-2022 | As a Case Study of the Impact of Food-Based Festivals in Rural Development Urla Artichoke Festival | Aslan, Onur Bora |
2023 | Ascorbic Acid Enhances the Metabolic Activity, Growth and Collagen Production of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Growing in Three-Dimensional (3d) Culture | Dikici, Serkan |
2006 | Asimetrik Alfa-kararlı Kaynakların Enküçük Saçılım Kriteri Kullalınarak Ayrıştırılması | Altınkaya, Mustafa Aziz |
2022 | Asking the Right Questions To Solve Algebraic Word Problems | Çelik, Ege Yiğit; Orulluoğlu, Zeynel; Mertoğlu, Rıdvan; Tekir, Selma |
Oct-2022 | Aso Visual Abstract: Intervention for Hepatic and Pulmonary Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients-Prospective, Multi-Institutional Registry Study: Imet; Protocol Mf 14-02 | Soran, Atilla; Özbaş, Serdar; Özçınar, Beyza; Işık, Arda; Doğan, L.; Şenol, Kazım; Dağ, Ahmet; Karanlık, Hasan; Aytaç, Özgür; Karadeniz Çakmak, Güldeniz; Dalcı, Kubilay; Doğan, Mutlu; Sezer, Atakan Y.; Gökgöz, Şehsuvar; Özyar, Enis; Sezgin, Efe |
2011 | Aspartic Proteinases From Mucor Spp. in Cheese Manufacturing | Yeğin, Sırma; Fernandez-Lahore, Marcelo; Jose Gama Salgado, Antonio; Güvenç, Ulgar; Göksungur, Yekta; Tarı, Canan |
2012 | An Aspect-Lexicon Creation and Evaluation Tool for Sentiment Analysis Researchers | Husaini, Mus'ab; Koçyiğit, Ahmet; Tapucu, Dilek ; Yanıkoğlu, Berrin; Saygın, Yücel |
Dec-2002 | Aspects of the Tunneling Dip Feature in Bi2sr2cacu2o8+? and Its Relation To the Resonance Spin Excitation | Zasadzinski, John F.; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Gray, Kenneth E.; Hinks, David G.; Kendziora, Christopher A. |
2011 | Aspergillus sojae tarafından poligalakturonaz (PG) enzimin üretimi ve pürifikasyonu: Morfoloji ve sıvı reolojisinin toplam sistem verimliliği üzerine olan etkilerinin endüstriyel uygulamalara yakın ölçeklerde deneysel ve teorik yaklaşımla incelenmesi | Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
2017 | Aspergillus Sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım | Şen, İlknur ; Mata-Gomez, Marco A.; Palomares, Marco Rito; Tarı, Canan ; Dinç, Melike |
2009 | Assesment of Chronological Life Span Dependent Molecular Damages of S.cerevisiae Deficient in Mitochondrial Antioxidant Genes | Demir, Ayşe Banu |
Oct-2019 | Assesment of Genes That Play Role in Phenolic Compound Degradation in Olive Orchard Microbiome | Acar, Ertuğrul |
Jun-2019 | Assesment of the Efficiency of Uv Light Emitting Diodes (uv-Leds) for Fruit Juice Pasteurization | Akgün, Merve |
2022 | Assessing Community Awareness for Participatory Conservation of Cultural Heritage: the Case of Tepebağ Tumulus and Its Surroundings in Adana Turkey | Umar, Nur; Yüceer, Hülya ; Aydın, Rozelin |
1-May-2015 | Assessing Coordination Performance Based on Centrality in an E-Mail Communication Network | Doğan, Sevgi Zeynep ; Arditi, David; Günhan, Suat; Erbaşaranoğlu, Bengi |
Nov-2022 | Assessing Edible Composite Film Polymer From Potato Industry Effluent Under High Hydrostatic Pressure and Its Antimicrobial Properties | Akdemir Evrendilek, Gülsün; Bulut, Nurullah; Uzuner, Sibel |
2020 | Assessing Museums' Daylighting Adequacy Without Annual Measurement Campaign: Dataset of a Confrontation Between Measured and Simulated Illuminance Values Inside the Cetacean Gallery of the Charterhouse of Calci | Leccese, Francesco; Salvadori, Giacomo; Tambellini, Giuseppe; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2014 | Assessing Subjective Quality of Urban Life at Neighborhood Scale | Velibeyoğlu, Hasibe |
2018 | Assessing the Impact of Non-Thermal and Thermal Treatment on the Shelf-Life of Onion Juice | Demir, Hande; Yıldız, Mustafa Kemal; Becerikli, İsmail; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Kaya, Zehra |
