Browsing by Author Velibeyoğlu, Koray

Showing results 1 to 20 of 52  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2022Adapting Cities To Pluvial Flooding: the Case of Izmir (türkiye)Salata, Stefano ; Couch, Virginia Thompson ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Baba, Alper ; Saygın, Nicel ; Uzelli, Taygun 
Dec-2018Analysis of Four Urban Squares in Izmir According To the Leading Urban Design LiteratureCeyhan Abacı, Fatma
Jul-2019Blue growth in Izmir PeninsulaCoşkunışık, Ceren
2023Citizen Science Projects in the Context of Participatory Approaches: the Case of IzmirÖzden, Pelin; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2023Co-Design of a Public Space and the Implementation: Atakent (car) ParkÖzden, Pelin; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2008Creative Urban Regions: Harnessing Urban Technologies To Support Knowledge City InitiativesYigitcanlar, T.; Velibeyoglu, K. ; Baum, S.
2008Creative Urban Regions: Harnessing Urban Technologies To Support Knowledge City Initiatives PrefaceYiğitcanlar, Tan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Baum, Scott
2010E-Planning Applications in Turkish Local GovernmentsVelibeyoğlu, Koray 
Jul-2019Evaluating the Impact of Urban Policies for Disabled in IzmirŞahin, Kardelen Ekin
Dec-2021Evaluating the Impacts of Geothermal Energy Plants on Quality of Life: Case of Alasehir (manisa)Altındaş, Gamze
Oct-2010An Evaluation Methodology for the Tangible and Intangible Assets of City-Regions: the 6k1c FrameworkVelibeyoğlu, Koray ; Yiğitcanlar, Tan
Jul-2015Evaluation of Creative Industry Clusters Through the Ecosystem Approach: Investigation of Weedding Wear Sector in IzmirMengi, Onur
2010Exploring Temporaray Usage Opportunities of Urban Public Spaces for Event OrganizationsŞenyol, Özlem
Jul-2019Fab Labs as Innovative Production Spaces in the City: Comparative Analysis of Izmir and DortmundBilgöl O, Hazal
Aug-2018Groundwater in Local Development Strategies: Case of IzmirVelibeyoğlu, Koray ; Yazdani, Hamidreza; Baba, Alper 
2017Groundwater Resources in Local Development Strategies: Case of IzmirVelibeyoğlu, Koray ; Yazdani, Hamidreza; Baba, Alper 
2013Information and Communication Technology Sector Strategy Map of IzmirTuğlular, Tuğkan ; Tekir, Selma ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2004Institutional Use of Information Technologies in City Planning Agencies: Implications From Turkish Metropolitan MunicipalitiesVelibeyoğlu, Koray 
Mar-2022Integrating Ecosystem Vulnerability in the Environmental Regulation Plan of Izmir (turkey)-What Are the Limits and Potentialities?Salata, Stefano ; Özkavaf Şenalp, Sıla ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2011Interrogating Time, Space and Place Within Technological ApproachÇevikayak, Murat