Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma ve Onarım : [96] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 96
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The Masonry Techniques of a Historical Bridge in Hypokremnos (i̇çmeler)Uygun Gençer, Funda; Turan, Mine 
1-Aug-2016Photogrammetric Evaluation Options of an Ancient Monument for Different Survey LevelsUygun, Funda; Turan, Mine ; Ocalı, Ogan
2015Sustainable Bio-Nano Composite Coatings for the Protection of Marble SurfacesOcak, Y.; Sofuoglu, A. ; Tihminlioglu, F. ; Böke, H. 
1-Jun-2015A Transdisciplinary Approach on the Energy Efficient Retrofitting of a Historic Building in the Aegean Region of TurkeyŞahin, Cem Doğan ; Durmuş Arsan, Zeynep ; Tunçoku, Selim Sarp ; Broström, Tor; Gökçen Akkurt, Gülden 
Nov-2015Assessment of Construction Techniques and Material Usage in Izmir Rural HousesTunçoku, Selim Sarp ; İnceköse, Ülkü ; Akış, Tonguç ; Yalçın, Mehmet Ali
Sep-2012Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites: Principles Practice and EvaluationYaka Çetin, Funda; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Laroche, Didier
Jun-2012Determination of Caco 3 and Sio 2 Content in the Binders of Historic Lime MortarsUğurlu Sağın, Elif ; Böke, Hasan ; Aras, Nadir ; Yalçın, Şerife 
Jun-2013Characteristics of Bricks Used in the Domes of Some Historic Bath BuildingsUğurlu Sağın, Elif ; Böke, Hasan 
Jan-2013Protection of Archaeological Remains in the Yortanli Dam Reservoir in TurkeyTuran, Mine ; Arısoy, Yalçın; Nuhoğlu, Ayhan; Erturan, Yusuf Perçin
Jun-2013Construction Techniques of Domes in Some Ottoman BathsReyhan, Kader; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Böke, Hasan 
Jun-2013Impact of Transparency in the Design of Protective Structures for Conservation of Archaeological RemainsYaka Çetin, Funda; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Jun-2013Weathering of Andesite Monuments in Archaeological SitesKaplan, Çaglayan Deniz; Mürtezaoğlu, Fulya; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Böke, Hasan 
2013Three Dimensional Modeling Via Photographs for Documentation of a Village BathBalta, H. B.; Turan, Mine ; Ocali, O.
2012Primary Schools of İzmir (1923-1950)Kul, Fatma Nurşen 
2009Metadata-Based Heritage Sites Modeling With E-Learning FunctionalityStyliadis, Athanasios D.; Akbaylar, İpek; Papadopoulou, Despoina A.; Hasanagas, Nikolaos D.; Roussa, Sotiria A.; Sexidis, Lazaros A.
Oct-2012An Architectural Assessment Method for New Exterior Additions To Historic BuildingsYüceer, Hülya ; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Aug-2010Evaluation of Heat Treated Clay for Potential Use in Intervention MortarsBudak, Meral; Akkurt, Sedat ; Böke, Hasan 
Apr-2009Characterization of Materials Used in the Execution of Historic Oil Paintings by Xrd, Sem-Eds, Tga and Libs AnalysisŞerifaki, Kerem ; Böke, Hasan ; Yalçın, Şerife ; İpekoğlu, Başak 
2010Observations on Characteristics of Suburban Historical Houses of IzmirTuran, Mine ; Dipburun, Esra; Şerifaki, Kerem 
2010Structural Interventions for Conservation of the 15th Century Tahtakale Bath, Tire, TurkeyMürtezaoğlu, Fulya; Kaplan, Çağlayan Deniz; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 96