Master Degree / Yüksek Lisans Tezleri : [2495] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 2495
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2024Evaluation of Heritage Characteristics and Conservation Problems of Bomonti BreweryKoştu, Zeynep
Aug-2024Development of Carbon-Free Zinc-Air BatteriesBelet, Yunus Emre
2024Assessment of Spatial Temporal Variability of Urban Heat Island Effect: a Case Study in the Central Districts of İzmirAy, Filiz
2024Development of Strained Yogurt Ice Cream With Aronia and Hydrolyzed CollagenGüler, Sevda
2024Investigation of a Novel Personal Sampler Material for the Identification of Human Exposure To Semivolatile Organic CompoundsAkmermer, Zülfikar
2024Optimization of Isolators Between Floors of a High-Rise BuildingSönmez, Berkan
2024Hubble Tension in the Context of Cosmological Scalar Field ModelsAlfar, Rand Abdel Latıf Suleıman
2024Climate Neutrality in Local Municipalities' Action Plans: İzmir CaseCihan, Ayşe Melike
2024Evaluating Adoption Factors for Robotic-Assisted Surgery With the Analytical Hierarchical ProcessSarıgöl, Işın Sözen
2024Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Shear Strength of Adhesive-Bonded Single-Lap Glass Fiber Reinforced CompositesSerbest, Sertaç
2024Temizlik Ürünlerinde Renklendirici Maddelerin Kemometrik Yöntemlerle TayiniTöremen, Çetin
2024Estrus Detection in Cows With Deep Learning TechniquesArıkan, İbrahim
2024Doping Effect on the Anode Material Capability of 2d Bn NanosheetsÖzdemir, Mustafa Coşkun
Jul-2024Theoretical Investigation of Structural, Vibrational, Electronic, and Elastic Properties of Ultra-Thin Anisotropic MaterialsDoğan, Kadir Can
Jul-2024Investigation of the Photo-Response of Graphene Silicon Photodetector in the Ultraviolet RegionKaplan, Çiçek
2024Araçların Soğutma Yükünü Azaltacak Ir Yansıtan Otomotiv Sonkat Formülasyonlarının Deneysel Tasarım Yöntemi ile Optimize EdilmesiTekin, Cihan
Aug-2024Characteristics of Mortars and Plasters of Some Bath Buildings From Aydinoğullari Principality in Selçuk, İzmirBilekli, Rabia Nur
2024Tek Boyutlu Atomik Zincirlerin Işınımsal ve Topolojik Özellikleriİyican, Arda Deniz
2024İn Vitro Teşhis için Santrifüj Edilebilir Mikroakışkan Temelli SistemlerKoç, Sadık
2024Kinon Bazlı Gözenekli Organik Polimerlerin Sentezlenmesi ve Sulu Çinko İyon Pillerde KullanılmasıErözen, Yaren Naz
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 2495