Jul-2015 | Assessing the Service Quality of Intelligent Building Control Systems: an Importance-Performance Analysis | Kahraman, Nil |
2024 | Assessing the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Meteorological Drought in Afghanistan | Tayfur, Gokmen ; Hayat, Ehsanullah; Safari, Mir Jafar Sadegh |
Jul-2019 | Assessing the Walkability Principles: the Case Study of Mehmetçik Boulevard | Bağcı, Seda |
2005 | Assessmanet of Exposure and Risk Associated With Trihalomethanes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water | Kavcar, Pınar |
Jul-2018 | Assessment and Certification of Safety Critical Software | Uzun Yenigün, Bengisu |
Feb-2017 | Assessment and Improvement of Indoor Environmental Quality in a Primary School | Ekren, Orhan; Karadeniz, Ziya Haktan ; Atmaca, İbrahim; Ugranlı Çiçek, Tuğba; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Toksoy, Macit |
2015 | Assessment and Transport of Sediment-Bound Estuarine Contaminants | Work, P. A.; Haas, K. A.; Warren, D. A.; Elçi, Şebnem |
Nov-2014 | Assessment Model for Communication Maturity Levels of Construction Companies | Bavunoğlu, Zeynep |
Jul-2013 | The Assessment of a New Relationship Between From and Structure in Digital Architectural Design Affter 1990's | Demir, Yelin |
2015 | Assessment of Black Fig Varieties as Dried | Konak, Ramazan; Koşoğlu, İlknur; Tan, Nilgün; Kocataş, Hilmi; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
2016 | Assessment of Cd-Induced Genotoxic Damage in Urtica Pilulifera L. Using Rapd-Pcr Analysis | Doğan, İlhan ; Özyiğit, İbrahim İlker; Tombuloğlu, Güzin; Sakçalı, Mehmet Serdal; Tombuloğlu, Hüseyin |
2020 | Assessment of Cell Cycle and Viability of Magnetic Levitation Assembled Cellular Structures | Anıl İnevi, Müge ; Ünal, Yağmur Ceren ; Yaman, Sena ; Tekin, H. Cumhur ; Meşe, Gülistan ; Meşe, Gülistan |
Nov-2013 | Assessment of Cholesterol-Derived Ionic Copolymers as Potential Vectors for Gene Delivery | Sevimli, Sema; Sagnella, Sharon; Kavallaris, Maria; Bulmuş, Volga ; Davis, Thomas P. |
Sep-2010 | Assessment of Chronological Lifespan Dependent Molecular Damages in Yeast Lacking Mitochondrial Antioxidant Genes | Demir, Ayşe Banu; Koç, Ahmet |
Dec-2022 | Assessment of Conservation Interventions at Bouleuteria in Anatolia | Tekin, Tuğçe |
Dec-2018 | Assessment of Conservation Problems of Historic Damlacık District, Konak, Izmir | Gökçınar Balkan, Pınar |
Nov-2015 | Assessment of Construction Techniques and Material Usage in Izmir Rural Houses | Tunçoku, Selim Sarp ; İnceköse, Ülkü ; Akış, Tonguç ; Yalçın, Mehmet Ali |
2021 | Assessment of Different Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Simultaneous Removal of Arsenic and Boron From Spent Geothermal Water | Jarma, Yakubu A.; Karaoğlu, Aslı; Tekin, Özge; Baba, Alper ; Ökten, H.Eser; Tomaszewska, Barbara; Kabay, Nalan |
Mar-2014 | Assessment of Elliptic Flame Front Propagation Characteristics of Iso-Octane, Gasoline, M85 and E85 in an Optical Engine | Ihracska, Balazs; Korakianitis, Theodosios P.; Ruiz, Paula; Emberson, David Robert; Crookes, Roy James; Diez, Alvaro; Wen, Dongsheng |
Apr-2023 | Assessment of Future Water Demand in a Semiarid Region of Turkey: a Case Study of Tahtali–seferihisar Basin | Karahan, S. M. ; Elçi, Şebnem |
2021 | Assessment of Geothermal Energy Use With Thermoelectric Generator for Hydrogen Production | Hadjiat, M. M.; Mraoui, A.; Ouali, S.; Hancıoğlu Kuzgunkaya, Ebru ; Salhi, K.; Ouali, A. Ait; Benaouda, N. |
2022 | Assessment of Green Areas Criteria Regarding Women-Friendly City Concept: Case Study of Çiğli | Efe Güney, Mercan; Ay, Filiz; Tuncay, Beste; Tanrıverdi, Sıdal; Şanlı, Nurseli; Akbudak, Hacer |
