Showing results 101 to 200 of 11514
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jan-1999 | Adsorption of Peo/Ppo Triblock Co-Polymers and Wetting of Coal | Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash |
Mar-1999 | Perceptions of Process Quality in Building Projects | Arditi, David; Günaydın, Hüsnü Murat |
May-1999 | Modification of Al-Oxide Tunnel Barriers With Organic Self-Assembled Monolayers | Okur, Salih ; Zasadzinski, John F. |
May-1999 | Modeling of Diffusion in Closed Cell Polymeric Foams | Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide |
Jun-1999 | Simultaneous Quasiparticle and Josephson Tunneling in Bscco-2212 Break Junctions | Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Zasadzinski, John F.; Yusof, Zikri M.; Romano, Pierom; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
Jun-1999 | Application of Inverse Gas Chromatography To the Measurement of Diffusion and Phase Equilibria in Polyacrylate-Solvent Systems | Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P. |
Jul-1999 | Tunneling Spectroscopy of Tl2ba2cuo6 | Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Yusof, Zikri; Zasadzinski, John F.; Li, Ting-Wei; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
Aug-1999 | Predominantly Superconducting Origin of Large Energy Gaps in Underdoped Bi2sr2cacu2o8+? From Tunneling Spectroscopy | Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Zasadzinski, John F.; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Guptasarma, Prasenjit; Hinks, David G.; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
Sep-1999 | Kinetics of Oil Dispersion in the Absence and Presence of Block Copolymers | Polat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; Chander, Subhash |
Nov-1999 | Processing of Polymers With Supercritical Fluids | Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide ; Duda, John Larry |
2000 | High Strain Rate Deformation Behavior of a Continuous Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite | Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W. |
2000 | Theoretical aspects of some 4-[2,6 derivatives as anti-hiv agents | Türker, Lemi; Sudağıdan, Mert |
2000 | Design Criteria of in Campus Sport Facilities With Reference To World University Sports Competitions a Case Study in Iztech Campus | Ağan, Hande |
2000 | Crushing of Aluminum Closed Cell Foams: Density and Strain Rate Effects | Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J |
2000 | L(+)lactic Acid Production From Whey by Lactobacillus Casei Nrrl B-441 | Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz |
2000 | An Analytical Survey on the Role of Packaging in Industrial Design | Göktepe, Yankı |
2000 | Particle Deposition Simulation Using the Cfd Code Fluent | Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Cliffe, K. R. |
2000 | Effects of Light, Carbon Dioxide, and Hormone Levels on Transformation To Photoautotrophy of Sugarcane Shoots in Micropropagation | Ertürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N. |
2000 | Superconducting Gap and Pseudogap From Tunneling Conductance on Bi2sr2cacu2og+δ With Various Oxygen Concentration | Miyakawa, N.; Zasadzinski, J.F.; Ozyuzer, L. ; Guptasarma, P.; Kendziora, C.; Hinks, D.G.; Gray, K.E. |
2000 | The Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Implant Material | Çiftçioğlu, Rukiye |
2000 | Preparation of Complexes Formed in the Reaction Between Dicobaltoctacarbonyl and Tetraalkyldiphosphine Disulfides, R2p(s)p(s)r2 (r = Me, Et, N-Pr, N-Bu) | Uğur Sarıkahya, Fadime; Şentürk, Ozan Şanlı; Topaloğlu, Işıl |
2000 | Si-Geothermometry Applied for the Interpretation of Three-Components Mixtures in Marine Geothermal Systems -Exploration of the Gülbahce Geothermal Field, Western Anatolia/ Turkey | Giese, L.B.; İlken, Zafer ; Çetiner, Levent; Yıldırım, Nazım |
2000 | Photoautotrophic and Heterotrophic Micropropagation of Sugarcane Shoots in Controlled Environments | Ertürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N. |
2000 | The Peculiarities of Light as a Quality in Architecture | Kutlu, H. Gökhan |
2000 | Wetland Conservation Within the Framework of City Planning | Sevinç, Nuray |
2000 | An Analysis on the Aqua-Architecture and Its Internal Dynamics | Ay, Nevin |
2000 | Ribbon Development İn Aydın Along Denizli-ızmir Highway | Kılınç, Gökçen |
2000 | A Critical View of Turkish Architectural Thought and Architectural Practices in the Tourism After 1980 | Uzunoğlu, Erdal |
2000 | Photovoltaic Charge Station on Garage Roofs With Passive Reflectors | Çantay, Aylin |
2000 | A Specaial Transportation Modelling Approach for the Disadvantaged Groups in Urban Traffic | Duvarcı, Yavuz |
2000 | A Retrospective Evaluation of Space Organization Principles in Architecture (building on Mimar Kemalettin Street in Izmir) | Turan, Mine |
