Browsing by Type Master Thesis

Showing results 1 to 100 of 2460  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-20211-Octanol Dehydration on Al2o3-Sio2 CatalystUçar, Beyza 
20243d Modelling as a Tool for Heritage Presentation: Digital Reconstruction of 19th Century Gülbahçe, Urla, İzmirTabur, Beylem Doğa
20063d Reconstruction Using a Spherical Spiral Scan CameraVatansever, Mustafa
Dec-20163d-Printed Multiprobe Analysis System for Solar Fuel Research; Design, Fabrication and TestingHarmanlı, İpek
2005Aas, Xrpd, Sem/Eds, and Ftir Studies of the Effect of Calcite and Magnesite on the Uptake of Pb2+ and Zn2+ Ions by Natural Kaolinite and ClinoptiloliteZünbül, Banu
2013Abelian-Non Abellian Mixing and Cosmic Inflation in Born-Infeld Type GravityAltaş, Aslı
2004Absolutely Supplement and Absolutely Complement ModulesErdoğan, Sultan Eylem
Jul-2016Accelerometer Based Handwritten Character Recognition Using Dynamic Time WarpingTunçer, Esra
2008Access Monitoring System for Distributed Firewall PoliciesÇakı, Oğuzhan
2013Acoustic Design Based on Multi-Aspect Performance AnalysisAtça, Emre
2010Acoustic Indoor Localization Employing Code Division Multiple AccessSertatıl, Cem
2010Activated Signaling Pathways and Apoptotic Mechanisms in Resveratrol Applied Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells and the Involvement of Ceramide Metabolizing Genes on These MechanismsKartal Yandım, Melis
2005The Activity of Silica Immobilized Palladium N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes Toward Mizoro-Heck Reaction and Their CharacterizationAksın, Özge
2002Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene Over Ion-Exchanged Beta ZeoliteKantarlı, İsmail Cem
Jul-2017Adaptation of Digital Electronic Into Detector Systems Numexo2 in Exotic Nuclei ResearchŞahin, Elif
Sep-2016An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Modeling the Effects of Water-In Emulsion on Diesel SpraysYavuz, Bekir Kağan
Oct-2016Adaptive Thermal Comfort Analysis of Historic Mosque: the Case Study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, TurkeyBughrara, Khaled S. M.
Jul-2017Adhesion of Dopa Functionalized Gels To Spin Labeled SurfacesGöksel, Yaman
Dec-2021Adolescents' Uses of Urban Public Spaces: a Case in Menderes (izmir)Şahin, Fatma Nur 
Dec-2022Adsorbent Synthesis for the Recovery of Lithium Water ResourcesKahvecioğlu, Anıl
Jul-2017Adsorption Kinetics of Methane Reformer Off-Gases on Aluminum Based Metal-Organic FrameworksAngı, Deniz
Dec-2016Adsorption of Methane Reformer Off-Gas Components in a Column Packed With Cu, Al,ti and Zn Based Organic FrameworksKanaltı, Gaye
2006Adsorption of Olive Leaf Antioxidants on Silk FibroinBayçın Hızal, Deniz
2012Aeg and Peter Behrens: Symbolism in the First Corporate Identity DesignBoztepe, Uygar
Jul-2016Affine Dynamics With TorsionGültekin, Kemal 
Dec-2019Age-friendly' Neighbourhood Parks: Evaluating Parks in Karşıyaka (izmir) According To User PerceptionsImıl, Ahmet Said
2004Air Leakage Detection in Various Cross Sectioned Air Ducts and Research on Manufacturing Methods for AirtightnessAydın, Çiğdem
2004Air Monitoring of Polychlorinated Bibhenyls in Ambient Air of Suburban Area in Izmir, TurkeyBozacıoğlu, Sevde Seza
2010Air Pollution Effects on the Façade of the Botter Apartment in İstanbulParlak, Birsen
Jul-2019Airfoil Boundary-Layer Stability Calculations and Transition PredictionPekdüz, Umut
2007Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene Polymorphism in Turkish Alcohololic People and Control GroupSalman, Esin
Jun-2019Algebraic Methods and Exact Solutions of Quantum Parametric OscillatorsÇetindaş, Osman
