Materials Science and Engineering / Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği : [334] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 334
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Breaking the Boundaries of the Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor With Ethylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite NanocrystalsGüvenç, Çetin Meriç; Toso, Stefano; Ivanov, Yurii P.; Saleh, Gabriele; Balcı, Sinan ; Divitini, Giorgio; Manna, Liberato
2024One-step hydrothermal synthesis of spinel manganese oxide ion-sieve from commercial Γ-Mno2 and its uptake performance for lithiumToprak, Seyra; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
2024Bioavailability Assessment of the Novel Gsh-Functionalized Feb Nanoparticles Via Oxidative Stress and Trace Element Metabolism in Vitro: Promising Tools for Biomedical ApplicationsAydemir, Duygu; Aribuga, Dilara; Hashemkhani, Mahshid; Acar, Havva Yagci; Çağıran, Özge Balcı ; Ulusu, Nuriye Nuray
2022Advances and Future Perspective of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (gfets) for Medical Diagnostics and Point-Of Toolsİnanç, Dilce ; Mutlu, Mustafa Umut ; Karabacak, Soner ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan 
2019A Recycling Route of Plastics Via Electrospinning: From Daily Wastes To Functional FibersIsık, Tuğba ; Horzum,N.; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
2024A Facile Method for Boosting the Graphitic Carbon Nitride's Photocatalytic Activity Based on 0d/2d S-Scheme Heterojunction Nanocomposite ArchitectureKahraman, Zeynep ; Kartal, Uğur ; Gent, Aziz; Alp, Emre
2024Electrocaloric Behaviour of Tape Cast and Grain Oriented Nbt-Kbt CeramicsUnal, Muhammet Ali; Karakaya, Merve ; Irmak, Tugce; Yildirim-Ozarslan, Gokce; Avci, A. Murat; Fulanovic, Lovro; Adem, Umut 
2024Impact of Simulated Inflammation and Food Breakdown on the Synergistic Interaction Between Corrosion and Wear on TitaniumLima, Ana R.; Pinto, Ana M.P.; Toptan, Fatih ; Alves, Alexandra C.
2024Electrocaloric Behaviour of Tape Cast and Grain Oriented Nbt-Kbt CeramicsUnal, Muhammet Ali; Karakaya, Merve ; Irmak, Tugce; Yildirim-Ozarslan, Gokce; Avci, A. Murat; Fulanovic, Lovro; Adem, Umut 
2023A Brief Overview on Geothermal ScalingIsık, Tuğba ; Baba, Alper ; Chandrasekharam, Dornadula ; Demir, Mustafa M. ; Isık, Tuğba ; Baba, Alper ; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
2023A Review on Characterization and Recyclability of Pharmaceutical BlistersCapkin, Irem Yaren; Gokelma, Mertol 
2023Magnesium-Ion Battery Anode From Polymer-Derived Sioc NanobeadsGuo, Wuqi; Kober, Delf; Gurlo, Aleksander; Bekheet, Maged F.; İçin, Öykü; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Effects of Different Precursors on the Aging and Electrocaloric Properties of Mn-Doped Ba0.95sr0.05tio3 CeramicsKarakaya, Merve ; Erdem, Emre; Akdoğan, Yaşar ; Adem, Umut 
2023Design and Performance Comparison of Polymer-Derived Ceramic Ambigels and AerogelsSoraru, Gian Domenico; İçin, Öykü; Semerci, Tuğçe; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Effect of Compaction and Fluoride Content on the Remelting Efficiency of Pure Magnesium ChipsYörük, Pınar; Gökelma, Mertol ; Derin, Bora
2023A Study on Recyclability of Alsi7mg0.3 Machining WasteGökelma, Mertol ; Önen Tüzgel, Rabia; Kaya, Ahmet Yiğit; Özaydın, Onur
2023Characterization and Separation Behavior of Multi-Layers in Aluminum-Rich Waste Pharmaceutical BlistersÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
2023Cold Sintering Assisted Two-Step Sintering of Potassium Sodium Niobate (knn) CeramicsKaracasulu, Levent ; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Formation of Monolithic Srtio3-Tio2 Ceramic Heterostructures by Reactive Hydrothermal SinteringKaracasulu, Levent ; Kartal, Uğur ; İçin, Öykü; Bortolotti, Mauro; Biesuz, Mattia; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023An Investigation on Inclusions Forming During Remelting of Aluminum and Magnesium Scraps Under a Salt FluxÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 334