Browsing by Author Şenol, Fatma

Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2021Adolescents' Uses of Urban Public Spaces: a Case in Menderes (izmir)Şahin, Fatma Nur 
Dec-2019Age-friendly' Neighbourhood Parks: Evaluating Parks in Karşıyaka (izmir) According To User PerceptionsImıl, Ahmet Said
2021Anaokullarının fiziksel ve sosyal erişilebilirlik ölçümü: Konak mahalleleri (İzmir) örneğiSayın, Zeynep Melike ; Altındaş, Gamze; Şenol, Fatma 
2023Application of Space Syntax in Neighbourhood Park Research: an Investigation of Multiple Socio-Spatial Attributes of Park UseCan Traunmüller, Işın ; İnce Keller, İrem; Şenol, Fatma 
2020Bicycle Route Infrastructure Planning Using Gis in an Urban Area: the Case of IzmirÖzkan, Sevim Pelin; Şenol, Fatma ; Özçam, Zeynep
Jul-2019Children's Active Commuting To Schools in Different Neighbourhoods: Design of Streets as Child Friendy EnvironmentsAbatay, Gülce
Dec-2021Children's Perceptions of Neighborhood Qualities: a Case in Çorum (turkey)Saraçer, Gizem 
2024Climate Neutrality in Local Municipalities' Action Plans: İzmir CaseCihan, Ayşe Melike
2023Contradicting Parochial Realms in Neighborhood Parks: How the Park Attributes Shape Women’s Park UseKaştaş-uzun, İpek; Şenol, Fatma 
2009Criteria for a "good" Urban Renewal Project: the Case of Kadifekale Urban Renewal Project (izmir, Turkey)Mutlu, Elif
Jul-2016Differences in the Uses and Needs of Neighborhood Parks: a Case Study About Female Park Users in Balçova (izmir, Turkey)Kaştaş Uzun, İpek
2022Do Spatial Development Plans Provide Spatial Equity in Access To Public Parks: a Case With a Residential Area in Karabağlar and Buca (i̇zmir)Öztürk, Sevim Pelin; Şenol, Fatma 
2012Dynamics of Gentrification in a Seashore Town: the Case of Alaçatı, IzmirUçak, Eda
Apr-2013Elected Neighbourhood Officers in a Turkish City (izmir): Gendered Local Participation in GovernanceŞenol, Fatma 
2024Equitable Accessibility of Public Open Spaces: a Comparison of Measurement Methods in Metropolitan Area of Izmir, TürkiyeSenol, Fatma ; Kaya, Ilgi Atay
Dec-2022Everyday Spatial Tactics of Women Living in Deprived Neighborhoods: a Case With Refugee and Non-Refugee Women in İzmirAygün, Gamzenur
2022Gendered Sense of Safety and Coping Strategies in Public Places: a Study in Atatürk Meydanı of IzmirŞenol, Fatma 
Jul-2019Gis Besed Spatial Equity Mapping and Park Provision at Neighborhood Scale: Izmir CaseÖzkan, Sevim Pelin
2023Gis-Based Mapping of Spatial Experiences: Case of University Students in İzmirBulut, Gülcan
2021Gis-Based Mappings of Park Accessibility at Multiple Spatial Scales: a Research Framework With the Case of Izmir (turkey)Şenol, Fatma ; Atay Kaya, İlgi