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Showing results 10432 to 10531 of 11493 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2022Surroundings of Metro Stations as Public Spaces: User Perceptions in the Cases in İzmirAksoy, Serenay
Mar-2011A Survey of Agent Technologies for Wireless Sensor NetworksDagdeviren, Orhan ; Korkmaz, İlker; Tekbacak, Fatih; Erciyeş, Kayhan 
2022A Survey of Damage Observed in Izmir Due To 2020 Samos-Izmir EarthquakeDemirci, H.E.; Karaman, M.; Bhattacharya, S.
2021A Survey of Damage Observed in Izmir Due To 2020 Samos-Izmir EarthquakeDemirci, Hasan Emre; Karaman, Mustafa ; Bhattacharya, Subhamoy
2017A Survey of Robotic Agent ArchitecturesKumova, Bora İsmail ; Heye, Samuel Bacha
2022A Survey on Cosmic Students Estimation ChallengeHacaloğlu, Tuna; Say, Bilge; Ünlü, Hüseyin; Küçükateş Ömüral, Neslihan; Demirörs, Onur 
Nov-2018A Survey on Modeling and Model-Driven Engineering Practices in the Embedded Software IndustryAkdur, Deniz; Garousi, Vahid; Demirörs, Onur 
May-2019A Survey on Multithreading Alternatives for Soft Error Fault ToleranceÖz, Işıl ; Arslan, Sanem
2022A Survey on Organizational Choices for Microservice-Based Software ArchitecturesÜnlü, Hüseyin; Bilgin, Burak; Demirörs, Onur 
1999A Survey on Personal Computer Applications in Industrial Design ProcessAysan, A. Can
2013A Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Defense MechanismsTekbacak, Fatih; Dalkılıç, Mehmet Emin; Korkmaz, İlker; Dağdeviren, Orhan 
Dec-2022A Survey on Spatial Effects of Newcomer Entrepreneurs in Rural UrlaGüçü, İlker
2009A Survey on Uninhabited Underwater Vehicles (uuv)Aytar, Erman Barış; Dede, Mehmet İsmet Can 
2018Survey: Running and Comparing Stream Clustering AlgorithmsAhmed, Rowanda D.; Dalkılıç, Gökhan; Erten, Murat 
May-2022Survival Impact of Intervention To Distant Metastatic Lesions in Patients With Breast CancerAbidi, Hira; Ayoade, Oluwaseun; McAuliffe, Priscilla; Johnson, Ronald; Lee, Joanna; Keenan, Donald; Steiman, Jennifer; Sezgin, Efe ; Soran, Atilla
2011Susam (Sesamum indicum L.)'da genomik ve metabolomik karakterizasyonDoğanlar, Sami ; Uzun, Bülent; Fırat, Şeymuz; Frary, Anne 
2012Suspended Sediment Concentration in Stratified Lakes Estimated by Acoustic MethodsElçi, Şebnem 
2002Sustainability and Environmental Issues in Industrial Product DesignDeniz, Deniz
2009Sustainability Measurement in Urban Planning Practice: Evaluating the Environment Plans of the Cities in Aegean RegionAtay, İlgi
May-2019The Sustainability of an Urban Ritual in the Collective Memory: Bergama Kermesiİnceköse, Ülkü 
2011Sustainability of Groundwater and Its Effects on EcosystemsBaba, Alper ; Gündüz, Orhan 
2023Sustainability of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: From Prehistoric Times To the Present Times and the FutureAngelakis, Andreas N.; Capodaglio, Andrea G.; Passchier, Cees W.; Valipour, Mohammad; Krasilnikoff, Jens; Tzanakakis, Vasileios A.; Suermelihindi, Guel; Baba, Alper 
2022A sustainable association case study: IFToMM member organization TurkeyKiper, Gökhan ; Söylemez, Eres
2015Sustainable Bio-Nano Composite Coatings for the Protection of Marble SurfacesOcak, Y.; Sofuoglu, A. ; Tihminlioglu, F. ; Böke, H. 
