| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2024 | 1,2-Diboranes With Strong Donor Substitutes: Synthesis, Ovicidal and Larvicidal Effect on Important Vector Species | Bursali, Fatma; Sahin, Yueksel; Aygun, Muhittin; Sevincek, Resul; Biyik, H. Halil; Özgener, Hüseyin ; Gurbuz, Burcin |
2 | 2021 | 1,2-Diborolanes With Strong Donor Substituents: Synthesis and High Antimicrobial Activity | Şahin, Yüksel; Poyrazoğlu Çoban, Esin; Sevinçek, Resul; Bıyık, Halil H.; Özgener, Hüseyin ; Aygün, Muhittin |
3 | 2021 | 1-Octanol Is a Functional Impurity Modifying Particle Size and Photophysical Properties of Colloidal Zncdsse/Zns Nanocrystals | Sevim Ünlütürk, Seçil; Çağır, Ali ; Varlıklı, Canan ; Özçelik, Serdar |
4 | Oct-2008 | 2-D Analysis of Ge Implanted Sio2 Surfaces by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy | Yalçın, Şerife ; Örer, Sabiha; Turan, Raşit |
5 | 2020 | 2’-Methylklavuzon Causes Lipid-Lowering Effects on A549 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells and Significant Changes on Dna Structure Evidenced by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | Ceylan, Çağatay ; Aksoy, Hatice Nurdan; Çağır, Ali ; Çetinkaya, Hakkı |
6 | 2009 | 5-Sübstitüentli alpha,beta -doymamış laktonların sentezlenmesi ve biyolojik aktivitelerinin incelenmesi | Çağır, Ali ; Kasaplar, Pınar; Akçok, İsmail |
7 | Jan-2009 | 6-Bicycloaryl Substituted (s)- and (r)-5,6 Asymmetric Synthesis, and Anti-Proliferative Properties | Kasaplar, Pınar; Yılmazer, Özgür; Çağır, Ali |
8 | 8-Apr-2005 | Aas, Xrpd, Sem/Eds, and Ftir Characterization of Zn2+ Retention by Calcite, Calcite–kaolinite, and Calcite–clinoptilolite Minerals | Shahwan, Talal ; Zünbül, Banu; Tunusoğlu, Özge; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin |
9 | May-2008 | Absorption Spectrum of Monomeric Pseudoisocyanine: a New Perspective and Its Implications for Formation and Spectral Response of J-Aggregates in Solution and in Thin Films | Gülen, Demet; Özçelik, Serdar |
10 | 2002 | Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene Over Ion-Exchanged Ss-Zeolite | Kantarlı, İsmail Cem; Artok, Levent ; Bulut, Hatice; Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Ülkü, Semra |
11 | Jan-2012 | Adsorption of Methylene Blue From Aqueous Solution on High Lime Fly Ash: Kinetic, Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Studies | Keleşoğlu, Serkan; Kes, Mürşide; Sütçü, Leman; Polat, Hürriyet |
12 | Jan-1999 | Adsorption of Peo/Ppo Triblock Co-Polymers and Wetting of Coal | Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash |
13 | 2016 | Alkenil Oksiranların Organoborlar ile Paladyum Katalizli Tepkimeleri: 4-aril Ya Da 4-alkenil Sübstitüye Allil Alkollerin Sentezinde Regio ve Stereo Seçimli Bir Yöntem | Artok, Levent |
14 | 2012 | Alkenilboron bileşiklerin rodyum katalizli C-H aktivasyon/karbonilasyon prosesleri ile indenon ve indanon yapılarının sentezi | Artok, Levent |
15 | Sep-2004 | Alumina/Water Suspensions in the Presence of Peo-Ppo Triblock Copolymers | Şakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin |
16 | May-2017 | Amalgamation Performances of Gold-Coated Quartz Wool, Alumina, Silica, Sand and Carbon Fiber for the Determination of Inorganic Mercury in Waters by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry | Erdem Şimşek, Arzu; Erdem Yayayürük, Aslı; Shahwan, Talal ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin |
17 | 1998 | The Amido and Bisalkoxo-Complexes of [tri(3,5-Dimethylpyrazolyl)borato]molydenum Nitrosyl | Topaloğlu, Işıl |
18 | 2020 | Analysis of Dilution Induced Disintegration of Micellar Drug Carriers in the Presence of Inter and Intra Micellar Species | Polat, Hürriyet ; Kutluay, Gülistan; Polat, Mehmet |
19 | 2024 | Analytical Performance Characteristics of Micro-Structured Surfaces for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquids | Kaplan, Dilara; Yaman, Iayda; Yalcin, Serife |
20 | Jan-2010 | Analytical Solution of Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for Interacting Plates of Arbitrary Potentials and Same Sign | Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |