| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
81 | Apr-2022 | Correction To: Enhanced Light–matter Interaction in a Hybrid Photonic–plasmonic Cavity | Gökbulut, Belkıs; İnanç, Arda; Topçu, Gökhan; Özçelik, Serdar ; Demir, Mustafa Muammer ; İnci, Mehmet Naci |
82 | May-2006 | Corrigendum To “modification of a Montmorillonite–illite Clay Using Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment and Its Application for the Removal of Aqueous Cs+ Ions” [j. Colloid Interface Sci. 295 (2006) 303–309] | Öztop, Bahar; Shahwan, Talal |
83 | 2017 | Crm1 Inhibitory and Antiproliferative Activities of Novel 4'-alkyl Substituted Klavuzon Derivatives | Kanbur, Tuğçe ; Kara, Murat; Kutluer, Meltem; Şen, Ayhan; Delman, Murat; Alkan, Aylin; Otaş, Hasan Ozan; Akçok, İsmail; Çağır, Ali |
84 | 2007 | Crystal Structure of Distrontium Manganese (iii) Tetraoxophosphate Heptaoxodiphosphate, Sr2mn[po4] [p2o 7] | Doğan, Leyla; Eanes, Mehtap |
85 | 2007 | Crystal Structure of Lead(ii) Trioxovanadate(v) Chloride, Pb[vo 3]cl | Şahin, Aytaç; Eanes, Mehtap |
86 | Dec-2022 | Current Trends and Challenges in Point-Of Urinalysis of Biomarkers in Trace Amounts | Yeasmin, Sanjida; Ammanath, Gopal; Önder, Ahmet; Yan, Evelias; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Palaniappan, Alagappan; Liedberg, Bo |
87 | May-2022 | A Cyclopalladated Bodipy Construct as a Fluorescent Probe for Carbon Monoxide | Çevik Eren, Merve; Eren, Ahmet; Dartar, Suay ; Tütüncü, Büşra Buse ; Emrullahoğlu, Mustafa |
88 | Oct-2021 | Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effects of 1,2-Diborolanes With Strong Donor Substitutes on Human Cancer Cells | Şahin, Yüksel; Aslantürk, Özlem Sultan; Çelik, Tülay; Sevinçek, Resul; Aygün, Muhittin; Metin, Kubilay; Fırıncı, Erkan; Özgener, Hüseyin |
9 | 20-Nov-2016 | Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Side Effects of Chitosan Nanoparticles as a Non-Viral Gene Carrier | Bor, Gizem; Mytych, Jennifer; Zebrowski, Jacek; Wnuk, Maciej; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah |
10 | 2018 | Çeşitli ilaç etken maddelerinin kapiler elektrokromatografi ile tayini için yeni kapiler kolonlar geliştirilmesi | Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Çağır, Ali ; Karabudak, Engin ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan |
11 | 2013 | Çeşitli mikroalglerin karotenoid içeriklerinin kromatografik/spektroskopik yöntemlerle araştırılması ve ekstrakte edilecek karotenoidlerin antioksidan aktivetelerinin akış enjeksiyon analiz sistemiyle belirlenmesi | Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Conk Dalay, Meltem; Erdoğan, Ayşegül |
12 | 2024 | Design, Fabrication, and Application of Micro-Structured Surfaces for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquids: a Sample-Loading Target Development Studies | Kaplan, Dilara; Aras, Nadir ; Yalcin, Serife |
13 | Sep-2017 | Designing of Spherical Chitosan Nano-Shells With Micellar Cores for Solvation and Safeguarded Delivery of Strongly Lipophilic Drugs | Cihan, Esra; Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
14 | Jan-2023 | Designing Robust Xylan/Chitosan Composite Shells Around Drug-Loaded Msns: Stability in Upper Git and Degradation in the Colon Microbiota | Zeybek, Nüket; Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz ; Güleç, Şükrü ; Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
15 | Jul-2019 | Desing and Synthesis of Bodipy Based Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy | Dartar, Suay |
16 | 2017 | Determination of Aluminum Oxide Thickness on the Annealed Surface of 8000 Series Aluminum Foil by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | İnanç Uçar, Özlem; Ekin Meşe, Ayten; Birbaşar, Onur; Dündar, Murat; Özdemir, Durmuş |
17 | Sep-2010 | Determination of Aluminum Rolling Oil Additives and Contaminants Using Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Genetic Algorithm Based Multivariate Calibration | Yalçın, Ayşegül; Ergün, Didem; İnanç Uçar, Özlem; Özdemir, Durmuş |
18 | 2014 | Determination of Aluminum Rolling Oil and Machinery Oil Residues on Finished Aluminum Sheet and Foil Using Elemental Analysis and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Multivariate Calibration | İnanç Uçar, Özlem; Mollaoğlu Altuner, Hatice; Günyüz, Mert; Dündar, Mustafa Murat; Özdemir, Durmuş |
19 | Jul-2018 | Determination of Arsenic by Hydride Generation—laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Characterization of Interelement Interferences | Bölek, Deniz; Ünal Yeşiller, Semira; Yalçın, Şerife |
20 | Feb-2005 | Determination of Benazepril Hcl and Hydrochlorothiazide in Pharmaceutical Preparations Using Uv-Visible Spectrophotometry and Genetic Multivariate Calibration Method | Özdemir, Durmuş ; Dinç, Erdal |