Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Proposals for Monitoring Current Conservation Condition of Historical Masonry Buildings: Matrone Church and Çardak Han Cases; | Durmuşlar,F.; Ipekci,E.; Turan,M.H.; Aktaş,E. |
2016 | Küçükavulcuk Köyü Yerleşim Dokusu ve Evleri | Akyüz Levi, Eti; Taşcı, Burcu |
2020 | Structural Vulnerability of Ancient Dry Masonry Towers Under Lateral Loading | Gençer, Funda; Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin |
2004 | Mimari Fotogrametri Alanındaki Çağdaş Gelişimlerin Değerlendirilmesi | Turan, Mine |
2006 | Characteristics of Brick Used as Aggregate in Historic Brick-Lime Mortars and Plasters | Böke, Hasan ; Akkurt, Sedat ; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Uğurlu, Elif |
Jun-2019 | Long Term Stability of Biodegradable Polymers on Building Limestone | Kaplan, Zişan; Böke, Hasan ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; İpekoğlu, Başak |
2018 | Properties of Roman Lime Mortars in Ancient Lycia Region | Taşcı, Burcu ; Böke, Hasan |
Jun-2019 | Construction Techniques of Hayat Houses: Two Case Studies in the Vicinity of Izmir | Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin ; Mamaklı, Fatma Sezgi; Kaplan, Zişan |
Jun-2019 | Conservation-Aimed Evaluation of a Historical Aqueduct in Izmir | Mamaklı, Fatma Sezgi; Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin ; Vardaroğlu, Mustafa |
2019 | An Evaluation of Decision-Making Process on Maintenance of Built Cultural Heritage: the Case of Visby, Sweden | Eken, Esra; Taşcı, Burcu ; Gustafsson, Christer |
2020 | Impacts of Tourism-Led Constructions on Geoheritage Sites: the Case of Gilindire Cave | Aydın, Rozelin; Yüceer, Hülya |
2017 | Historical Development of Darkale Rural Settlement in Soma, Manisa | Etlacakuş, Aycan; Turan, Mine |
2019 | Interior Plastering of Ottoman Bath Buildings | İpekci, Emre ; Uğurlu Sağın, Elif ; Böke, Hasan |
2020 | Effect of Urban Transformation on the Values of Historic Sites Around Mosques: Two Cases in Manisa, Turkey | Büyükkılıç Koşun, Suna; Turan, Mine |
Apr-2018 | Kent İçi Arkeolojik Alanlarda Katmanlaşmanın Analizi ve Koruma Sorunları: Foça Örneği | Taşcı, Burcu ; Akyüz Levi, Eti |
Feb-2018 | Execution Technique and Pigment Characteristics of Byzantine Wall Paintings of Anaia Church in Western Anatolia | Demir, Serap; Şerifaki, Kerem ; Böke, Hasan |
Jun-2011 | Documentation of Historic Structures for the Assessment of Heritage Characteristics | Turan, Mine ; Akbaylar, İpek |
Oct-2017 | A Model for Assessing the Reuse of an Ancient Place of Performance: the Bouleuterion of Teos | Çalışkan, Merve |
2017 | Physicochemical Properties of Glass Tesserae in Roman Terrace House From Ancient Antandros (base Glass, Opacifiers and Colorants) | Kaplan, Zişan; İpekoğlu, Başak ; Böke, Hasan |
2017 | Anadolu’da Roma Dönemi Yapı Tuğlalarının Özellikleri | Uğurlu Sağın, Elif |