2024A Sustainable Clean Energy Source for Mitigating Co<sub>2</Sub> Emissions: Numerical Simulation of Hamit Granitoid, Central Anatolian MassifAyzit, Tolga; Singh, Mrityunjay; Chandrasekharam, Dornadula ; Baba, Alper 
2019Sustainable Management of Rural-Ecological Commons: Recommendations on Edpsir Causal NetworksHazar, Dalya; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2011Sustainable Management of Water Resources on Campus: the Case of Izmir Institute of TechnologyUlusoy, Pelin
2021Sustainable Production of Aging-Resistant Bitumen: Waste Engine Oil ModificationGökalp, İslam; Uz, Volkan Emre 
2020Sustainable Recovery of Waste Vegetable Cooking Oil and Aged Bitumen: Optimized Modification for Short and Long Term Aging CasesUz, Volkan Emre ; Gökalp, İslam
Mar-2022Sustainable Use of Apple Pomace (ap) in Different Industrial SectorsGołębiewska, Ewelina; Kalinowska, Monika; Yıldız, Güray 
2023Sustaining Cultural Memory İn Rural Landscapes: Hara Village, Fındıklı, Ri̇zeCengi̇z, Seda
2003Sustinable Tourism Development in Small Island Developing States.turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (trnc) as a Case StudyKara, Can
Jan-2003Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reaction of Aryl Halides With Arylboronic Acids Catalysed by Pd(ii)-Nay ZeoliteBulut, Hatice; Artok, Levent ; Yılmaz, Selahattin 
2002Suzuki Reactions Over Palladium Loaded Y ZeoliteBulut Güllübağ, Hatice
2016Süperiletken metamalzeme temelli terahertz band-geçirgen filtreleriÖzyüzer, Lütfi ; Altan, Hakan; Sabah, Cumali
2008Süperiletkenlerdeki Josephson girdap akısının terahertz ışımasıÖzyüzer, Lütfi ; Okur, Salih ; Tarı, Süleyman ; Şimşek, Yılmaz; Ulucan, Savaş; Özdemir, Mehtap ; Köseoğlu, Hasan
2014Süperkritik Akışkan Ekstraksiyonu ile Bor Minerallerinden Borik Asit ÜretimiGönen, Mehmet; Akçil, Ata Utku; Pamukoğlu, Muhammet Yunus; Balköse, Devrim 
2012Süpernova patlamaları ve pulsar dönmeleri için yeni bir mekanizma önerilmesiDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Gençoğlu, Gülizar; Tosun, Onur
2023Sürdürülebilir Açık Altyapılar: OpenaıreGürdal, Gültekin 
27-Oct-2022Sürdürülebilir Açık Altyapılar: OpenaıreGürdal, Gültekin 
21-Jul-2022Sürdürülebilir Açık Bilim için Altyapılar ve Birlikte ÇalışabilirlikGürdal, Gültekin 
7-Nov-2022Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları’nı Gerçekleştirmek için Açık Kültür ve Açık Bilimin Rolü Nedir?Holt, İlkay; Bulut, Burcu; Gürdal, Gültekin 
2008Süt ürünlerimizden izole edilen mikroorganizmalardan laktaz enzimi üretimi, saflaştırılması ve immobilizasyonuHarsa, Hayriye Şebnem ; Türkel, Sezai; Hamamcı, Haluk; Gürakan, Candan; Göksungur, M. Yekta; Tarı, Canan ; Aydın, Aysun Cebeci
2008Swarm and Entropic Modeling for Landmine Detection RobotsBayram, Çağdaş; Sevil, Hakkı Erhan; Özdemir, Serhan 
2020Sweeping the Meydan: Home and Religious Ceremony Amongst the AlevisAndersen, Angela; Gündüz, Can 
2022A “sweet” Way To Increase the Metabolic Activity and Migratory Response of Cells Associated With Wound Healing: Deoxy-Sugar Incorporated Polymer Fibres as a Bioactive Wound PatchDikici, Serkan 
Aug-2007Switchless Bidirectional Amplifier for Wireless Communication SystemsAydınlık Bechteler, Ayşe Sevinç ; Bechteler, Thomas F.
