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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Adsorption of Reformer Off-Gas on Nax Zeolite and Metal Organic Framework (mil53(ai)): Equilibria and Kinetics | Güneş Yerkesikli, Alev |
2012 | Adsorptive Characteristics of Aflatoxin B1 in the Presence of Purified Clinoptilolite Rich Mineral and Lactobacillus Plantarum S2 | Bulut Albayrak, Çisem |
Jul-2023 | Advanced Material Characterization and Modeling the Foreign Body Impact Damage Initiation and Progression of a Laminated Carbon Composite | Bayhan, Mesut |
2009 | Advertising Media and Housing Production: Gated Communities of İstanbul in the Post-2000s | Kan Ülkü, Gözde |
Jul-2016 | Aerodynamic Optimization of a Transonic Aero-Engine Fan Module | Kor, Orçun |
2011 | Against Style: Re-Reading "new Architecture" in Early Republican Period in Turkey (1931-1940) | Dündar, Bilgen |
Dec-2022 | An Agent Based Model for Exploring the Effects of Overconfidence on the Winner's Curse in Construction Projects | Aldemir, Bora |
Jul-2016 | Agro Food System Transitions? Exploring Alternative Agro Food Initiatives in Izmir, Turkey | Karakaya, Emel |
Jul-2022 | Altmann Linkage Networks and Light-Shelf Application With a Single Linkage | Atarer, Fulya |
2002 | An Analiytical Approach To Semi-Private and Semi-Public Spaces Within the Context of Urban Housing Pattern | Özgen, Elif Yeşim |
Dec-2020 | Analysis and Application of Linearization Technique for Nonlinear Problems | İmamoğlu Karabaş, Neslişah |
2008 | Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators | Can, Fatih Cemal |
Jul-2024 | Analysis of Damped and Viscoelastic Linear Wave Equations Exposed To External Neumann Manipulations | Susuzlu, İdem |
2012 | Analysis of the Electromagnetic Scattering From Flat Plates by Using Different Sinc-Type Basis Fuctions in Method of Moments | Özbakış, Başak |
2002 | Analysis of the Interaction Between Theory and Practice in Urban Planning: Understanding Izmir Experience | Kaya, Nursen |
Jun-2019 | Analysis of Walkability Measurement Tools (wmts) | Paykoç, Eda |
2004 | An Analytical Study of the Design Potentials in Kinetic Architecture | Korkmaz, Koray |
Dec-2013 | Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Properties and Chemical Composition of Some Spices/Herbs | Yavuzdurmaz, Hatice |
Mar-2014 | Application of Exergy Analysis Method To Energy Efficient Building Block Design | Mert, Yelda |
2023 | Application of Non-Targeted Analysis Methods in Adulteration Detection and Prediction of Process Parameters of Vinegars | Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı |
2013 | Applications of Electrospun Nanofibers in Filtration Processe | Horzum Polat, Nesrin |
Dec-2015 | Applications of Mid-Ir Spectroscopy for Identification of Wine and Olive Yeasts and Characterization of Antimicrobial Activities of Phenolics on Yeasts | Canal, Canan |
2011 | Architectural Characteristics and Construction Techniques of Domes in a Group of Ottoman Baths | Reyhan, Kader |
Jul-2013 | Architectural Design Characteristics of Protective Structures at Archaeological Sites and Their Impact on Conservation of Remains | Yaka Çetin, Necmiye Funda |
2008 | Architectural Memorialisation of War: Ars Memoriae and Landscape of Gallipoli Battles | Yılmaz, Ahenk |
Jun-2019 | Assesment of the Efficiency of Uv Light Emitting Diodes (uv-Leds) for Fruit Juice Pasteurization | Akgün, Merve |
2014 | Assessing Subjective Quality of Urban Life at Neighborhood Scale | Velibeyoğlu, Hasibe |
Nov-2014 | Assessment Model for Communication Maturity Levels of Construction Companies | Bavunoğlu, Zeynep |
11-Dec-2018 | Assessment of the Interventions Regarding Some Historical Mosques in Manisa Within the Frame of Conservation Values | Koşun, Suna |
Sep-2014 | Asymmetric Synthesis of 5,6-Dihydro Derivatives | Akçok, İsmail |
Jul-2020 | Asymptotic Behaviour of Gravity Driven Free Surface Flows Resulting From Cavity Collapse | Fetahu, Elona |
2012 | Automatic Identification of Abnormal Regiones in Digitized Histology Cross-Sections of Colonic Tissues and Adenocarcinomas Using Quasi-Supervised Learning | Önder, Devrim |
2012 | Automatic Identification of Evolutionary and Sequence Relationships in Large Scale Protein Data Using Computational and Graph-Theoretical Analyses | Doğan, Tunca |
