Browsing "Phd Degree / Doktora" by Title

Showing results 280 to 299 of 516 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2015Investigation of the Deterioration Problems of Excavated Andesite Monuments in Archaeological Sites for the Purpose of ConservationKaplan, Çağlayan Deniz
Feb-2017Investigation of the Effect of Different Processing Techniques on the Overall Quality and Shelf Life of Local Apricot Variety of Iğdır (prunus Armeniaca L., Cv. Şalak)Hakgüder Taze, Bengi 
2023Investigation of the Effects of Antiinflammatory in the Tissues of Gm2 Gangliosidosis Mouse ModelAteş, Nurselin 
Mar-2024Investigation of the Effects of Ketogenic Diet Therapy in a Mouse Model of Gm2 Gangliosidosisİnci, Orhan Kerim
Dec-2015Investigation of the Effects of the Hiv-1 Tat Gene on the Expression of Secretory Leucocyte Protease Inhibitor in Primate Cell LinesÖzdemir, Selçuk
Jul-2023Investigations of Indoor Thermal and Air Flow Conditions in a Tobacco WarehouseGerçek, Mümine
Jul-2018Invetigation of Mechanical Vibration Effects on Breast Cancer CellsOlçum Uzan, Melis
Jul-2014Isolation, Characterization, and Screening Probiotic Properties of Artisanal Yoghurt Starter Strains From Urla RegionOkuklu, Burcu 
Jul-2015Joint Reconstruction of Surface Geometry and Reflection Properties by Using Image Based MethodsOzan, Şükrü
2024Karbon Fiber Peek Esaslı Termoplastik Kompozitlerin Birleşim Performansının Lazer Yüzey İşlem ile ArtırılmasıDamar, Ceren Türkdoğan
Jul-2017Kinematic Design and Analysis of Deployable Vault and Pseudo-Dome Structures Based on Origami TechniquesKaraveli Kartal, Andree Sonad
Jul-2022Krull-Schmidt Properties Over Non-Noetherian RingsGürbüz, Ezgi
Dec-2022Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ceramics for Energy Storage and Electrocaloric Cooling ApplicationsKarakaya, Merve 
Jul-2024Local Citation Recommendation With Graph Convolutional NetworksKeklik, Onur
Dec-2022Location Privacy in Cellular NetworksYaman, Okan
Jul-2019Long-Term Protection Efficiency of Biodegradable Polymer Treatments on LimestoneKaplan, Zişan
Jul-2019Macro-micro robotic manipulation: A laser cutting case studyUzunoğlu, Emre 
Jul-2017Macromolecular Design of Hydroxyl Functional Linear and Star-Shaped L-Lactide and ?-Caprolactone Biodegradable Polyesters Utilizing Biosafe Catalysts for Biomedical ApplicationsBaşalp, Dildare
Jul-2019Magnetic Effect in the Biological Functioning of Hemoglobin: Dft+qmc Approach Within an Effective Multi-Orbital Anderson Impurity ModelMayda, Selma 
Jul-2021Magnetic Levitation of Cells From Bone Marrow OriginAnıl İnevi, Müge