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Karabudak, Engin
Karabudak, E
Karabudak, E.
Karabudak, E.
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Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.079 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | May-2018 | History of Spectroscopy and Modern Micromachined Disposable Si Atr-Ir Spectroscopy | Koç, Mert; Karabudak, Engin |
2 | 2020 | Investigation of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance of Silver Doped Ba0.5sr0.5co0.8fe0.2o3-Delta Perovskite Structure | Göl, Emre Yusuf; Aytekin, Ahmet; Özkahraman, Ecem Ezgi; Karabudak, Engin |
3 | 2024 | Investigation of the Experimental and Theoretical Band Gap of Pbvo3cl for Use in Energy Conversion Devices | Harmanli, Ipek; Aytekin, Ahmet; Gol, Emre Yusuf; Eanes, Mehtap ; Karabudak, Engin |
4 | 2019 | Mini-Review: "ball-Type Phthalocyanines": Similarities and Differences From Mono Phthalocyanines | Göl, Emre Yusuf; Karabudak, Engin |
5 | 2016 | Simultaneous Identification of Spectral Properties and Sizes of Multiple Particles in Solution With Subnanometer Resolution | Karabudak, Engin ; Brookes, Emre; Lesnyak, Vladimir; Gaponik, Nikolai; Eychmüller, Alexander; Walter, Johannes; Segets, Doris; Peukert, Wolfgang; Wohlleben, Wendel; Demeler, Borries; Cölfen, Helmut |