Browsing by Author Tekir, Selma

Showing results 21 to 29 of 29 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Quote Detection: a New Task and Dataset for NlpTekir, S. ; Güzel, A.; Tenekeci, S.; Haman, B.U.
Apr-2012Reading Cs ClassicsTekir, Selma 
2012Recent Cyberwar Spectrum and Its AnalysisAslanoğlu, Rabia; Tekir, Selma 
2017A Relativistic Opinion Mining Approach To Detect Factual or Opinionated News SourcesSezerer, Erhan ; Tekir, Selma 
2019Rule-Based Automatic Question Generation Using Semantic Role LabelingKeklik, Onur; Tuğlular, Tuğkan ; Tekir, Selma 
2019Sales History-Based Demand Prediction Using Generalized Linear ModelsÖzenboy, Başar; Tekir, Selma 
2016Sosyal Çizgeler için Arama Motoru GeliştirilmesiYafay, Erman; Tekir, Selma 
2023Transformers Using Local Attention Mappings for Long Text Document ClassificationHaman, Bekir Ufuk
2019Türkçe Tweetler Üzerinden Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Cinsiyet TahminlemesiSezerer, Erhan ; Polatbilek, Ozan; Tekir, Selma