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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-1999Adsorption of Peo/Ppo Triblock Co-Polymers and Wetting of CoalPolat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash
Mar-1999Perceptions of Process Quality in Building ProjectsArditi, David; Günaydın, Hüsnü Murat 
May-1999Modification of Al-Oxide Tunnel Barriers With Organic Self-Assembled MonolayersOkur, Salih ; Zasadzinski, John F.
May-1999Modeling of Diffusion in Closed Cell Polymeric FoamsAlsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
Jun-1999Simultaneous Quasiparticle and Josephson Tunneling in Bscco-2212 Break JunctionsÖzyüzer, Lütfi ; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Zasadzinski, John F.; Yusof, Zikri M.; Romano, Pierom; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E.
Jun-1999Application of Inverse Gas Chromatography To the Measurement of Diffusion and Phase Equilibria in Polyacrylate-Solvent SystemsTıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P.
Jul-1999Tunneling Spectroscopy of Tl2ba2cuo6Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Yusof, Zikri; Zasadzinski, John F.; Li, Ting-Wei; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E.
Aug-1999Predominantly Superconducting Origin of Large Energy Gaps in Underdoped Bi2sr2cacu2o8+? From Tunneling SpectroscopyMiyakawa, Nobuaki; Zasadzinski, John F.; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Guptasarma, Prasenjit; Hinks, David G.; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Gray, Kenneth E.
Sep-1999Kinetics of Oil Dispersion in the Absence and Presence of Block CopolymersPolat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; Chander, Subhash
Nov-1999Processing of Polymers With Supercritical FluidsAlsoy Altınkaya, Sacide ; Duda, John Larry
2000High Strain Rate Deformation Behavior of a Continuous Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix CompositeGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2000Theoretical aspects of some 4-[2,6 derivatives as anti-hiv agentsTürker, Lemi; Sudağıdan, Mert
2000Design Criteria of in Campus Sport Facilities With Reference To World University Sports Competitions a Case Study in Iztech CampusAğan, Hande
2000Crushing of Aluminum Closed Cell Foams: Density and Strain Rate EffectsHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J
2000L(+)lactic Acid Production From Whey by Lactobacillus Casei Nrrl B-441Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz 
2000An Analytical Survey on the Role of Packaging in Industrial DesignGöktepe, Yankı 
2000Particle Deposition Simulation Using the Cfd Code FluentYılmaz, Selahattin ; Cliffe, K. R.
2000Effects of Light, Carbon Dioxide, and Hormone Levels on Transformation To Photoautotrophy of Sugarcane Shoots in MicropropagationErtürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N.
2000Superconducting Gap and Pseudogap From Tunneling Conductance on Bi2sr2cacu2og+δ With Various Oxygen ConcentrationMiyakawa, N.; Zasadzinski, J.F.; Ozyuzer, L. ; Guptasarma, P.; Kendziora, C.; Hinks, D.G.; Gray, K.E.
2000The Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Implant MaterialÇiftçioğlu, Rukiye
2000Preparation of Complexes Formed in the Reaction Between Dicobaltoctacarbonyl and Tetraalkyldiphosphine Disulfides, R2p(s)p(s)r2 (r = Me, Et, N-Pr, N-Bu)Uğur Sarıkahya, Fadime; Şentürk, Ozan Şanlı; Topaloğlu, Işıl 
2000Si-Geothermometry Applied for the Interpretation of Three-Components Mixtures in Marine Geothermal Systems -Exploration of the Gülbahce Geothermal Field, Western Anatolia/ TurkeyGiese, L.B.; İlken, Zafer ; Çetiner, Levent; Yıldırım, Nazım
2000Photoautotrophic and Heterotrophic Micropropagation of Sugarcane Shoots in Controlled EnvironmentsErtürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N.
2000The Peculiarities of Light as a Quality in ArchitectureKutlu, H. Gökhan
2000Wetland Conservation Within the Framework of City PlanningSevinç, Nuray
2000An Analysis on the Aqua-Architecture and Its Internal DynamicsAy, Nevin
2000Ribbon Development İn Aydın Along Denizli-ızmir HighwayKılınç, Gökçen
2000A Critical View of Turkish Architectural Thought and Architectural Practices in the Tourism After 1980Uzunoğlu, Erdal
2000Photovoltaic Charge Station on Garage Roofs With Passive ReflectorsÇantay, Aylin
2000A Specaial Transportation Modelling Approach for the Disadvantaged Groups in Urban TrafficDuvarcı, Yavuz 
2000A Retrospective Evaluation of Space Organization Principles in Architecture (building on Mimar Kemalettin Street in Izmir)Turan, Mine 
2000Solunabilir Tozun Su Spreyleri Kullanılarak Bastırılmasında Son GelişmelerPolat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; Gürgen, Sabit
2000Preparation and Characterization of Alumina Powders and SuspensionsŞakar, Aylin M. 
