Browsing "Phd Degree / Doktora" by Title

Showing results 264 to 283 of 516 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2022Integration of Archaeological Sites With Urban Life in the Metropolitan City Centres: the Case of Agora of Smyrna/İzmirÇalışkan, Merve
2012The Integration of Land Use Planning Process With Water Resources Management: Analysis of Küçük Menderes River Basin Catchment Area-TurkeyBolposta, Rabia
Sep-2016Interference Alignment Techniques for Heterogeneous Wireless NetworksAycan, Esra 
Dec-2020Interstitial as a Mode of Production of Space in Socially and Politically Engaged Spatial PracticesDoğu, Tuba
2011Inverse Problems and Regularization in Signal Processing With Applications To Wireless Channel EstimationŞahin, Ahmet
Nov-2022Investigating Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Resistance To Notch Inhibitors in Breast and Ovarian CancerTelli, Kübra
Jul-2020Investigating the Role of Connexin 32 in Breast CancerUğur, Deniz 
Dec-2021An Investigation Into Architecture Students' Creative Performance While Using Associative and Rule-Based Reasoning Strategies: Exploring a Dual Process Approach in Design EducationTaneri, Batuhan 
Dec-2017The Investigation of Anticancer Properties of (r)-4'-methylklavuzon in Liver Cancer Cells and Liver Cancer Stem CellsDelman, Murat
Jul-2022Investigation of Bioelectrochemical Treatment Efficiency for Removal of Boron From Geothermal WatersGören, Ayşegül Yağmur 
2013Investigation of Carotenoid Contents of Various Microalgae by Chromatographis/Spectroscopic MethodsErdoğan, Ayşegül
Dec-2021Investigation of Compensatory Effect of Copper Mineral and Iron-Protein Complexes on Iron Deficiency Anemia in Human Enterocyte Cell Culture ModelHoşer, Ezgi 
2009Investigation of Effects of Microstructural and Surface Properties of Ultrafiltration/ Nanofiltration Ceramic Membranes on Their PerformanceErdem, İlker
2014Investigation of Hemostatic Biomaterials Containing Plant ExtractsUslu, Mehmet Emin
Jun-2022Investigation of Liquefaction Potential of Sand-Tire Granulated Rubber Mixture That Used Around the Buried Pipes With Shake Table TestsKaraman, Mustafa 
Dec-2018Investigation of Molecular Effect of Phenolic Acids on Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus in Comparison To Their Phenolic Acid Resistant MutantsKeman, Deniz 
Jul-2015Investigation of the Deterioration Problems of Excavated Andesite Monuments in Archaeological Sites for the Purpose of ConservationKaplan, Çağlayan Deniz
Feb-2017Investigation of the Effect of Different Processing Techniques on the Overall Quality and Shelf Life of Local Apricot Variety of Iğdır (prunus Armeniaca L., Cv. Şalak)Hakgüder Taze, Bengi 
2023Investigation of the Effects of Antiinflammatory in the Tissues of Gm2 Gangliosidosis Mouse ModelAteş, Nurselin 
Mar-2024Investigation of the Effects of Ketogenic Diet Therapy in a Mouse Model of Gm2 Gangliosidosisİnci, Orhan Kerim