2024 | Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination and Removal Using <i>ceratophyllum Demersum</I> L.: a Case Study | Karaoglu, Aybike Gul; Kobya, Mehmet; Goren, Aysegul Yagmur ; Mese, Esra; Tepe, Melike |
2022 | Assessment of Human-Robot Interaction Between Householders and Robotic Vacuum Cleaners | Yapıcı, Nur Beril; Tuğlular, Tuğkan ; Başoğlu, Ahmet Nuri |
2011 | Assessment of Impact of Reservoir's Contaminated Bottom Sediments on Surfacewater Quality by Sediment-Water Interaction Model | Şimşek, Sinem Elif |
Jan-2011 | An Assessment of Indoor Air Concentrations and Health Risks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Three Primary Schools | Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Aslan, Güler; İnal, Fikret ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun |
Oct-2019 | Assessment of Inside Ears (cic) Hearing Aids Device, Major Issues and Solutions | Kraiem, Mejdi |
Jun-2019 | Assessment of Izmir Halkapınar Water Pump Station for Its Conservation as Industrial Heritage | Şener, İdil Ece |
Jul-2023 | Assessment of Land Use Change Impacts on Hydrological Parameters in Porsuk River Basin - Turkey | Zulal, Khalilullah |
2006 | Assessment of Lighting Performance of Pvc and Pmma Materials in Office Spaces in Terms of Visual Comfort | Öztürk, Müge |
Jul-2019 | Assessment of Liposomal Formulations and Biological Activities of Eggplant Glycoalkaloids | Tatlıdil, Engin |
Feb-2007 | Assessment of Material Use in Relation To Climate in Historical Buildings | İpekoğlu, Başak ; Böke, Hasan ; Çizer, Özlem |
2023 | Assessment of Melt Cleanliness of Secondary 5000 Aluminum Alloy Via Non-Metallic Inclusions Characterization | Li, Cong; Dang, Thien; Huang, Jinxian; Huang, Chunfa; Li, Jianguo; Friedrich, Bernd; Gökelma, Mertol |
2023 | Assessment of Mutual Variation of Near-Surface Air Temperature, Land Surface Temperature and Driving Urban Parameters at Urban Microscale | Gerçek,D.; Güven,İ.T. |
2019 | Assessment of Sediment Capture Performances of Coanda and Tyrolean Intakes by Experiments | Elçi,S.; Hazar,O. |
2023 | Assessment of Separation and Agglomerationt Tendency of Non-Metallic Inclusions in an Electromagnetically Stirred Aluminum Melt | Li, Cong; Dang, Thien; Gökelma, Mertol ; Zimmermann, Sebastian; Mitterecker, Jonas; Friedrich, Bernd |
2024 | Assessment of Soil Erosion and Sediment Delivery Ratio in the Arghandab Catchment, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan by Using Gis-Based Rusle Method | Ansari, Ahmad; Tayfur, Gokmen ; Mohammadi, Shahin |
2023 | Assessment of Spatial Pattern and Influencing Factors of Water Consumption: the Case of İzmir (türkiye) | Maral, Şevval |
2013 | An Assessment of Spatial Relationship Between Lung Cancer Incidence Rate and Quality of Urban Life: Izmir Case | Özkan, Sevim Pelin |
2024 | Assessment of Spatial Temporal Variability of Urban Heat Island Effect: a Case Study in the Central Districts of İzmir | Ay, Filiz |
Dec-2020 | Assessment of the 2018 Turkish Seismic Regulations Unreinforced Masonry Construction Specifications Through a Case Study Structure | Turan, Egecan |
2022 | The Assessment of the Criteria of Social Infrastructure Within the Scope of Women-Friendly City Planning Approach: The Example of Çiğli | Güney, Mercan Efe; Tuncay, Beste; Tanrıverdi, Sıdal; Şanlı, Nurseli; Akbudak, Hacer; Ay, Filiz |
11-Dec-2018 | Assessment of the Interventions Regarding Some Historical Mosques in Manisa Within the Frame of Conservation Values | Koşun, Suna |
Mar-2007 | Assessment of the Molecular Weight Distribution of Tannin Fractions Through Maldi-Tof Ms Analysis of Protein-Tannin Complexes | Mané, C.; Sommerer, N.; Yalçın, Talat ; Cheynier, V.; Cole, R. B.; Fulcrand, H. |
2024 | Assessment of the Validity and Reliability of Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale in Turkish Men | Alkan, C.; Didikoǧlu, A.; Çöme, O.; Yllmaz, B.; Mevsim, V. |