2018Syllogistic Knowledge Bases With Description Logic ReasonersÇine, Ersin
2009Symbolic Computation and Construction of New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions To Fitzhugh-Nagumo and Klein-Gordon EquationsÖziş, Turgut; Aslan, İsmail 
Nov-2014Symbolic Computation of Exact Solutions for Fractional Differential-Difference Equation ModelsAslan, İsmail 
2007Symbolic Computation of Petri NetsIglesias, Andres; Kapçak, Sinan
2009Symbolic Computations and Exact and Explicit Solutions of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Mathematical PhysicsÖziş, Turgut; Aslan, İsmail 
Jan-2018Symbolic Creativity in Play Activity: a Critique on Playthings From Daily Life Objects To ToysTalu, Nilüfer 
2019Symmergent Gravity, Seesawic New Physics, and Their Experimental SignaturesDemir, Durmuş Ali 
2017Symmetric Properties of the Syllogistic System Inherited From the Square of OppositionKumova, Bora İsmail 
2022A Symmetrical Self-Diplexing Microstrip Antenna With Eight-Shaped DefectsKaratay, Anıl 
Jun-2007A Symmetry for the Vanishing Cosmological ConstantErdem, Recai 
Aug-2005A Symmetry for Vanishing Cosmological Constant in an Extra-Dimensional Toy ModelErdem, Recai 
Aug-2006A Symmetry for Vanishing Cosmological Constant: Another RealizationErdem, Recai 
Feb-2018Synchronisation of Alpha-Stable Levy Noisebased Random Communication SystemAhmed, Areeb ; Savacı, Ferit Acar 
Dec-2020Synergistic Antimicrobial Effects of Activated Lactoferrin and Rosemary Extract in Vitro and Potential Application in Meat StorageSoyer, Ferda ; Keman, Deniz ; Eroğlu, Erdal; Türe, Hasan
2015Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat Inhibitor on Different Multiple Myeloma Cell LinesKacı, Fatma Necmiye
2015Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat on Different Multiple Myeloma Cell LinesKacı, Necmiye; Kiraz, Yağmur ; Baran, Yusuf 
2020Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat on Multiple Myeloma CellsKaci, Fatma Necmiye; Kiraz, Yağmur ; Çekdemir, Demet; Baran, Yusuf 
Jun-2005Synergistic Effect of Metal Soaps and Natural Zeolite on Poly(vinyl Chloride) Thermal StabilityAtakul, Sevdiye; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
2004Synergistic Effect of Natural Zeolites on Flame Retardant AdditivesDemir, Hasan 
Sep-2005Synergistic Effect of Natural Zeolites on Flame Retardant AdditivesDemir, Hasan ; Arkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
2007Synergistic Effect of Polymer-Surfactant Mixtures on the Stability of Aqueous Silica SuspensionsŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin 
Nov-2022Synergistic Effect of Type and Concentration of Surfactant and Diluting Solvent on the Morphology of Emulsion Templated Matrices Developed as Tissue Engineering ScaffoldsClaeyssens, Frederik; Aldemir Dikici, Betül ; Dikici, Serkan 
2004Synergistic Effect of Zinc Stearate and Natural Zeolite on Pvc Thermal StabilityAtakul, Sevdiye
2016Synteny Among Solanaceae GenomesFrary, Amy; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
2009The Syntheses of Indanones and Indenones Via Rhodium Catalyzed Carbonylative Arylation of AlkynesÖzkılınç, Fatma Yelda
Jul-2015Syntheses of Novel 3,6-Dihydro and Klavuzon DerivativesKara, Murat
Jul-2015Syntheses of Novel 4'-alkyl Substituted Klavuzon DerivativesKanbur, Tuğçe 
2021Synthesis and Additive Manufacturing of Calcium Silicate Hydrate ScaffoldsOğur, Ezgi; Botti, Renata; Bortolotti, Mauro; Colombo, Paolo; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
Apr-2017Synthesis and Anticancer Activity Evaluation of New Isoindole AnaloguesKöse, Aytekin; Bal, Yıldız; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah ; Kara, Yunus
Apr-2023Synthesis and Antifungal and Antibacterial Bioactivities of Diborolanes Containing ArylaminesAygün, Muhittin; Sevinçek, Resul; Özgener, Hüseyin ; Bıyık, Hacı Halil; Metin, Kubilay; Şahin, Yüksel; Poyrazoğlu Çoban, Esra; Gürbüz, Burçin
2011Synthesis and Aromatase Inhibition Properties of New Boronic Acid Chalcone DerivativesTaç, Doğan
2020Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Chloro/Acetoxy Substituted Isoindole Analogues as New Tyrosine Kinase InhibitorsKöse, Aytekin; Kaya, Meltem; HorasanKishalı, Nurhan; Akdemir, Atilla; Şahin, Ertan; Kara, Yunus; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah 
1999Synthesis and Characterization of a New Mono-Molybdenated Metallo-Ligand [mo{hb(3,5-Me2c3hn2)3}(no)cl(oc 6h4pph2-P)]Topaloğlu, Işıl ; McCleverty, Jon A.