2000Preparation and Characterization of Inorganic Membranes by Using Sol-Gel TechniquesYelken, Gülnihal 
2000The Reflections of Modernization in Turkey on the Architectural Artifacts of Izmir Culturepark Between 1930-1950Pöğün, Yüksel
2000Predicting Drying in Solvent-Coated Polymeric FilmsAlsoy Altınkaya, Sacide ; Duda, John Larry
2000On Primality TestingTepeli, Murat
2000Problem of Cracked Infinite Hollow Cylinder With Two Rigid InclusionsArtem, Hatice Seçil ; Geçit, Mehmet Ruşen
2000Effect of Some Physical, and Chemical Variables on Flocculation and Sediment BehaviourPolat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; İpekoğlu, Üner
2000Noise Analysis in Urban Areas and Alternative SolutionsBaydere, Seda
2000Cultural and Local Diversities in Contemporary Architecture:an Evaluation on the Regionalist Trends in 20th Century Turkish ArchitectureÇaylan, Didem
2000Effects of Land-Ownership Transformation in Metropolitan Fringe Areas on Existing Urban Pattern (a Case Study of Ayrancılar-Torbalı)Karataş, Neslihan
2000Transformation in Architectural Drawing:a Study on the Representation of Space During the Renaissance and Avant-GradeDuruk. R. Kıvılcım
2000Aquaparks-Location Requirements and Design CriteriaNacak, Hanife
2000Device length requirement in slab/fiber evanescent couplerDinleyici, Mehmet Salih 
Feb-2000Quasiparticle and Josephson Tunneling of Overdoped Bi2sr2cacu2o8+? Single CrystalsÖzyüzer, Lütfi ; Zasadzinski, John F.; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Gray, Kenneth E.
Feb-2000The Effect of Sb Substitution of Cu in Bi1.7pb0.3sr2ca2cu 3-Xsbxoy SuperconductorsKocabaş, Kemal; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin 
Mar-2000Effects of Rooting Period, Clump Size, and Growth Medium on Sugarcane Plantlets in Micropropagation During and After Transformation To PhotoautotrophyErtürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N.
Apr-2000Measurement of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for a Horizontal Cylinder Rotating in Quiescent AirÖzerdem, Barış 
May-20001/F Noise in Doped and Undoped Amorphous SiliconJohanson, Robert E.; Güneş, Mehmet ; Kasap, Safa O.
May-2000Conductance Fluctuations in Undoped Intrinsic Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films Prepared Using Several Deposition TechniquesGüneş, Mehmet ; Johanson, Robert E.; Kasap, Safa O.
May-2000Electrostatic Charge on Spray Droplets of Aqueous Surfactant SolutionsPolat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash
May-2000On the Splitting Parameter in the Ewald MethodKuştepeli, Alp ; Martin, Anthony Q.
Aug-2000Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Sour Cherry AnthocyaninsÖzkan, Mehmet; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Çıtak, Bahar; Cemeroğlu, Bekir
Aug-2000Solvent Diffusion in Amorphous Polymers: Polystyrene-Solvent SystemsTıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P.
Sep-2000Solvent Diffusion in Amorphous Polymers: Polyvinyl Acetate-Toluene SystemTıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P.; Lützow, Norbert; Duda, John Larry
Oct-2000Nmr Studies on Natural and Synthetic AmavadinArmstrong, Elaine M.; Collison, David; Ertok, Nigar; Garner, Catherine D.
2-Oct-2000Fiber Optic Sensors Using Novel Substrates for Hydrogen Sulfide Determination by Solid Surface FluorescenceEroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Volkan, Mürvet; Ataman, O. Yavuz
Nov-2000High Energy Secondary Peak Structure in Tunneling Spectra (hump) as Possible Magnetic PseudogapZasadzinski, John F.; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E.
Nov-2000Tunneling Spectroscopy of Heavily Underdoped Crystals of Bi2sr2cacu2o8-?Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Zasadzinski, John F.; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Sha, J.; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E.
23-Nov-2000Speciation and Preconcentration of Inorganic Tellurium From Waters Using a Mercaptosilica Microcolumn and Determination by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption SpectrometryKörez, Aslıhan; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Volkan, Mürvet; Ataman, O. Yavuz
2001Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crushing of Empty and Foam-Filled TubesHall, Ian W.; Ebil, Özgenç ; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J.
