Browsing by Type Doctoral Thesis

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Adsorption of Reformer Off-Gas on Nax Zeolite and Metal Organic Framework (mil53(ai)): Equilibria and KineticsGüneş Yerkesikli, Alev
2012Adsorptive Characteristics of Aflatoxin B1 in the Presence of Purified Clinoptilolite Rich Mineral and Lactobacillus Plantarum S2Bulut Albayrak, Çisem
Jul-2023Advanced Material Characterization and Modeling the Foreign Body Impact Damage Initiation and Progression of a Laminated Carbon CompositeBayhan, Mesut
2009Advertising Media and Housing Production: Gated Communities of İstanbul in the Post-2000sKan Ülkü, Gözde
Jul-2016Aerodynamic Optimization of a Transonic Aero-Engine Fan ModuleKor, Orçun
2011Against Style: Re-Reading "new Architecture" in Early Republican Period in Turkey (1931-1940)Dündar, Bilgen
Dec-2022An Agent Based Model for Exploring the Effects of Overconfidence on the Winner's Curse in Construction ProjectsAldemir, Bora
Jul-2016Agro Food System Transitions? Exploring Alternative Agro Food Initiatives in Izmir, TurkeyKarakaya, Emel
Jul-2022Altmann Linkage Networks and Light-Shelf Application With a Single LinkageAtarer, Fulya 
2002An Analiytical Approach To Semi-Private and Semi-Public Spaces Within the Context of Urban Housing PatternÖzgen, Elif Yeşim
Dec-2020Analysis and Application of Linearization Technique for Nonlinear Problemsİmamoğlu Karabaş, Neslişah
2008Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel ManipulatorsCan, Fatih Cemal
Jul-2024Analysis of Damped and Viscoelastic Linear Wave Equations Exposed To External Neumann ManipulationsSusuzlu, İdem
2012Analysis of the Electromagnetic Scattering From Flat Plates by Using Different Sinc-Type Basis Fuctions in Method of MomentsÖzbakış, Başak
2002Analysis of the Interaction Between Theory and Practice in Urban Planning: Understanding Izmir ExperienceKaya, Nursen 
Jun-2019Analysis of Walkability Measurement Tools (wmts)Paykoç, Eda
2004An Analytical Study of the Design Potentials in Kinetic ArchitectureKorkmaz, Koray 
Dec-2013Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Properties and Chemical Composition of Some Spices/HerbsYavuzdurmaz, Hatice
Mar-2014Application of Exergy Analysis Method To Energy Efficient Building Block DesignMert, Yelda
2023Application of Non-Targeted Analysis Methods in Adulteration Detection and Prediction of Process Parameters of VinegarsÇavdaroğlu, Çağrı 
2013Applications of Electrospun Nanofibers in Filtration ProcesseHorzum Polat, Nesrin
Dec-2015Applications of Mid-Ir Spectroscopy for Identification of Wine and Olive Yeasts and Characterization of Antimicrobial Activities of Phenolics on YeastsCanal, Canan
2011Architectural Characteristics and Construction Techniques of Domes in a Group of Ottoman BathsReyhan, Kader
Jul-2013Architectural Design Characteristics of Protective Structures at Archaeological Sites and Their Impact on Conservation of RemainsYaka Çetin, Necmiye Funda
2008Architectural Memorialisation of War: Ars Memoriae and Landscape of Gallipoli BattlesYılmaz, Ahenk
Jun-2019Assesment of the Efficiency of Uv Light Emitting Diodes (uv-Leds) for Fruit Juice PasteurizationAkgün, Merve
2014Assessing Subjective Quality of Urban Life at Neighborhood ScaleVelibeyoğlu, Hasibe
Nov-2014Assessment Model for Communication Maturity Levels of Construction CompaniesBavunoğlu, Zeynep
11-Dec-2018Assessment of the Interventions Regarding Some Historical Mosques in Manisa Within the Frame of Conservation ValuesKoşun, Suna
Sep-2014Asymmetric Synthesis of 5,6-Dihydro DerivativesAkçok, İsmail
Jul-2020Asymptotic Behaviour of Gravity Driven Free Surface Flows Resulting From Cavity CollapseFetahu, Elona
2012Automatic Identification of Abnormal Regiones in Digitized Histology Cross-Sections of Colonic Tissues and Adenocarcinomas Using Quasi-Supervised LearningÖnder, Devrim
2012Automatic Identification of Evolutionary and Sequence Relationships in Large Scale Protein Data Using Computational and Graph-Theoretical AnalysesDoğan, Tunca