2024Algebraic Structures for Classical Knots, Singular Knots and Virtual KnotsGüneş, Neslihan
2005All Optical Switching Via Diffraction Grating Formed by Interference of Gaussian BeamsAkın, Osman
Jul-2017Almost Local-Global RingsSusuzlu, İdem
2004An Alternative Approach To Free Space Optical Communication LinkKaratay, Okan
2023Alternative Approaches in Urban Design in Declining Historic Areas: Case of Historic City of İzmirAfacan, Gizem
Jul-2015Ambient Air Persistent Organic Pollutant Monitoring, Backtrajectory Modeling, and Health Risk AssessmentGüngörmüş, Elif
Sep-2003Anaerobic Co-Treatability of Olive Mill Wastewaters and Domestic WastewaterAtayol, Ahmet Avni
Jul-2022Anaerobic Digester Modelling for Production of Biogas From Waste Hazelnut HuskDemir, Ozan
2004An Analaytical Approach To the Urban Outdoor Lighting Quality of Residential Areas in IzmirÇam, Rabia
Jun-2022Analysing Pakistani Architecture in the Context of Critical RegionalismBahadur, Aujala Naveed
Jul-2018Analysing the Encrypted Search Algorithms on Encrypted DataTekin, Leyla
Jun-2017Analysis and Implementation of Long Period Fiber Grating and Fresnel Reflection-Based Sensors for Refractive Index Measurement of Liquidsİde, Cansu
Dec-2016Analysis and Implementation of Optical Fiber Sensors for Process Monitoring of Composite MaterialsYılmaz, Anıl
Jan-2019Analysis and Modeling of an Actuation System To Be Used in Light-Weight Collaborative RobotsYılmaz, Mert
2014Analysis and Modelling of a Novel Approach for the Interrogation Unit of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Using Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry TechniquesPala, Deniz
2011Analysis and Re-Design of an Outdoor Fitness Equipment's MechanismKaya, Nazife Aslı
2005Analysis of a Hydrogen Fueled Internal Combustion EngineKahraman, Erol
Jun-2023Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Composite Aerospace Structures Developed by Laser Surface TreatmentNuhoğlu, Kaan
Jul-2023Analysis of Building Information Modeling (bim) Performance Using Big Data From a Construction ProjectBostan, Berkay Batuhan
Jul-2018Analysis of Cantilevers for High-Speed Atomic Force MicroscopyBrar, Harpreet Singh
2009Analysis of Climate Sensitivity in Outdoor Space: Evaluating Urban Patterns in Different ClimatesMengi, Onur
Dec-2015Analysis of Deign-Driven Innovation Practices in Turkish and Swedish Furniture FirmsAydın, Mahmut Ferit
Dec-2017Analysis of Electromechanical Behavior of Piezoelectric Smart Curved BeamsAras, Tunç
Dec-2017Analysis of Feature Pattern Mining Approaches on Social Network: a Case Study on FacebookÖztürk, Elif
Mar-2022Analysis of fingerprint matching performance with deep neural networksGöçen, Alper
2004Analysis of Finite Difference Methods for Convection-Diffusion ProblemDemirayak, Murat
Dec-2018Analysis of Four Urban Squares in Izmir According To the Leading Urban Design LiteratureCeyhan Abacı, Fatma
Dec-2015An Analysis of Gamers' Satisfaction Levels: the Dualities of Digital and Non-Digital GamesDanış, Semih
2004Analysis of Geothermal Circuit of Balçova-Narlıdere Geothermal District Heating SystemBilal, Osman Yaşar
2005Analysis of Graphical User Interface Design in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction (with a Case Study on Oven Control Panel)İlhan, Özlem
2006The Analysis of Historical / Cultural Pattern Development and Conservation Plans of Antalya KaleiçiSüer, Ayşe
2002Analysis of Illegal Physical Development in Metropolitan Cities: an Izmir CaseÇınar, Ali Kemal
Dec-2017An Analysis of Information Spreading and Privacy Issues on Social NetworksSayin, Burcu 