20-Apr-2016Synthesis and Characterization of Aicar and Dox Conjugated Multifunctional Nanoparticles as a Platform for Synergistic Inhibition of Cancer Cell GrowthDağlıoğlu, Cenk ; Okutucu, Burcu
Jul-2021Synthesis and Characterization of Aluminum Doped To Extend Cathode Life in Li-Ion BatteriesTekin, Onur
1997Synthesis and Characterization of Amido and Amido(monoalkylamido)nitrosyl-[tris(3,5 ComplexesTopaloğlu, Işıl ; McCleverty, Jon A.
Feb-2010Synthesis and Characterization of Bentonite/Iron Nanoparticles and Their Application as Adsorbent of Cobalt IonsShahwan, Talal ; Üzüm, Çağrı; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Lieberwirth, Ingo
Jul-2019Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Composite Nanoparticles for Wear and Friction ReductionGökmen, Esin
2012Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Phosphate Cement Based Macroporous ScaffoldsŞahin, Erdem
Mar-2017Synthesis and Characterization of Cationic Lipid Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Multiple Emulsions as MicroreactorsAkbaba, Hasan; Karagöz, Uğur; Selamet, Yusuf ; Kantarcı, A. Gülten
2008Synthesis and Characterization of Clay-Supported Naoparticles of Zero-Valent Iron and Its Application for the Removal of Aqueous Co2+ and Cu2+ IonsÜzüm, Çağrı
Jul-2022Synthesis and Characterization of High Nickel Content Cathode Materials for High Performance and Capacity Reach in Li-Ion BatteriesUğur, Turgut
2006Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite-Alumina BiocompositesŞahin, Erdem
Feb-2009Synthesis and Characterization of Kaolinite-Supported Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles and Their Application for the Removal of Aqueous Cu2+ and Co2+ IonsÜzüm, Çağrı; Shahwan, Talal ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Hallam, Keith R.; Scott, Thomas B.; Lieberwirth, Ingo
2008Synthesis and Characterization of Mgb2 Superconducting WiresHorzum Polat, Nesrin
2009Synthesis and Characterization of Monodispere Silica Based Functional Nanoparticles for Multi-Purpose ApplicationsAltın, Burcu
Jul-2024Synthesis and Characterization of Near-Infrared (nir) Emissive Conjugated Polymer Dots for Tumoroid ImagingKarabacak, Soner
2005Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrosyl[tris(3,5dimethylpyrazolyl) Borato]molybdenum Complexes Containing Aryloxo, Arylamido and Arylcyano LigandsSözüer, Hikmet Işıl ; Dülger İrdem, Seçkiner
Oct-2018Synthesis and Characterization of Novel High Temperature Structural Adhesives Based on Nadic End Capped Mda-Btda CopolyimideAcar, Oktay; Varış, Serhat; Işık, Tuğba; Tirkeş, Seha; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
Jul-2022Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Organometallic-Semicondutor Nanocomposit PhotoelectrodesGöl, Yusuf Emre
2020Synthesis and Characterization of Pollen Extract Mediated Gold NanostructuresBakar, Fatma; Sönmez, Hamide; Evecen, Senanur; Turan, Buse; Demir, Mehmet; Gümüş, Abdurrahman ; Çeter, Talip; Yazgan, İdris
Jul-2024Synthesis and Characterization of Polycaprolactone-Polyvalerolactone Copolymer and Its Use in Melt Electrowriting ApplicationsDinçkal, Sanem
2014Synthesis and Characterization of Silicious Geothermal Scales and Inhibition of Their Formation by Organic CompoundsTunç, Irmak