2012Automatic Transcription of Traditional Turkish Art Music Recordings: a Computational Ethnomusicology AppraoachGedik, Ali Cenk 
Apr-2017Bioactive Compound Retention and Shelf Life Extension of Strawberry Juice by Selected Nonthermal Processing TechnologiesYıldız, Semanur
May-2023Biochemical and Functional Characterization of Circular Rnas Differentially Expressed in Cisplatin-Treated Hela CellsYaylak, Bilge
Dec-2019Biochemical and Mechanical Cues for Osteogenic Induction of Stem Cells on Paper Based ScaffoldsKaradaş, Özge
Jul-2020Biofuels and Biochemicals Production From Microalgae Over Solid CatalystsDeliismail, Özgün
2011Biokinematic Analysis of Human BodyGezgin, Erkin
Dec-2022Biological Nano Silica Reinforced Polymeric CompositesÜlker, Sevkan
Jul-2023Bose-Einstein Condensation and Black Holes in Dark Matter and Dark EnergyGültekin, Kemal 
Dec-2022Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Some Evolutionary Partial Differential EquationsYılmaz, Kemal Cem
Jun-2020Catalytic Conversion of Glucose To Alkyl GlucosidesMutlu, Vahide Nuran
Jun-2016Categorization of Manual Lighting Control Behavior Patterns Based on Interior Layout in OfficesCılasun Kunduracı, Arzu
Jul-2012Characteristics of Roman Mortars Produced From Natural and Artificial Pozzolans in Aigai and NysaUğurlu Sağın, Elif 
Jul-2019Characterization and Catalytic Applications of Hydrothermally Synthesized Poyoxotungstate Clusters Containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid MaterialsEce, Özlem
2014Characterization and Classification of Wines From Grape Varieties Grovn in TurkeyŞen, İlknur 
Jul-2022Characterization of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Nucleic Acid Sensing, Gene Delivery and ImagingYücel, Müge
Apr-2019Chemical and Enzymatic Interesterification of Tallow With Different OilsAktaş, Ayşe Burcu
2023Chemical Vapor Deposited Reusable Fluorescent Thin Film Sensor Nanoprobes for the Detection of Heavy Metal IonsKarabıyık, Merve 
Jul-2019Children's Perceptions of Their Urban Outdoor Experiences: the Case of IzmirDikmen Güleryüz, Oylum
Jul-2023Classification of Maneuvers of Vehicles in Front for Driver Assistance SystemsNalçakan, Yağız
2011Climatic Considerations in Traditional Built Environments: the Efect of Natural Ventilation on Thermal Comfort in Alac¸atı, I·zmir, TurkeyTerim, Belgin
Dec-2013Co-Coatomically Supplemented ModulesGüngör, Serpil
Dec-2011Cognitive Strategies of Analogical Transfer in Design: Differences Between Expert and Novice DesignersHafızoğu Özkan, Özgü
2013A Comparative Evaluation for Liver Segmentation From Spir Images and a Novel Level Set Method Using Signed Pressure Force FunctionGöçeri, Evgin
Jul-2021A Comparative Study of Thin-Film Coated Silicon Wafer Surfaces for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Analysis of LiquidsAras, Nadir 
2007A Comparative Study on the Works of German Expatriate Architects in Their Home-Land and in Turkey During the Period of 1927-1950Pöğün Zander, Yüksel
Jan-2020Comparison of Architectural Design Parameters in Traditional Buildings in Terms of Energy Performance for Future Housing DesignÇoşkun Öner, Özden
Jan-2023Compliant Control of Robotic Co-Workers in Surgical ApplicationsAyit, Orhan 
Jun-2017Computational Establishment of Microrna Metabolic NetworksSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu
Jul-2014A Computational Study on the Structures of Protonated PeptidesKaraca, Sıla
Nov-2014Computer Representation of Building Codes for Automated Compliance CheckingMacit, Sibel
Jul-2014Conflicts in the Planning Processes of Locally Unwanted Land Uses (lulus): Case Studies in IzmirAtay Kaya, İlgi
Jul-2017Conservation Approaches of Patina Formation on Marble and Travertine Surfaces in the Archaeological SitesBadur, Fulya
Jul-2022Conservation proposals for Göbekli Tepe enclosuresÇelik, Keziban
2008The Constitution of Power Relations in Spacesof Industrial Production: The Case of Four Sümerbank Campuses in the Aegean RegionUzunoğlu, Erdal
Jun-2023Continuum Damage Mechanics Based Modelling of Laminated Fiber Reinforced CompositesYaşayanlar, Süleyman
