Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection : [7126] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 7126
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025PrefaceLazou, A.; Gökelma, M.
2014Design and Fatigue Life Comparison of Steel and Composite Leaf SpringSoner, M.; Tanoglu, M. ; Guven, N.; Karaagac, M.; Akyali, R.; Aksoy, O.; Kanbolat, A.
2022Graphene/Cyanine Dye-Based Highly Sensitive Flexible PhotodetectorsUzlu, B.; Stoll, S.; Yakar, O.; Schneider, D.S.; Özalp, E.M.; Neumaier, D.; Lemme, M.C.
2025Optimization of Tuned Mass Dampers by Considering Soil-Structure Interaction and Uncertainty in Soil ParametersRoozbahan, M.; Turan, G. 
2025Type-Ii Topological Phase Transitions of Topological Skyrmion PhasesAy, R.; Winter, J.H.; Cook, A.M.
2025Exploration of Electrostatics Effect on Dispersion and Coating Mechanisms in Dry Powder Inhalers by Discrete Element MethodSaeid, P.; Kazemi, S.; Zarghami, R.; Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R.; Mostoufi, N.
2025Predictive Modeling of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production: Integrating Experimental Insights With Machine Learning on Fe/G-c3n4 CatalystsArabacı, B.; Bakır, R.; Orak, C.; Yüksel, A.
2025Fluorescent Protein With Environmentally-Sensitive Fluorescence Lifetime for Quantitative Ph MeasurementSimonyan, T.R.; Protasova, E.A.; Mamontova, A.V.; Shakhov, A.M.; Bodunova, D.V.; Sidorenko, S.V.; Bogdanov, A.M.
2025Nitrate Sensing With Molecular Cage Ionophores: a Potentiometric ApproachOnder, A.; Begar, F.; Kibris, E.; Buyukcakir, O. ; Yildiz, U.H.
2025Fast Firing Technique for Martian Regolith Simulant: Advancing Isru CapabilitiesKaracasulu, L.; Tomasini, A.; Vakifahmetoglu, C. ; Biesuz, M.
2025Cx32 Cellular Localization Is Related To Epithelial To Mesenchymal Transition in Breast CellsYagmur Ceren Unal,; Oz, S.; Turan, F.B.; Yondem, E.; Pesen-Okvur, D.; Yalcin-Ozuysal, O.; Mese, G. 
2025Combined Treatment of Ketogenic Diet and Propagermanium Reduces Neuroinflammation in Tay-Sachs Disease Mouse ModelInci, O.K.; Seyrantepe, V. 
2025Experimental Study of Evolution of Breach Resulting From Piping at Upper Part of Earth-Fill DamGüney, M.Ş.; Okan, M.; Dumlu, E.; Bor, A.; Tayfur, G. ; Aklik, P.
2025A Selective Bodipy-Based Fluorescent Sensor for the Detection of Cu2+ Ions in Biological and Environmental SamplesEldem, A.; Kibris, E.; Ucuncu, M.
2025Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Aspect Ratio Effect on Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 4415 Airfoil Section at Low Reynolds NumberÜmütlü, H.C.A.; Kıral, Z.; Karadeniz, Z.H.
2025Enhancement of Savonius Wind Turbine Performance Through Blade OptimizationHazar, O.; Dirgenali, M.; Kaçar, K.; Elçi, S.
2025Periodate-Mediated Cross-Linking for the Preparation of Catechol Conjugated Albumin Nanoparticles Used for in Vitro Drug DeliveryArgitekin, E.; Erez, O.; Cakan-Akdogan, G.; Akdogan, Y. 
2025Recent Developments in the Treatment of Leishmaniasis: Natural Compounds, Drug Targets, in Silico Molecular Docking Approaches, and NanocarriersGürbüz Çolak, N.
2025Micromobility Data Need and Data UseUz, V.E.; Kesmez, F.E.
2025Temperature-Dependent Spectral Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Color CentersArı, O.; Polat, N. ; Fırat, V.; Çakır, O. ; Ateş, S. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 7126