2000 | Solunabilir Tozun Su Spreyleri Kullanılarak Bastırılmasında Son Gelişmeler | Polat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; Gürgen, Sabit |
2000 | Preparation and Characterization of Alumina Powders and Suspensions | Şakar, Aylin M. |
2000 | Preparation and Characterization of Inorganic Membranes by Using Sol-Gel Techniques | Yelken, Gülnihal |
2000 | The Reflections of Modernization in Turkey on the Architectural Artifacts of Izmir Culturepark Between 1930-1950 | Pöğün, Yüksel |
2000 | Predicting Drying in Solvent-Coated Polymeric Films | Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide ; Duda, John Larry |
2000 | On Primality Testing | Tepeli, Murat |
2000 | Problem of Cracked Infinite Hollow Cylinder With Two Rigid Inclusions | Artem, Hatice Seçil ; Geçit, Mehmet Ruşen |
2000 | Effect of Some Physical, and Chemical Variables on Flocculation and Sediment Behaviour | Polat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; İpekoğlu, Üner |
2000 | Noise Analysis in Urban Areas and Alternative Solutions | Baydere, Seda |
2000 | Cultural and Local Diversities in Contemporary Architecture:an Evaluation on the Regionalist Trends in 20th Century Turkish Architecture | Çaylan, Didem |
2000 | Effects of Land-Ownership Transformation in Metropolitan Fringe Areas on Existing Urban Pattern (a Case Study of Ayrancılar-Torbalı) | Karataş, Neslihan |
2000 | Transformation in Architectural Drawing:a Study on the Representation of Space During the Renaissance and Avant-Grade | Duruk. R. Kıvılcım |
2000 | Aquaparks-Location Requirements and Design Criteria | Nacak, Hanife |
2000 | Device length requirement in slab/fiber evanescent coupler | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
Feb-2000 | Quasiparticle and Josephson Tunneling of Overdoped Bi2sr2cacu2o8+? Single Crystals | Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Zasadzinski, John F.; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
Feb-2000 | The Effect of Sb Substitution of Cu in Bi1.7pb0.3sr2ca2cu 3-Xsbxoy Superconductors | Kocabaş, Kemal; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin |
Mar-2000 | Effects of Rooting Period, Clump Size, and Growth Medium on Sugarcane Plantlets in Micropropagation During and After Transformation To Photoautotrophy | Ertürk, Handan ; Walker, Paul N. |
Apr-2000 | Measurement of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for a Horizontal Cylinder Rotating in Quiescent Air | Özerdem, Barış |
May-2000 | 1/F Noise in Doped and Undoped Amorphous Silicon | Johanson, Robert E.; Güneş, Mehmet ; Kasap, Safa O. |
May-2000 | Conductance Fluctuations in Undoped Intrinsic Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films Prepared Using Several Deposition Techniques | Güneş, Mehmet ; Johanson, Robert E.; Kasap, Safa O. |
May-2000 | Electrostatic Charge on Spray Droplets of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions | Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash |
May-2000 | On the Splitting Parameter in the Ewald Method | Kuştepeli, Alp ; Martin, Anthony Q. |
Aug-2000 | Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Sour Cherry Anthocyanins | Özkan, Mehmet; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Çıtak, Bahar; Cemeroğlu, Bekir |
Aug-2000 | Solvent Diffusion in Amorphous Polymers: Polystyrene-Solvent Systems | Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P. |
Sep-2000 | Solvent Diffusion in Amorphous Polymers: Polyvinyl Acetate-Toluene System | Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Danner, Ronald P.; Lützow, Norbert; Duda, John Larry |
Oct-2000 | Nmr Studies on Natural and Synthetic Amavadin | Armstrong, Elaine M.; Collison, David; Ertok, Nigar; Garner, Catherine D. |
2-Oct-2000 | Fiber Optic Sensors Using Novel Substrates for Hydrogen Sulfide Determination by Solid Surface Fluorescence | Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Volkan, Mürvet; Ataman, O. Yavuz |
Nov-2000 | High Energy Secondary Peak Structure in Tunneling Spectra (hump) as Possible Magnetic Pseudogap | Zasadzinski, John F.; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
Nov-2000 | Tunneling Spectroscopy of Heavily Underdoped Crystals of Bi2sr2cacu2o8-? | Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Zasadzinski, John F.; Miyakawa, Nobuaki; Kendziora, Christopher A.; Sha, J.; Hinks, David G.; Gray, Kenneth E. |
23-Nov-2000 | Speciation and Preconcentration of Inorganic Tellurium From Waters Using a Mercaptosilica Microcolumn and Determination by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry | Körez, Aslıhan; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Volkan, Mürvet; Ataman, O. Yavuz |
