Chemistry / Kimya : [483] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 483
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A Novel Approach Utilizing Rapid Thin-Film Microextraction Method for Salivary Metabolomics Studies in Lung Cancer DiagnosisPelit, Fusun; Erbas, Ilknur; Ozupek, Nazli Mert; Gul, Merve; Sakrak, Esra; Ocakoglu, Kasim; Goksel, Ozlem; Özdemir, Durmuş 
2022Advances and Future Perspective of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (gfets) for Medical Diagnostics and Point-Of Toolsİnanç, Dilce ; Mutlu, Mustafa Umut ; Karabacak, Soner ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan 
20241,2-Diboranes With Strong Donor Substitutes: Synthesis, Ovicidal and Larvicidal Effect on Important Vector SpeciesBursali, Fatma; Sahin, Yueksel; Aygun, Muhittin; Sevincek, Resul; Biyik, H. Halil; Özgener, Hüseyin ; Gurbuz, Burcin
2024Development of Chrono-Spectral Gold Nanoparticle Growth Based Plasmonic Biosensor PlatformSözmen, Alper Baran ; Elveren, Beste; Erdoğan, Duygu; Mezgil, Bahadır; Baştanlar, Yalın ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu 
2024Free-Standing Three-Dimensional Graphene Scaffolds for Protease Functional AssayNg, Zhi Kai; Yan, Evelias; Goyal, Garima; Gudlur, Sushanth; Kanagavel, Deepankumar; Yildiz, Umit Hakan ; Teo, Edwin Hang Tong
2024A Novel 2-Aminophenalenone Fluorescent Probe Designed for Monitoring H2o2 for in Vitro and in Vivo BioimagingSaygılı, Ecem; Ersöz Gülseven, Esra; Kıbrıs, Erman ; Çakan Akdoğan, Gülçin; Üçüncü, Muhammed
2024The Soft Nanodots as Fluorescent Probes for Cell Imaging: Analysis of Cell and Spheroid Penetration Behavior of Single Chain Polymer DotsYücel, Müge; Onbaş, Rabia; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan 
2024Roadmap on Multifunctional Materials for Drug DeliveryNottelet, Benjamin; Buwalda, Sytze; van Nostrum, Cornelus F.; Zhao, Xiaofei; Deng, Chao; Zhong, Zhiyuan; Cheah, Ernest; Kehr, Nermin Seda 
2024Design, Fabrication, and Application of Micro-Structured Surfaces for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquids: a Sample-Loading Target Development StudiesKaplan, Dilara; Aras, Nadir ; Yalcin, Serife 
2023A Perspective on the State-Of Functionalized 2d MaterialsDuran, Tuna; Yayak, Yankı Öncü ; Aydın, Hasan; Peeters, François M.; Yağmurcukardeş, Mehmet 
2023Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Olive Leaf Extract Microcapsules on Mcf-7 and A549 Cancer CellsBal, Yıldız; Sürmeli, Yusuf; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah 
2023A Phenomenological Kinetic Flotation Model: Distinct Time-Variant Floatability Distributions for the Pulp and Froth MaterialsPolat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet 
2023Investigation of Cytotoxic Properties of Some Isoindole-Related Compounds Bearing Silyl and Azide Groups With in Vitro and in Silico StudiesTan, Ayşe; Köse, Aytekin; Mete, Derya ; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah ; Kışhalı, Nurhan H.; Kara, Yunus
2023Gas Phase Fragmentation Behavior of Proline in Macrocyclic B7 IonsTaşoğlu, Çağdaş; Arslanoğlu, Alper ; Yalçın, Talat 
2023Immobilization of Olive Leaf Extract With Chitosan Nanoparticles as an Adjunct To Enhance CytotoxicityÖzdamar, Burcu; Sürmeli, Yusuf; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah 
2023Halloysite Nanotube Loaded Polyamide Nanocomposites: Structural, Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Processing BehaviorsAkar, Alinda Öykü; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Tayfun, Ümit
2023Polarity Induced Vapochromism and Vapoluminescence of Polythiophene Derivatives for Volatile Organic Compounds ClassificationKarabacak, Soner ; Qun, David Lee Chao; Ammanath, Gopal; Yeasmin, Sanjida; Yağmurcukardeş, Mehmet ; Palaniappan, Alagappan; Liedberg, Bo; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan 
2022Tissue Engineering Applications of Marine-Based MaterialsPolat, Hürriyet ; Zeybek, Nuket; Polat, Mehmet 
2023Editorial: Biomaterial Applications in Soft Tissue Engineering and ReplacementHornyak, Istvan; Jedlovszky-Hajdu, Angela; Kehr, Seda 
2023Salivary Biomarkers: Novel Noninvasive Tools To Diagnose Chronic InflammationDongiovanni, Paola; Meroni, Marica; Casati, Sara; Goldoni, Riccardo; Thomaz, Douglas Vieira; Kehr, Nermin Seda ; Galimberti, Daniela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 483