Master Degree / Yüksek Lisans Tezleri : [2464] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2464
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Motion Mitigation on a Floating Object Containing Tuned Liquid Column DamperZengin, Ramazan Kadir
2024Characteristics of Courtyards of Traditional Houses in Kurtgazi, BirgiKeleş, Sena 
2024Hareketli Nesne Algılama ve İzleme ile Eylem ve Olay Tanımaya Dayalı Video Gözetim SistemiElçi, Tuğçe
2024Sapogenol Türevlerinin İlaç Etkinliklerinin Araştırılması için 3b Tümör Modellerinin GeliştirilmesiPişirici, Necmettin Arda
2024Optik Spektroskopi Teknikler Kullanılarak Malign Melanom Kanser ve Kanser Kök Hücrelerinin AraştırılmasıUslu, Bensu Rüya
2024Development and Characterization of Solanum Linnaeanum Hairy Root LinesKaya, Aysu
2024Bacterial Cellulose Production With Gluconoacetobacter Xylinus From Hazelnut WasteGazioğlu, Metehan
2024Physical Transformation of Historic Built Environment: the Case of Kestelli StreetKatmer, Gonca 
2024Investigation of Aminoethyl Methacrylate Polymers for in Vivo Delivery of MrnaEsmer, Ayça
20243d Modelling as a Tool for Heritage Presentation: Digital Reconstruction of 19th Century Gülbahçe, Urla, İzmirTabur, Beylem Doğa
2024Determination of Suppressed & Diverted Travel Demands: İzmir Case StudyKurt, Tilbe
20246-tiyoguanin Yüklü Farklı Nanokomplekslerin Antioksidan, Antibakteriyel Özelliklerinin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve AraştırılmasıŞimdim, Zeynep Sena
2024Production and Characterization of Composed-Based Friction Materials for Safety Cluthes in Aviation ApplicationsKarabulut, Orhan
2024Metilen Mavisi (mm) Yüklü Zıf-8 Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Meme Kanserinde Fotodinamik Tedavi Etkinliğinin İncelenmesiÖztürk, Pınar
2024Algebraic Structures for Classical Knots, Singular Knots and Virtual KnotsGüneş, Neslihan
2024Graph Invariants in Knot TheoryKaymak, Mehmet 
2024Development and Investigation of the Efficacy of Lapatinib Loaded Targeted Drug Delivery Nanosystem for Breast Cancer TreatmentAslan, Ezgi
2024Development of Pectin-Wax Composite Edible Films With High Moisture Barrier PropertiesÇakıtlı, Gamze
2024Classical Theorems of Ramsey Theory Via Combinatorial and Ultrafilter MethodsAdıbelli, Azem Berivan
2024Mikroakışkan Cihazlarda Manyetik Tabanlı Hücre AyrıştırmasıÖzcan, Hatice Ahsen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2464