2018 | Assessment of Thermal Comfort Preferences in Mediterranean Climate a University Office Building Case | Turhan, Cihan; Gökçen Akkurt, Gülden |
2012 | Assessment of Tnf-Alpha and Leptin Gene Expression by Rt-Pcr in Blood of Cows With Left Abomasal Displacement | Devrim, A. K.; Sözmen, M.; Yiğitarslan, K.; Sudağıdan, Mert; Kankavi, O.; Atabay, Halil İbrahim |
2023 | Assessment of Undergraduate Health Students' Perception and Satisfaction on Training and Participation in Community Health Outreach | Adegbore, Abidemi Kafayat; Adedokun, Amudatu Ambali; Adegoke, Juliet Ifeoluwa; Lawal, Maruf Ayobami; Oke, Muse |
2017 | Assessment of Water Quality Related To Lead/Zinc Mines in Umurbey Dam Basin, Northwestern Turkey | Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Baba, Alper |
Jul-2019 | Assessment of Wood Laminated Material for Housing Production | Balkan, Selçuk |
May-2022 | Association Analysis of Germination Level Cold Stress Tolerance and Candidate Gene Identification in Upland Cotton (gossypium Hirsutum L.) | Akköse Baytar, Asena ; Peynircioğlu, Ceng; Sezener, Volkan; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami |
2024 | Association Mapping and Candidate Gene Identification for Yield Traits in European Hazelnut (<i>corylus Avellana</I> L.) | Baytar, Asena Akkoese; Yanar, Ertugrul Gazi; Frary, Anne ; Doganlar, Sami |
Jun-2020 | Association Mapping for Oil and Protein Content in Hazelnut (corylus Avellana L.) | Söylemez, Fatmanur |
2019 | Association Mapping of Agro-Morphological Traits in European Hazelnut (corylus Avellana) | Frary, Amy; Öztürk, Süleyman Can; Balık, Hüseyin İrfan; Balık, Selda Kayalak; Kızılcı, Gökhan; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne |
2023 | Association Mapping of Plant Structure and Yield Traits in Faba Bean (<i>vicia Faba</I> L.) | Abuzayed, Mazen A.; Baytar, Asena A.; Yanar, Ertugrul G.; Doganlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne |
2023 | Associations Between Light Exposure and Sleep Timing and Sleepiness While Awake in a Sample of Uk Adults in Everyday Life | Didikoglu, Altug ; Mohammadian, Navid; Johnson, Sheena; van Tongeren, Martie; Wright, Paul; Casson, Alexander J.; Lucas, Robert J.; Didikoğlu, Altuğ |
2017 | Associations Between Thermal and Physiological Responses of Human Body During Exercise | Başaran, Tahsin ; Zora, Süleyman; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer |
2014 | Assuring Dependability of Software Reuse: an Industrial Standard | Belli, Fevzi |
2023 | Astragalus Saponins, Astragaloside Vii and Newly Synthesized Derivatives, Induce Dendritic Cell Maturation and T Cell Activation | Yakuboğulları, Nilgün ; Çağır, Ali ; Bedir, Erdal ; Sağ, Duygu |
2023 | Astragalus sp. | Yakuboğulları, Nilgün ; Bedir, Erdal |
2019 | Astragalus Trojanus Stev. Batch Cultures: Cycloartane-Type Metabolite Accumulation in Response To Ph, Sucrose and Casein Hydrolysate | Nartop, Pınar; Gürel, Aynur; Akgün, İsmail Hakkı; Bedir, Erdal |
2002 | Asymmetric Membrane Tablet Coatings for Controlled-Release of Drugs | Yenal, Hacer |
2008 | Asymmetric Synthesis and Anti-Tumor Properties of Conformationally Constrained Analogues of (s)-And (r)-Goniothalamin | Kasaplar, Pınar |
Sep-2014 | Asymmetric Synthesis of 5,6-Dihydro Derivatives | Akçok, İsmail |
2021 | Asymmetric Y-Shaped Micromixers With Spherical Mixing Chamber for Enhanced Mixing Efficiency and Reduced Flow Impedance | Çetkin, Erdal ; Miguel, A. F. |
2020 | Asymmetries Across Regional Housing Markets in Turkey | Duran, Hasan Engin ; Özdoğan, Hilal |
2019 | Asymmetries in Regional Development: Does Tfp or Capital Accumulation Matter for Spatial Inequalities? | Duran, Hasan Engin |