2004Analysis of Intrusion Prevention MethodsSemerci, Hakan
2005An Analysis of Key Generation Efficiency of Rsa Cryptosystem in Distributed EnvironmentsÇağrıcı, Gökhan
2012Analysis of Lysosomal Neu4 Sialidase Associated Proteins by Using Mass Spectrometry (ms/Ms)Öztürk, Süleyman Can
2004Analysis of Observed Chaotic DataÇek, Mehmet Emre
2014Analysis of Olfactory Evoked PotentialsOlcay, Bilal Orkan 
2006An Analysis of Shoe Within the Context Ofsocial History of FashionSancaktar, Aslı
2007Analysis of Stochastic Dynamical SystemsGüngör, Mesut
2012Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Expression of Drosophila Embryonic Small Rnas by Deep-Sequencing MethodCoşacak, Mehmet İlyas
2009Analysis of the Carcked Infinite Hollow Cylinder With Loading on Crack SurfacesAvcı, Fatih
Jul-2021An Analysis of the Impact of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through (erpt) To Construction Cost Index and Housing Unit Prices in TurkeyLağap, Umut 
2004The Analysis of the Planning Consequences and Risk of Earthquake in Terms of Urban Rent: the Case Study of AdapazarıBektaş, Birkan
Dec-2019Analysis of Tnfrsf10b-As Long-Noncoding Rna's Effects on Various Cancer Cell PropertiesAlkan, Ayşe Hale
2003Analysis of Two-Axis Sun Tracking SystemArmakan, Elvan
Jul-2018Analysis of Urban Coffeehouses in the Context of Public Space TheoriesCanaran, Deniz
2000An Analysis on the Aqua-Architecture and Its Internal DynamicsAy, Nevin
2007Analytic Functions on Time ScalesKapçak, Sinan
2014Analytical and Numerical Sensitivity Analysis of Constant Temperature Hot-Wire AnemometreUz, Yusuf Can
2003An Analytical Approach To the Concept of 'topography in ArchitectureMuyan, Cem
1999An Analytical Study of Creativity in Architectural Design:case Study of National Architectural AwardsKandilci, Ebru
2006An Analytical Surver on Customization at Modular Systems in the Context of Industrial DesignTezcanlı, Eda
2000An Analytical Survey on the Role of Packaging in Industrial DesignGöktepe, Yankı 
Jul-2018Analyzing Social Media Data by Frequent Pattern Mining MethodsGüvenoğlu, Büşra
2011Analyzing the Communication and Coordination Processes in Sabiha Gökçen International Airport's New Terminal Building Wayfinding ProjectErbaşaranoğlu, Bengi
2005"ann" Artifical Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models for Cooling Load PredictionBozokalfa, Gökhan
2002Annexes and Extensions in Historical Buildings: an Ideological Perspectiveİlter, Buket
2009Anomaly Detection Using Network Traffic CharacterizationYarımtepe, Oğuz
2024Anti-Microbial Properties and Biochemical Characterization of Maillard Reaction Products From Legume Protein Hydrolysates and D-GlucoseGündoğan, Bengihan
Jul-2020Anti-Reflective and Optical Transparent Coatings for Thin Film Solar Cells and GlassesKamolov, Shukrullo
2024Antikorlarda Konformasyonel Değişimlerin Hesaplamalı Yöntemlerle İncelenmesiAygen, Mehmet Emin
2010Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Olive Leafextract and Its Food ApplicationsAytul, Kerem Kaan
2009Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Turkish Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Different VarietiesKaraosmanoğlu, Hande
2009Antimicrobial Properties of Silk Fibroin-Carrageenan Films Incorporating Grape Seed ExtractArserim Uçar, Dilhun Keriman
Jul-2023Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Activities of Aronia Fruit ExtractTanağardı, Dilaranur
Jul-2017Antiproliferative and Anticancerogenic Effects of 5-Asa and Its Novel Synthesized OligomerAtahanova, Hurshida
Jul-2017Antiproliferative Properties of 2'-alkoxymethyl Substituted Klavuzon DerivativesYıldız, Mehmet Salih