2001Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline TitaniaÇağlar, Özlem ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin ; Güden, Mustafa 
2001A Mathematical Modelling for Manpower PlanningUludağ, Mehmet
2001An Education Environment for Web Based TrainingKılınç, Hacı Hakan
2001Changing Dynamics of Urban Renewal: Uzundere (izmir) Urban Renewal ProjectEğercioğlu, Yakup
2001Modified Wheat Starches Used as Stabilizers in Set-Style YogurtÓZKAN,M.; YemenicioǦLU,A.; ÇITAK,B.; CemeroǦLU,B.
2001Moisture Sorption Isotherm Characteristics of PeppersKaymak-Ertekin,F.; Sultanoglu,M.
2001Inequalities for the Vibrating Clamped Plate ProblemMchale, K. P.; Ufuktepe, Ünal 
2001Evaluation of Dissolution Methods in the Presence of High Chloride Content for the Determination of Germanium in Geological Matrices by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption SpectrometryAbbasi, Husam U.; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Anwari, Mohammad A.; Volkan, Mürvet
2001Cation Exchange (ag+, Zn2+, Cu2+) Behavior of Natural ZeolitesTop, Ayben 
2001Removal of Heavy Metals From Wastewaters by Use of Natural ZeolitesTürkmen, Müşerref
2001Modelling of Asymmetric Membrane Formation by Dry Casting MethodÖzbaş, Bülent
2001Overall Elemental Dry Deposition Velocities Measured Around Lake MichiganYi, Seung-Muk; Shahin, Usama; Sivadechathep, Jakkris; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Holsen, Thomas M.
2001Optical Routing in Packet Switched NetworksÖzbek, Mehmet Erdal
2001Potential Natural Hazard Areas İn Izmir Built-up Zone Case Study: Altındağ Landslide AreasKutluca, Ahmet Kıvanç
2001The Regeneration of City Centers a Design Strategy for Alsancak District IzmirErgenekon, Timur
2001A Study on Street Furniture Design Criteria for Bus StopsKaya, Erol
2001A Chromatographicstudy of Carbon Monoxide Adsorption in ClinoptiloliteNarin, Güler
2001Immobilization of Lipase From Candida Rugosa on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic SupportsÖztürk, Banu
2001Recent developments in wireless network systemsNurel, Mehmet Ali
2001Cemeteries Planning and Design PrinciplesCömertler, Seval
2001A Methodology for Geographical Information Systems Based Participatory Decision Making ApproachYiğitcanlar, Tan
2001Kompozit aluminyum köpük malzemesinin hazırlanması ve mekanik özelliklerinin karakterizasyonuYılmaz, Selahattin ; Güden, Mustafa ; Elbir, Semih
2001Labeling of Gly-Gly With Technetium-99m and the Assessment of It's Radiopharmaceutical PotentialTaner, M.S.; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Köseoğlu, K.; Argon, M.; Dirlik, A.; Duman, Y.
2001Can Cpt Be Violated Through Extended Time Reversal?Erdem, Recai ; Ufuktepe, Ünal 
2001Preparation and Characterization of Aluminum Composite Closed-Cell FoamsElbir, Semih
2001Empirical Computation of Absorbed Radiation in Medium Like Human Body and Graphical Representation of Dose DistributionGökçe, Tuncay Cemil
2001Colour Design of Exterior Surfaces as an Expression of Architectural ThoughtKaynak Bayık, Ahenk
2001Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Based Composite FilmsPehlivan, Hilal
2001Test of Biomaterials in Biological SystemsSudağıdan, Mert
2001A Turkish Password Cracker for Unix Based Operating SystemsTahaoğlu, Osman Okyar
2001Biosortion of Nickel (ii) by Using Waste Baker's YeastÖzdemir, Peruze
2001A Firewall Design for Academic EnvironmentsTok, Metin
2001Investigation and Development of the Quality Control of Al-Wheel Rim Production ProcessÇetinel, Mert
Feb-2001Effects of Glass-Fiber Sizings on the Strength and Energy Absorption of the Fiber/Matrix Interphase Under High Loading RatesTanoğlu, Metin ; McKnight, Steven H.; Palmese, Giuseppe R.; Gillespie, John W.
Feb-2001Self-Dual Chern-Simons Solitons and Quantum PotentialPashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao
Feb-2001Soliton Resonances, Black Holes and Madelung FluidPashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao
Mar-2001Mass Transfer Coefficients for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (pahs) To the Water Surface Sampler: Comparison To Modeled ResultsOdabaşı, Mustafa; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Holsen, Thomas M.
May-2001High Strain Rate Testing of a Unidirectionally Reinforced Graphite Epoxy CompositeHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa