Showing results 1 to 100 of 2460
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Dec-2021 | 1-Octanol Dehydration on Al2o3-Sio2 Catalyst | Uçar, Beyza |
2024 | 3d Modelling as a Tool for Heritage Presentation: Digital Reconstruction of 19th Century Gülbahçe, Urla, İzmir | Tabur, Beylem Doğa |
2006 | 3d Reconstruction Using a Spherical Spiral Scan Camera | Vatansever, Mustafa |
Dec-2016 | 3d-Printed Multiprobe Analysis System for Solar Fuel Research; Design, Fabrication and Testing | Harmanlı, İpek |
2005 | Aas, Xrpd, Sem/Eds, and Ftir Studies of the Effect of Calcite and Magnesite on the Uptake of Pb2+ and Zn2+ Ions by Natural Kaolinite and Clinoptilolite | Zünbül, Banu |
2013 | Abelian-Non Abellian Mixing and Cosmic Inflation in Born-Infeld Type Gravity | Altaş, Aslı |
2004 | Absolutely Supplement and Absolutely Complement Modules | Erdoğan, Sultan Eylem |
Jul-2016 | Accelerometer Based Handwritten Character Recognition Using Dynamic Time Warping | Tunçer, Esra |
2008 | Access Monitoring System for Distributed Firewall Policies | Çakı, Oğuzhan |
2013 | Acoustic Design Based on Multi-Aspect Performance Analysis | Atça, Emre |
2010 | Acoustic Indoor Localization Employing Code Division Multiple Access | Sertatıl, Cem |
2010 | Activated Signaling Pathways and Apoptotic Mechanisms in Resveratrol Applied Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells and the Involvement of Ceramide Metabolizing Genes on These Mechanisms | Kartal Yandım, Melis |
2005 | The Activity of Silica Immobilized Palladium N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes Toward Mizoro-Heck Reaction and Their Characterization | Aksın, Özge |
2002 | Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene Over Ion-Exchanged Beta Zeolite | Kantarlı, İsmail Cem |
Jul-2017 | Adaptation of Digital Electronic Into Detector Systems Numexo2 in Exotic Nuclei Research | Şahin, Elif |
Sep-2016 | An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Modeling the Effects of Water-In Emulsion on Diesel Sprays | Yavuz, Bekir Kağan |
Oct-2016 | Adaptive Thermal Comfort Analysis of Historic Mosque: the Case Study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, Turkey | Bughrara, Khaled S. M. |
Jul-2017 | Adhesion of Dopa Functionalized Gels To Spin Labeled Surfaces | Göksel, Yaman |
Dec-2021 | Adolescents' Uses of Urban Public Spaces: a Case in Menderes (izmir) | Şahin, Fatma Nur |
Dec-2022 | Adsorbent Synthesis for the Recovery of Lithium Water Resources | Kahvecioğlu, Anıl |
Jul-2017 | Adsorption Kinetics of Methane Reformer Off-Gases on Aluminum Based Metal-Organic Frameworks | Angı, Deniz |
Dec-2016 | Adsorption of Methane Reformer Off-Gas Components in a Column Packed With Cu, Al,ti and Zn Based Organic Frameworks | Kanaltı, Gaye |
2006 | Adsorption of Olive Leaf Antioxidants on Silk Fibroin | Bayçın Hızal, Deniz |
2012 | Aeg and Peter Behrens: Symbolism in the First Corporate Identity Design | Boztepe, Uygar |
Jul-2016 | Affine Dynamics With Torsion | Gültekin, Kemal |
Dec-2019 | Age-friendly' Neighbourhood Parks: Evaluating Parks in Karşıyaka (izmir) According To User Perceptions | Imıl, Ahmet Said |
2004 | Air Leakage Detection in Various Cross Sectioned Air Ducts and Research on Manufacturing Methods for Airtightness | Aydın, Çiğdem |
2004 | Air Monitoring of Polychlorinated Bibhenyls in Ambient Air of Suburban Area in Izmir, Turkey | Bozacıoğlu, Sevde Seza |
2010 | Air Pollution Effects on the Façade of the Botter Apartment in İstanbul | Parlak, Birsen |
Jul-2019 | Airfoil Boundary-Layer Stability Calculations and Transition Prediction | Pekdüz, Umut |
2007 | Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene Polymorphism in Turkish Alcohololic People and Control Group | Salman, Esin |
Jun-2019 | Algebraic Methods and Exact Solutions of Quantum Parametric Oscillators | Çetindaş, Osman |
2024 | Algebraic Structures for Classical Knots, Singular Knots and Virtual Knots | Güneş, Neslihan |
2005 | All Optical Switching Via Diffraction Grating Formed by Interference of Gaussian Beams | Akın, Osman |
Jul-2017 | Almost Local-Global Rings | Susuzlu, İdem |
2004 | An Alternative Approach To Free Space Optical Communication Link | Karatay, Okan |
2023 | Alternative Approaches in Urban Design in Declining Historic Areas: Case of Historic City of İzmir | Afacan, Gizem |
Jul-2015 | Ambient Air Persistent Organic Pollutant Monitoring, Backtrajectory Modeling, and Health Risk Assessment | Güngörmüş, Elif |
Sep-2003 | Anaerobic Co-Treatability of Olive Mill Wastewaters and Domestic Wastewater | Atayol, Ahmet Avni |
Jul-2022 | Anaerobic Digester Modelling for Production of Biogas From Waste Hazelnut Husk | Demir, Ozan |
2004 | An Analaytical Approach To the Urban Outdoor Lighting Quality of Residential Areas in Izmir | Çam, Rabia |
Jun-2022 | Analysing Pakistani Architecture in the Context of Critical Regionalism | Bahadur, Aujala Naveed |
Jul-2018 | Analysing the Encrypted Search Algorithms on Encrypted Data | Tekin, Leyla |
Jun-2017 | Analysis and Implementation of Long Period Fiber Grating and Fresnel Reflection-Based Sensors for Refractive Index Measurement of Liquids | İde, Cansu |
Dec-2016 | Analysis and Implementation of Optical Fiber Sensors for Process Monitoring of Composite Materials | Yılmaz, Anıl |
Jan-2019 | Analysis and Modeling of an Actuation System To Be Used in Light-Weight Collaborative Robots | Yılmaz, Mert |
2014 | Analysis and Modelling of a Novel Approach for the Interrogation Unit of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Using Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Techniques | Pala, Deniz |
2011 | Analysis and Re-Design of an Outdoor Fitness Equipment's Mechanism | Kaya, Nazife Aslı |
2005 | Analysis of a Hydrogen Fueled Internal Combustion Engine | Kahraman, Erol |
Jun-2023 | Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Composite Aerospace Structures Developed by Laser Surface Treatment | Nuhoğlu, Kaan |
Jul-2023 | Analysis of Building Information Modeling (bim) Performance Using Big Data From a Construction Project | Bostan, Berkay Batuhan |
Jul-2018 | Analysis of Cantilevers for High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy | Brar, Harpreet Singh |
2009 | Analysis of Climate Sensitivity in Outdoor Space: Evaluating Urban Patterns in Different Climates | Mengi, Onur |
Dec-2015 | Analysis of Deign-Driven Innovation Practices in Turkish and Swedish Furniture Firms | Aydın, Mahmut Ferit |
Dec-2017 | Analysis of Electromechanical Behavior of Piezoelectric Smart Curved Beams | Aras, Tunç |
Dec-2017 | Analysis of Feature Pattern Mining Approaches on Social Network: a Case Study on Facebook | Öztürk, Elif |
Mar-2022 | Analysis of fingerprint matching performance with deep neural networks | Göçen, Alper |
2004 | Analysis of Finite Difference Methods for Convection-Diffusion Problem | Demirayak, Murat |
Dec-2018 | Analysis of Four Urban Squares in Izmir According To the Leading Urban Design Literature | Ceyhan Abacı, Fatma |
Dec-2015 | An Analysis of Gamers' Satisfaction Levels: the Dualities of Digital and Non-Digital Games | Danış, Semih |
2004 | Analysis of Geothermal Circuit of Balçova-Narlıdere Geothermal District Heating System | Bilal, Osman Yaşar |
2005 | Analysis of Graphical User Interface Design in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction (with a Case Study on Oven Control Panel) | İlhan, Özlem |
2006 | The Analysis of Historical / Cultural Pattern Development and Conservation Plans of Antalya Kaleiçi | Süer, Ayşe |
2002 | Analysis of Illegal Physical Development in Metropolitan Cities: an Izmir Case | Çınar, Ali Kemal |
Dec-2017 | An Analysis of Information Spreading and Privacy Issues on Social Networks | Sayin, Burcu |
2004 | Analysis of Intrusion Prevention Methods | Semerci, Hakan |
2005 | An Analysis of Key Generation Efficiency of Rsa Cryptosystem in Distributed Environments | Çağrıcı, Gökhan |
2012 | Analysis of Lysosomal Neu4 Sialidase Associated Proteins by Using Mass Spectrometry (ms/Ms) | Öztürk, Süleyman Can |
2004 | Analysis of Observed Chaotic Data | Çek, Mehmet Emre |
2014 | Analysis of Olfactory Evoked Potentials | Olcay, Bilal Orkan |
2006 | An Analysis of Shoe Within the Context Ofsocial History of Fashion | Sancaktar, Aslı |
2007 | Analysis of Stochastic Dynamical Systems | Güngör, Mesut |
2012 | Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Expression of Drosophila Embryonic Small Rnas by Deep-Sequencing Method | Coşacak, Mehmet İlyas |
2009 | Analysis of the Carcked Infinite Hollow Cylinder With Loading on Crack Surfaces | Avcı, Fatih |
Jul-2021 | An Analysis of the Impact of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through (erpt) To Construction Cost Index and Housing Unit Prices in Turkey | Lağap, Umut |
2004 | The Analysis of the Planning Consequences and Risk of Earthquake in Terms of Urban Rent: the Case Study of Adapazarı | Bektaş, Birkan |
Dec-2019 | Analysis of Tnfrsf10b-As Long-Noncoding Rna's Effects on Various Cancer Cell Properties | Alkan, Ayşe Hale |
2003 | Analysis of Two-Axis Sun Tracking System | Armakan, Elvan |
Jul-2018 | Analysis of Urban Coffeehouses in the Context of Public Space Theories | Canaran, Deniz |
2000 | An Analysis on the Aqua-Architecture and Its Internal Dynamics | Ay, Nevin |
2007 | Analytic Functions on Time Scales | Kapçak, Sinan |
2014 | Analytical and Numerical Sensitivity Analysis of Constant Temperature Hot-Wire Anemometre | Uz, Yusuf Can |
2003 | An Analytical Approach To the Concept of 'topography in Architecture | Muyan, Cem |
1999 | An Analytical Study of Creativity in Architectural Design:case Study of National Architectural Awards | Kandilci, Ebru |
2006 | An Analytical Surver on Customization at Modular Systems in the Context of Industrial Design | Tezcanlı, Eda |
2000 | An Analytical Survey on the Role of Packaging in Industrial Design | Göktepe, Yankı |
Jul-2018 | Analyzing Social Media Data by Frequent Pattern Mining Methods | Güvenoğlu, Büşra |
2011 | Analyzing the Communication and Coordination Processes in Sabiha Gökçen International Airport's New Terminal Building Wayfinding Project | Erbaşaranoğlu, Bengi |
2005 | "ann" Artifical Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models for Cooling Load Prediction | Bozokalfa, Gökhan |
2002 | Annexes and Extensions in Historical Buildings: an Ideological Perspective | İlter, Buket |
2009 | Anomaly Detection Using Network Traffic Characterization | Yarımtepe, Oğuz |
2024 | Anti-Microbial Properties and Biochemical Characterization of Maillard Reaction Products From Legume Protein Hydrolysates and D-Glucose | Gündoğan, Bengihan |
Jul-2020 | Anti-Reflective and Optical Transparent Coatings for Thin Film Solar Cells and Glasses | Kamolov, Shukrullo |
2024 | Antikorlarda Konformasyonel Değişimlerin Hesaplamalı Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi | Aygen, Mehmet Emin |
2010 | Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Olive Leafextract and Its Food Applications | Aytul, Kerem Kaan |
2009 | Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Turkish Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Different Varieties | Karaosmanoğlu, Hande |
2009 | Antimicrobial Properties of Silk Fibroin-Carrageenan Films Incorporating Grape Seed Extract | Arserim Uçar, Dilhun Keriman |
Jul-2023 | Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Activities of Aronia Fruit Extract | Tanağardı, Dilaranur |
Jul-2017 | Antiproliferative and Anticancerogenic Effects of 5-Asa and Its Novel Synthesized Oligomer | Atahanova, Hurshida |
Jul-2017 | Antiproliferative Properties of 2'-alkoxymethyl Substituted Klavuzon Derivatives | Yıldız, Mehmet Salih |