2001 | Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crushing of Empty and Foam-Filled Tubes | Hall, Ian W.; Ebil, Özgenç ; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J. |
2001 | Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Titania | Çağlar, Özlem ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin ; Güden, Mustafa |
2001 | A Mathematical Modelling for Manpower Planning | Uludağ, Mehmet |
2001 | An Education Environment for Web Based Training | Kılınç, Hacı Hakan |
2001 | Changing Dynamics of Urban Renewal: Uzundere (izmir) Urban Renewal Project | Eğercioğlu, Yakup |
2001 | Modified Wheat Starches Used as Stabilizers in Set-Style Yogurt | ÓZKAN,M.; YemenicioǦLU,A.; ÇITAK,B.; CemeroǦLU,B. |
2001 | Moisture Sorption Isotherm Characteristics of Peppers | Kaymak-Ertekin,F.; Sultanoglu,M. |
2001 | Inequalities for the Vibrating Clamped Plate Problem | Mchale, K. P.; Ufuktepe, Ünal |
2001 | Evaluation of Dissolution Methods in the Presence of High Chloride Content for the Determination of Germanium in Geological Matrices by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry | Abbasi, Husam U.; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Anwari, Mohammad A.; Volkan, Mürvet |
2001 | Cation Exchange (ag+, Zn2+, Cu2+) Behavior of Natural Zeolites | Top, Ayben |
2001 | Removal of Heavy Metals From Wastewaters by Use of Natural Zeolites | Türkmen, Müşerref |
2001 | Modelling of Asymmetric Membrane Formation by Dry Casting Method | Özbaş, Bülent |
2001 | Overall Elemental Dry Deposition Velocities Measured Around Lake Michigan | Yi, Seung-Muk; Shahin, Usama; Sivadechathep, Jakkris; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Holsen, Thomas M. |
2001 | Optical Routing in Packet Switched Networks | Özbek, Mehmet Erdal |
2001 | Potential Natural Hazard Areas İn Izmir Built-up Zone Case Study: Altındağ Landslide Areas | Kutluca, Ahmet Kıvanç |
2001 | The Regeneration of City Centers a Design Strategy for Alsancak District Izmir | Ergenekon, Timur |
2001 | A Study on Street Furniture Design Criteria for Bus Stops | Kaya, Erol |
2001 | A Chromatographicstudy of Carbon Monoxide Adsorption in Clinoptilolite | Narin, Güler |
2001 | Immobilization of Lipase From Candida Rugosa on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Supports | Öztürk, Banu |
2001 | Recent developments in wireless network systems | Nurel, Mehmet Ali |
2001 | Cemeteries Planning and Design Principles | Cömertler, Seval |
2001 | A Methodology for Geographical Information Systems Based Participatory Decision Making Approach | Yiğitcanlar, Tan |
2001 | Kompozit aluminyum köpük malzemesinin hazırlanması ve mekanik özelliklerinin karakterizasyonu | Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Güden, Mustafa ; Elbir, Semih |
2001 | Labeling of Gly-Gly With Technetium-99m and the Assessment of It's Radiopharmaceutical Potential | Taner, M.S.; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Köseoğlu, K.; Argon, M.; Dirlik, A.; Duman, Y. |
2001 | Can Cpt Be Violated Through Extended Time Reversal? | Erdem, Recai ; Ufuktepe, Ünal |
2001 | Preparation and Characterization of Aluminum Composite Closed-Cell Foams | Elbir, Semih |
2001 | Empirical Computation of Absorbed Radiation in Medium Like Human Body and Graphical Representation of Dose Distribution | Gökçe, Tuncay Cemil |
2001 | Colour Design of Exterior Surfaces as an Expression of Architectural Thought | Kaynak Bayık, Ahenk |
2001 | Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Based Composite Films | Pehlivan, Hilal |
2001 | Test of Biomaterials in Biological Systems | Sudağıdan, Mert |
2001 | A Turkish Password Cracker for Unix Based Operating Systems | Tahaoğlu, Osman Okyar |
2001 | Biosortion of Nickel (ii) by Using Waste Baker's Yeast | Özdemir, Peruze |
2001 | A Firewall Design for Academic Environments | Tok, Metin |
2001 | Investigation and Development of the Quality Control of Al-Wheel Rim Production Process | Çetinel, Mert |
Feb-2001 | Effects of Glass-Fiber Sizings on the Strength and Energy Absorption of the Fiber/Matrix Interphase Under High Loading Rates | Tanoğlu, Metin ; McKnight, Steven H.; Palmese, Giuseppe R.; Gillespie, John W. |
Feb-2001 | Self-Dual Chern-Simons Solitons and Quantum Potential | Pashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao |
Feb-2001 | Soliton Resonances, Black Holes and Madelung Fluid | Pashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao |
Mar-2001 | Mass Transfer Coefficients for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (pahs) To the Water Surface Sampler: Comparison To Modeled Results | Odabaşı, Mustafa; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Holsen, Thomas M. |
May-2001 | High Strain Rate Testing of a Unidirectionally Reinforced Graphite Epoxy Composite | Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa |