Browsing by Author Çil, Ela

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2018Analysis of Four Urban Squares in Izmir According To the Leading Urban Design LiteratureCeyhan Abacı, Fatma
Jul-2018Analysis of Urban Coffeehouses in the Context of Public Space TheoriesCanaran, Deniz
Jun-2015A Critical Review of Literature on Space and CinemaSever, Müge
Dec-2018Discourse Analysis of City Museums in Turkey Since 2000Şenel Fidangenç, Ayşe Nur
Dec-2019Discourse of Publicness in the Discussions of Art Museums Since the 1990sKılıç, Pınar
Mar-2021Educational Activities for the Presentation of the Values of Cultural Assets To ChildrenBaloğlu, Gupse 
2014Exploring the Effects of Spatial and Social Segregation in University Campuses, Iztech as a Case StudyYaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Yamu, Claudia; Çil, Ela 
2013Faculty Office Buildings as Work Environments: Spatial Configuration, Social Interaction, Collaboration and Sense of CommunityKılıç Çalğıcı, Pınar; Czerkauer-Yamu, Claudia; Çil, Ela 
2020Ildırı’nın mekansal izlerinin peşinde: Bir 19. Yüzyıl yerleşim bulmacasıKul, Fatma Nurşen ; Çil, Ela 
11-May-2021Mimari Habitusun Eşiği Olarak İlk Yıl Mimari Tasarım StüdyolarıÇil, Ela ; Demirel Özer, Sinem
2013Morphological Analysis of the Transformations of Konak Square in IzmirCan, Işın ; Çil, Ela ; Yaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Kılıç Çalğıcı, Pınar; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
Nov-2021Outside the House but Not in the City: Promenades in Istanbul as Negotiated Public Spaces for Women in 19th-Century Ottoman NovelsÇil, Ela ; Şenel Fidangenç, Ayşe Nur
2009Problematization of Assessment in the Architectural Design Education: First Year as a Case StudyÇıkış, Şeniz ; Çil, Ela 
2010A Reading of the Late 19th-Century İstanbul Public Life and Space Through the Tanzimat NovelŞenel, Ayşe Nur
Jul-2019A Research for Understanding the Hierarchy of Senses in Spatial ImageryTamişçi, Bike Çisem
Jul-2018Restitution Proposals for Ruined Traditional Houses in IldırıAylı, Cemre
Mar-2022The Spatial Configuration and Publicness of the University Campus: Interaction, Discovery, and Display on De Uithof in UtrechtYaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Spierings, Bas; Çil, Ela 
2014University Campuses as Places of Potential Publicness: Exploring the Politicals, Socialand Cultural Practices in Ege UniversityYaylalı Yıldız, Berna