Showing results 28 to 47 of 71
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Examining Occupancy and Architectural Aspects Affecting Manual Lighting Control Behaviour in Offices Based on a User Survey | Cilasun Kunduracı, Arzu; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Hordijk, Truus |
7-Jan-2021 | Exploring the Impact of External Shading System on Cognitive Task Performance, Alertness and Visual Comfort in a Daylit Workplace Environment | Leccese, F.; Salvodori, G.; Öner, Merve; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
Jun-2019 | Fuzzy Logic Model for the Categorization of Manual Lighting Control Behaviour Patterns Based on Daylight Illuminance and Interior Layout | Cılasun Kunduracı, Arzu; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2023 | Geleneksel Konutlarda Günışığı Aydınlığının Değerlendirilmesi: Kula Geleneksel Konutlarında Başoda | Battal, Cansu; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; İpekoğlu, Başak |
2010 | Hasta Bakım Ünitelerinin Tasarım Verimliliklerinin Bulanık Mantık Modeli Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi | Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Tayfur, Gökmen |
2009 | Hasta Bakım ve Tedavi Ünitelerinin Verimli Tasarlanması | Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Düzgüneş, Arda |
May-2017 | High-Resolution Data-Driven Models of Daylight Redirection Components | Grobe, Lars Oliver ; Wittkopf, Stephen; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2020 | Hybrid-Model Simulations To Equilibrate Energy Demand and Daylight Autonomy as a Function of Window-To Ratio and Orientation for a Perimeter Office in Izmir | Baş, Hakan; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2019 | Illuminance and Luminance Based Ratios in the Scope of Performance Testing of a Light Shelf-Reflective Louver System in a Library Reading Room | Öner, Merve; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2012 | The Impact of Architectural Design Criteria on Energy Performance of Residential Buildings: a Case Study in Izmir | Uygun, İlknur |
Mar-2009 | The Impact of Planimetric Configuration on Structurally Damaged Residential Buildings | Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
Jul-2017 | The Influence of a New Layout Arrangement and a Light Shelf-Reflective Louver System on Satisfying Visual Conditions in Academic Library Reading Room | Öner, Merve |
2022 | Lighting Quality and Work Performance Based on Glazing Types and Dynamic Led Lighting | Köse, Fatma Büşra; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Duran, Hasan Engin ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2023 | Literature Review on Smart Windows in Terms of Daylight Performance, Visual Comfort and Human Perception | Coğul, Ilgın; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe |
2019 | A Methodology for Daylight Optimisation of High-Rise Buildings in the Dense Urban District Using Overhang Length and Glazing Type Variables With Surrogate Modelling | Ekici, Berk ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Turrin, Michela; Taşgetiren, M. Fatih; Sarıyıldız, I. Sevil |
2013 | Modeling of Advanced Daylighting Systems To Imporove Illuminance and Uniformity in Architectural Design Studios | Fırat Örs, Pelin |
Apr-2023 | Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization of Photovoltaic Glass for Thermal, Daylight, and Energy Consideration | Taşer, Aybüke |
2021 | Multi-Zone Optimisation of High-Rise Buildings Using Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Metropolises. Part 1: Background, Methodology, Setup, and Machine Learning Results | Ekici, Berk ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Turrin, Michela; Taşgetiren, M. Fatih; Sarıyıldız, I. Sevil |
2021 | Multi-Zone Optimisation of High-Rise Buildings Using Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Metropolises. Part 2: Optimisation Problems, Algorithms, Results, and Method Validation | Ekici, Berk ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Turrin, Michela; Taşgetiren, M. Fatih; Sarıyıldız, I. Sevil |
2024 | Ofislerde Pencere Camı ve Dinamik Led Aydınlatmanın Günışığı Kalitesi, Kullanıcıların Dikkati ve İş Performansı Üzerine Etkileri | Köse, Fatma Büşra |