Jul-2013Control of Dynamics System Behaviour by Magnetorheological and Varible Orifice DampersKınay, Gökçe
Nov-2016Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators With Telerobotic ApplicationsÇetin, Kamil
Jul-2015Convergence Analysis of Operator Splitting Methods for the Burgers-Huxley EquationÇiçek, Yeşim
Apr-2018Cosmological Implications of Affine GravityAzrı, Hemza 
2003Costruction of Time Conception in Architectural Realm, Sigfrifd Giedion and Space, Time and ArchitectureGüner, Deniz
2011Cr (vi) Removal With Natural, Surfactant Modified and Bacteria Loaded ZeolitesCansever Erdoğan, Beyhan
2005A Critial Evaluation on the Concept of Justice in Planning Process-Judicial Oversight: the Balçova and Narlıdere CasesŞenol, Pervin
Jun-2023Critical Spatial Standpoint on Neoliberal Urban Restructuring: a Case Study on Urban Restructuring Processes in Narlıdere, İzmirKılıçkaya, Ulaş Şansal
2003A Critical View of Sustainable Architecture in Turkey: a Proposal for the Municipality of SeyrekDurmuş Arsan, Zeynep 
2007Critique of Legislation by Scientific-Technical Criteria: Toward Classification of Cultural Properties in TurkeyMarmasan, Önder
2024Çok Kanallı Sistemlerde Anormal Kuantum Taşınımının İncelenmesiÖzkan, Hazan
Oct-2019Data-Driven Modelling of Daylight Redirecting Fenestration at Variable Directional ResolutionGrobe, Lars Oliver 
Nov-2019Density Grid Based Stream Clustering AlgorithmAhmed, Rowanda Daoud
Jul-2023Depth Based Calibration of Multiple Rgbd Cameras for Full 3d ReconstructionTunçer Çalı, Esra
Jul-2022Design and Analysis of Deployable Reciprocal FramesÖzen, Gülçin
Jul-2014Design and Fabrication of a Fiber-Integrated Mode-Selective Photopolymer Grating CouplerSümer, Can
May-2016Design and Synthesis of Boron-Dipyrromethene (bodipy) Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Sensors for the Detection of Gold and Mercury IonsÜçüncü, Muhammed
Jul-2017Design and Synthesis of Rhodamine Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Sensors for the Detection of Gold IonsKarakuş, Erman
Jun-2013Design of a Continuous Flow Uv Reactor for Opaque Liquid Foods by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (cfd)Atılgan, Mehmet Reşat
Jul-2020Design of a Robot Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgical System for Pituitary Tumor Surgery Based on Safety FeaturesMaaroof, Omar Waleed Najm
2011Design of Dimensionally-Stable Laminated Somposites Subjected To Hygro-Thermo Loading by Stochastic Optimization MethodsAydın, Levent
May-2013Design, Construction and Optimization Studies of a Hydride Generation Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometric System, (hg-Libes), for the Determination of Toxic Elements in Aqueous SamplesÜnal Yeşiller, Semira
Jul-2024Designing Composite-Based Cylindrical Structures and Manufacturing Composite Prototypes by Filament Winding MethodMartin, Seçkin
Jul-2020Desing and Production of Light-Weight Pressure Resistant Composite Tank Materials and Systems for Hydrogen StorageKartav, Osman 
2007Detection of Environmental and Urban Change Using Remote Sensing and GisTarhan, Çiğdem
Dec-2013Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus Using Quqntitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Methods in Turkish White CheeseKadiroğlu, Pınar
Mar-2021Detection of the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cell Lines To Specific Target TissuesFıratlıgil Yıldırır, Burcu 
Jul-2017Determination of Byzantine Wall Painting Techniques in Wester AnatoliaŞerifaki, Kerem 
2004Determination of the Place Concept in Reproduction Process of Built Environment: Kordon, Izmir as a Case StudyYılmaz, Ebru 
Jul-2022Determination of Vitamin D by Sensor Technologies Based on Molecular Imprinted PolymersÖlçer, Yekta Arya
2009Developing a Strategic Decision- Making Process for Local Energy Planning and Urban Land- Use Evaluations: the Case for Balc¸ova Geothermal EnergyKutluca, Ahmet Kıvanç
Jul-2018Developing Graphene-Organic Hybrid Electrodes for Silicon Based Schottky DevicesAydın, Hasan