| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
221 | 2020 | Investigation of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance of Silver Doped Ba0.5sr0.5co0.8fe0.2o3-Delta Perovskite Structure | Göl, Emre Yusuf; Aytekin, Ahmet; Özkahraman, Ecem Ezgi; Karabudak, Engin |
222 | Apr-2012 | Investigation of Peptide Size, Residue Position, Neighbor Amino Acid and Side Chain Effect on Macrocyclization of B N (n = 5-7) Ions | Taşoğlu, Çağdaş; Görgülü, Güvenç; Yalçın, Talat |
223 | Jan-2009 | Investigation of Structure-Spectroscopy Relationship of Twodimensional J-Aggregates of Tetrachlorobenzimidazolorcarbocyanine Preferentially Oriented in Poly-Vinly Thin Films | Gülen, Demet; Atasoylu, Onur; Özçelik, Serdar |
224 | 2024 | Investigation of the Experimental and Theoretical Band Gap of Pbvo3cl for Use in Energy Conversion Devices | Harmanli, Ipek; Aytekin, Ahmet; Gol, Emre Yusuf; Eanes, Mehtap ; Karabudak, Engin |
225 | 2021 | Investigations of Polyamide Nano-Composites Containing Bentonite and Organo-Modified Clays: Mechanical, Thermal, Structural and Processing Performances | Akar, Alinda Öykü; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Tayfun, Ümit |
226 | Oct-2017 | Iron-Promoted 1,5-Substitution (sn2' Reactions of Enyne Acetates and Oxiranes With Grignard Reagents | Taç, Doğan; Aytaç, İsmet Arınç; Karatavuk, Ali Osman; Kuş, Melih ; Ziyanak, Fırat ; Artok, Levent |
227 | 2023 | Iron-Promoted 1,5-Substitution Reaction of Endocyclic Enyne Oxiranes With Memgbr: a Stereoselective Method for the Synthesis of Exocyclic 2,4,5-Trienol Derivatives | Kuş, Melih ; Omur, Cenk; Karaca, Sila; Artok, Levent |
228 | 2017 | İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Ar-Ge Stratejisi Belgesi (Nanoteknoloji Araştırmaları) | ; ; ; ; ; ; Özçelik, Serdar |
229 | Feb-2017 | Kanser Öntanısı için Hücredışı Veziküller Kullanılarak Plazmonik Temelli Metodoloji Geliştirme | Erdoğan, Duygu; Alduran, Yeşim; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu |
230 | 2014 | Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması | Öztürk, Betül ; Dıraman, Harun; Özdemir, Durmuş |
231 | 2005 | Katmanlı geçiş metal oksit katı hal maddelerinin sentezi, X-ray tek kristal yapı tayini ve fiziksel özelliklerinin araştırılması | Emirdağ Eanes, Mehtap ; Şahin, Aytaç; Özmen, Bahar |
232 | 2005 | Kinetic and Thermodynamic Investigations of Strontium Ions Retention by Natural Kaolinite and Clinoptilolite Minerals | Akar, Dilek; Shahwan, Talal ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin |
233 | Jun-2005 | The Kinetics of Citral Hydrogenation Over Pd Supported on Clinoptilolite Rich Natural Zeolite | Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Uçar, Şule; Artok, Levent ; Güleç, Hilal |
234 | Sep-1999 | Kinetics of Oil Dispersion in the Absence and Presence of Block Copolymers | Polat, Hürriyet ; Polat, Mehmet ; Chander, Subhash |
235 | 2019 | Kras(g12c) Inhibitors on the Horizon | Çağır, Ali ; Azmi, Asfar S. |
236 | 2001 | Labeling of Gly-Gly With Technetium-99m and the Assessment of It's Radiopharmaceutical Potential | Taner, M.S.; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Köseoğlu, K.; Argon, M.; Dirlik, A.; Duman, Y. |
237 | 2021 | Laser Assisted Synthesis of Anisotropic Metal Nanocrystals and Strong Light-Matter Coupling in Decahedral Bimetallic Nanocrystals | Mert Balcı, Fadime ; Sarısözen, Sema; Polat, Nahit ; Güvenç, Çetin Meriç; Karadeniz, Uğur; Tertemiz, Necip Ayhan; Balcı, Sinan |
238 | 2008 | Lazer oluşturmalı plazma spektroskopisi ile iyon ekilmiş yüzeylerin 3-boyutlu karakterizasyonu | Yalçın, Şerife ; Turan, Raşit; Örer, Sabiha |
239 | 2023 | Light-Induced Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Gold Microplates in an Open System | Akkuş, Betül; Mert Balcı, Fadime |
240 | 2024 | Light-Induced, Liquid Crystal-Templated Fabrication of Large-Area Pure Nanoporous Gold Films With High-Density Plasmonic Cavities | Orhan, Ozan Baran; Polat, Nahit ; Demir, Seren; Balci, Fadime Mert ; Balci, Sinan |