2012 | Automatic Transcription of Traditional Turkish Art Music Recordings: a Computational Ethnomusicology Appraoach | Gedik, Ali Cenk |
Apr-2017 | Bioactive Compound Retention and Shelf Life Extension of Strawberry Juice by Selected Nonthermal Processing Technologies | Yıldız, Semanur |
May-2023 | Biochemical and Functional Characterization of Circular Rnas Differentially Expressed in Cisplatin-Treated Hela Cells | Yaylak, Bilge |
Dec-2019 | Biochemical and Mechanical Cues for Osteogenic Induction of Stem Cells on Paper Based Scaffolds | Karadaş, Özge |
Jul-2020 | Biofuels and Biochemicals Production From Microalgae Over Solid Catalysts | Deliismail, Özgün |
2011 | Biokinematic Analysis of Human Body | Gezgin, Erkin |
Dec-2022 | Biological Nano Silica Reinforced Polymeric Composites | Ülker, Sevkan |
Jul-2023 | Bose-Einstein Condensation and Black Holes in Dark Matter and Dark Energy | Gültekin, Kemal |
Dec-2022 | Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Some Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations | Yılmaz, Kemal Cem |
Jun-2020 | Catalytic Conversion of Glucose To Alkyl Glucosides | Mutlu, Vahide Nuran |
Jun-2016 | Categorization of Manual Lighting Control Behavior Patterns Based on Interior Layout in Offices | Cılasun Kunduracı, Arzu |
Jul-2012 | Characteristics of Roman Mortars Produced From Natural and Artificial Pozzolans in Aigai and Nysa | Uğurlu Sağın, Elif |
Jul-2019 | Characterization and Catalytic Applications of Hydrothermally Synthesized Poyoxotungstate Clusters Containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials | Ece, Özlem |
2014 | Characterization and Classification of Wines From Grape Varieties Grovn in Turkey | Şen, İlknur |
Jul-2022 | Characterization of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Nucleic Acid Sensing, Gene Delivery and Imaging | Yücel, Müge |
Apr-2019 | Chemical and Enzymatic Interesterification of Tallow With Different Oils | Aktaş, Ayşe Burcu |
2023 | Chemical Vapor Deposited Reusable Fluorescent Thin Film Sensor Nanoprobes for the Detection of Heavy Metal Ions | Karabıyık, Merve |
Jul-2019 | Children's Perceptions of Their Urban Outdoor Experiences: the Case of Izmir | Dikmen Güleryüz, Oylum |
Jul-2023 | Classification of Maneuvers of Vehicles in Front for Driver Assistance Systems | Nalçakan, Yağız |
2011 | Climatic Considerations in Traditional Built Environments: the Efect of Natural Ventilation on Thermal Comfort in Alac¸atı, I·zmir, Turkey | Terim, Belgin |
Dec-2013 | Co-Coatomically Supplemented Modules | Güngör, Serpil |
Dec-2011 | Cognitive Strategies of Analogical Transfer in Design: Differences Between Expert and Novice Designers | Hafızoğu Özkan, Özgü |
2013 | A Comparative Evaluation for Liver Segmentation From Spir Images and a Novel Level Set Method Using Signed Pressure Force Function | Göçeri, Evgin |
Jul-2021 | A Comparative Study of Thin-Film Coated Silicon Wafer Surfaces for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquids | Aras, Nadir |
2007 | A Comparative Study on the Works of German Expatriate Architects in Their Home-Land and in Turkey During the Period of 1927-1950 | Pöğün Zander, Yüksel |
Jan-2020 | Comparison of Architectural Design Parameters in Traditional Buildings in Terms of Energy Performance for Future Housing Design | Çoşkun Öner, Özden |
Jan-2023 | Compliant Control of Robotic Co-Workers in Surgical Applications | Ayit, Orhan |
Jun-2017 | Computational Establishment of Microrna Metabolic Networks | Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu |
Jul-2014 | A Computational Study on the Structures of Protonated Peptides | Karaca, Sıla |
Nov-2014 | Computer Representation of Building Codes for Automated Compliance Checking | Macit, Sibel |
Jul-2014 | Conflicts in the Planning Processes of Locally Unwanted Land Uses (lulus): Case Studies in Izmir | Atay Kaya, İlgi |
Jul-2017 | Conservation Approaches of Patina Formation on Marble and Travertine Surfaces in the Archaeological Sites | Badur, Fulya |
Jul-2022 | Conservation proposals for Göbekli Tepe enclosures | Çelik, Keziban |
2008 | The Constitution of Power Relations in Spacesof Industrial Production: The Case of Four Sümerbank Campuses in the Aegean Region | Uzunoğlu, Erdal |
Jun-2023 | Continuum Damage Mechanics Based Modelling of Laminated Fiber Reinforced Composites | Yaşayanlar, Süleyman |
