Environmental Engineering / Çevre Mühendisliği : [130] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 130
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Türkiye İklimlendirme Sektörü Uluslararası Okullarda ve Öğrenci Yaşam Alanlarında İç Hava Kalitesi Zirvesi Sonuç RaporuSofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Toksoy, Macit 
2025A New Electro-Biomembrane Integrated Renewable-Based System To Produce Power, Fresh Water and Hydrogen for Sustainable CommunitiesGören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Dincer, I.; Khalvati, A.
2019Pomza ve Nsdd-pomza ile Sabit Yataklı Kolon Reaktörde Metilen Mavisi Giderimi: Deneysel ve Modelleme ÇalışmasıBalcı, Esin; Ökten, Hatice Eser ; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Recepoğlu, Yaşar Kemal ; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur 
2024Soil Contamination by Metals/Metalloids Around an Industrial Region and Associated Human Health Risk AssessmentDemirtepe, Hale 
2024A Novel Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction Method and Its Application for Downscaling Surface Soil Moisture With Machine LearningGüngör, Şahin ; Gündüz, Orhan 
2024Lime-Activated One-Part Geopolymer Mortars From Construction, Demolition and Industrial WastesKogbara, Reginald B. ; Al-Zubi, Abdelrahman; Mortada, Youssef; Hammoud, Ahmad; Masad, Eyad A.; Khraisheh, Marwan K.
2023Enhancing Biogas Production From Chicken Manure Through Vacuum Stripping of DigestateSengur, Ozlem; Akgul, Deniz; Bayrakdar, Alper ; Calli, Baris
2024Cleaner Production of Biohydrogen Using Poplar Leaves: Experimental and Optimization StudiesGoren, A. Yagmur ; Kenez, Muratcan; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali
2023An Appraisal of the Local-Scale Spatio-Temporal Variations of Drought Based on the Integrated Grace/Grace-fo Observations and Fine-Resolution Fldas ModelKhorrami, Behnam; Ali, Shoaib; Gündüz, Orhan 
2024Comprehensive Review and Assessment of Carbon Capturing Methods and Technologies: an Environmental ResearchGoren, Aysegul Yagmur ; Erdemir, Dogan; Dincer, Ibrahim
20233d Modeling of a Historical Mine Waste Site Using Uav Images: Estimation of Stockpile VolumesÖnal, Okan; Gündüz, Orhan 
2023A Comprehensive Review on Environmental and Economic Impacts of Hydrogen Production From Traditional and Cleaner ResourcesGoren, A. Yagmur ; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Dinçer, İbrahim
2023Comparative Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Biohydrogen Production MethodsGoren, A. Yagmur ; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Dinçer, İbrahim
2024Microbial Desalination Cell Treated Spent Geothermal Brine as a Nutrient Medium in Hydroponic Lettuce Cultivation: Health Risk AssessmentGoren, A. Y. ; Eskisoy, D. N.; Genisoglu, S.; Okten, H. E. 
2023Exposure To Fumes of a Vegetable Margarine for Frying: Respiratory Effects in an Experimental ModelCimrin, Arif H.; Alpaydin, Aylin Ozgen; Ozbal, Seda; Toprak, Melis ; Yılmaz, Osman; Uluorman, Funda; Ergur, Bekir Uğur; Gürel, Duygu; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2022Cyanobacterial Communities in Mucilage Collected From Çanakkale Strait (dardanelles): Metagenomic ApproachYılmaz, Sevdan; Kahraman Yılmaz, Dilek; Çelik, Ekrem Şanver; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali 
2023Occurrence of Bromide and Bromate in Chlorinated Indoor Swimming Pools, and Associated Health RisksDumanoğlu, Yetkin; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2022Fabrication of Superhydrophilic Teos-Lactic Acid Composite Films and Investigation of Biofouling BehaviourErvan, Tuğçe; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali ; Cengiz, Uğur
Dec-2023Development of Ca(oh)2-Based Geopolymer for Additive Manufacturing Using Construction Wastes and NanomaterialsMortada, Youssef; Masad, Eyad; Kogbara, Reginald B. ; Mansoor, Bilal; Seers, Thomas; Hammoud, Ahmad; Karaki, Ayman
2023Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of the Basin-Wise Dynamics of Terrestrial Water and Groundwater Storage FluctuationsKhorrami, Behnam; Gündüz, Orhan 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 130