| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1241 | Jan-2004 | Shock Waves, Chiral Solitons and Semiclassical Limit of One-Dimensional Anyons | Lee, Jyh Hao; Lin, Chi-Kun; Pashaev, Oktay |
1242 | Jul-2017 | Similarity Solutions To Burgers' Equation in Terms of Special Functions of Mathematical Physics | Öziş, Turgut; Aslan, İsmail |
1243 | Aug-2017 | A Singular One-Dimensional Bound State Problem and Its Degeneracies | Erman, Fatih ; Gadella, Manuel; Tunalı, Seçil; Uncu, Haydar |
1244 | 2016 | Small Supplements, Weak Supplements and Proper Classes | Alizade, Rafail ; Büyükaşık, Engin ; Durğun, Yılmaz |
1245 | Oct-2007 | Solitary Wave Solution of Nonlinear Multi-Dimensional Wave Equation by Bilinear Transformation Method | Tanoğlu, Gamze |
1246 | Jul-2005 | Soliton Resonances for the Mkp-Ii | Lee, Jiunhung; Pashaev, Oktay |
1247 | 14-Nov-2008 | Soliton resonances in a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation | Pashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao; Rogers, Colin |
1248 | Feb-2001 | Soliton Resonances, Black Holes and Madelung Fluid | Pashaev, Oktay ; Lee, Jyh Hao |
1249 | 2003 | Solitonic Solutions and Particle Localization in Higher Dimensional Spaces | Erman, Fatih |
1250 | Jul-2007 | Solitons of the Resonant Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation With Nontrivial Boundary Conditions: Hirota Bilinear Method | Lee, Jyh Hao; Pashaev, Oktay |
1251 | 2010 | Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations Using Fem With Stabilizing Subgrid | Tezer-Sezgin, M.; Aydin, S. Han; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan |
1252 | Jan-2013 | Some Exact and Explicit Solutions for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations | Aslan, İsmail |
1253 | Aug-2011 | Some Exact and Explicit Solutions To a Two-Component, Discrete, Nonlinear Schrödinger Model | Aslan, İsmail |
1254 | Mar-2012 | Some Exact Solutions for Toda Type Lattice Differential Equations Using the Improved (g'/g)-expansion Method | Aslan, İsmail |
1255 | Sep-2011 | Some Remarks on Exp-Function Method and Its Applications | Aslan, İsmail ; Marinakis, Vangelis |
1256 | Nov-2013 | Some Remarks on Exp-Function Method and Its Applications - a Supplement | Aslan, İsmail |
1257 | 2022 | Some Remarks on Harmonic Type Matrices | Göral, Haydar |
1258 | 2023 | Spatial Graphoids | Gugumcu, Neslihan ; Kauffman, Louis H.; Pongtanapaisan, Puttipong |
1259 | 2019 | Special Functions With Mod N Symmetry and Kaleidoscope of Quantum Coherent States | Koçak, Aygül; Pashaev, Oktay |
1260 | Jun-2002 | Special Precovers in Cotorsion Theories | Akıncı, Karen D.; Alizade, Rafail |