Jul-2013 | Control of Dynamics System Behaviour by Magnetorheological and Varible Orifice Dampers | Kınay, Gökçe |
Nov-2016 | Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators With Telerobotic Applications | Çetin, Kamil |
Jul-2015 | Convergence Analysis of Operator Splitting Methods for the Burgers-Huxley Equation | Çiçek, Yeşim |
Apr-2018 | Cosmological Implications of Affine Gravity | Azrı, Hemza |
2003 | Costruction of Time Conception in Architectural Realm, Sigfrifd Giedion and Space, Time and Architecture | Güner, Deniz |
2011 | Cr (vi) Removal With Natural, Surfactant Modified and Bacteria Loaded Zeolites | Cansever Erdoğan, Beyhan |
2005 | A Critial Evaluation on the Concept of Justice in Planning Process-Judicial Oversight: the Balçova and Narlıdere Cases | Şenol, Pervin |
Jun-2023 | Critical Spatial Standpoint on Neoliberal Urban Restructuring: a Case Study on Urban Restructuring Processes in Narlıdere, İzmir | Kılıçkaya, Ulaş Şansal |
2003 | A Critical View of Sustainable Architecture in Turkey: a Proposal for the Municipality of Seyrek | Durmuş Arsan, Zeynep |
2007 | Critique of Legislation by Scientific-Technical Criteria: Toward Classification of Cultural Properties in Turkey | Marmasan, Önder |
2024 | Çok Kanallı Sistemlerde Anormal Kuantum Taşınımının İncelenmesi | Özkan, Hazan |
Oct-2019 | Data-Driven Modelling of Daylight Redirecting Fenestration at Variable Directional Resolution | Grobe, Lars Oliver |
Nov-2019 | Density Grid Based Stream Clustering Algorithm | Ahmed, Rowanda Daoud |
Jul-2023 | Depth Based Calibration of Multiple Rgbd Cameras for Full 3d Reconstruction | Tunçer Çalı, Esra |
Jul-2022 | Design and Analysis of Deployable Reciprocal Frames | Özen, Gülçin |
Jul-2014 | Design and Fabrication of a Fiber-Integrated Mode-Selective Photopolymer Grating Coupler | Sümer, Can |
May-2016 | Design and Synthesis of Boron-Dipyrromethene (bodipy) Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Sensors for the Detection of Gold and Mercury Ions | Üçüncü, Muhammed |
Jul-2017 | Design and Synthesis of Rhodamine Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Sensors for the Detection of Gold Ions | Karakuş, Erman |
Jun-2013 | Design of a Continuous Flow Uv Reactor for Opaque Liquid Foods by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (cfd) | Atılgan, Mehmet Reşat |
Jul-2020 | Design of a Robot Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgical System for Pituitary Tumor Surgery Based on Safety Features | Maaroof, Omar Waleed Najm |
2011 | Design of Dimensionally-Stable Laminated Somposites Subjected To Hygro-Thermo Loading by Stochastic Optimization Methods | Aydın, Levent |
May-2013 | Design, Construction and Optimization Studies of a Hydride Generation Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometric System, (hg-Libes), for the Determination of Toxic Elements in Aqueous Samples | Ünal Yeşiller, Semira |
Jul-2024 | Designing Composite-Based Cylindrical Structures and Manufacturing Composite Prototypes by Filament Winding Method | Martin, Seçkin |
Jul-2020 | Desing and Production of Light-Weight Pressure Resistant Composite Tank Materials and Systems for Hydrogen Storage | Kartav, Osman |
2007 | Detection of Environmental and Urban Change Using Remote Sensing and Gis | Tarhan, Çiğdem |
Dec-2013 | Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus Using Quqntitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Methods in Turkish White Cheese | Kadiroğlu, Pınar |
Mar-2021 | Detection of the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cell Lines To Specific Target Tissues | Fıratlıgil Yıldırır, Burcu |
Jul-2017 | Determination of Byzantine Wall Painting Techniques in Wester Anatolia | Şerifaki, Kerem |
2004 | Determination of the Place Concept in Reproduction Process of Built Environment: Kordon, Izmir as a Case Study | Yılmaz, Ebru |
Jul-2022 | Determination of Vitamin D by Sensor Technologies Based on Molecular Imprinted Polymers | Ölçer, Yekta Arya |
2009 | Developing a Strategic Decision- Making Process for Local Energy Planning and Urban Land- Use Evaluations: the Case for Balc¸ova Geothermal Energy | Kutluca, Ahmet Kıvanç |
Jul-2018 | Developing Graphene-Organic Hybrid Electrodes for Silicon Based Schottky Devices | Aydın, Hasan |