Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma ve Onarım : [96] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 96 of 96
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2009The Use of Brick-Lime Plasters and Their Relevance To Climatic Conditions of Historic Bath BuildingsUğurlu Sağın, Elif ; Böke, Hasan 
2010Evaluation of Architectural Characteristics for Conservation Decisions of Degirmendagi, Izmir, TurkeyKaplan, Çağlayan Deniz; Mürtezaoğlu, Fulya; Akbulut, Özge; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Sep-2009Properties of Roman Bricks and Mortars Used in Serapis Temple in the City of PergamonBöke, Hasan ; Özkaya, Özlem Aslan
May-2008Characteristics of Lime Produced From Limestone Containing DiatomsBöke, Hasan ; Çizer, Özlem; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Uğurlu Sağın, Elif ; Şerifaki, Kerem ; Toprak, Gülcan
Nov-2009Protection of Marble Surfaces by Using Biodegradable Polymers as Coating AgentOcak, Yılmaz; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Böke, Hasan 
2009Dampness Problems in a Historic House in Izmir, TurkeyYardım, Bülent; Tunçoku, Selim Sarp 
Feb-2007Assessment of Material Use in Relation To Climate in Historical Buildingsİpekoğlu, Başak ; Böke, Hasan ; Çizer, Özlem
Mar-2006An Architectural Evaluation Method for Conservation of Traditional Dwellingsİpekoğlu, Başak 
Oct-2006Opal-A Rich Additives Used in Ancient Lime MortarsTunçoku, Selim Sarp ; Caner Saltık, Emine N.
Jul-2006The Accelerating Effects of the Microorganisms on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments Under Air Pollution and Continental-Cold Climatic Conditions in Erzurum, TurkeyNuhoğlu, Yaşar; Ensar, Oğuz; Uslu, Hakan; Özbek, Ahmet; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Ocak, İjlal; Hasenekoğlu, İsmet
Feb-2004Quantification of Caco3-Caso3·0.5h 2o-Caso4·2h2o Mixtures by Ftir Analysis and Its Ann ModelBöke, Hasan ; Akkurt, Sedat ; Özdemir, Serhan ; Göktürk, E. Hale; Caner Saltık, Emine N.
2004Investigation of the Pozzolanic Properties of Bricks Used in Horasan Mortars and Plasters in Historic BuildingsBöke, Hasan ; Akkurt, Sedat ; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Jan-2003Reducing Marble-So2 Reaction Rate by the Application of Certain SurfactantsBöke, Hasan ; Gauri, K. Lal
Sep-2003Ettringite Formation in Historic Bath Brick-Lime PlastersBöke, Hasan ; Akkurt, Sedat 
2003Visualisation and Evaluation of Structural Characteristics and Problems of a Classical Ottoman BathÇizer, Özlem; Turan, Mine 
Dec-2002Effect of Some Surfactants on So2-Marble ReactionBöke, Hasan ; Göktürk, E. Hale; Caner Saltık, Emine N.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 96 of 96