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Title: Research Into Practice: Malatya Solar Housing
Authors: Okutucu, Fikret
Koçhan, Ahmet
Yıldız, Yusuf
Öymen Gür, Şengül
Keywords: Solar power
Architectural design
Heat transmission
Passive solar house
On-site observations
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Source: Okutucu, F., Koçhan, A., Yıldız, Y., and Öymen Gür, Ş. (2010). Research into practice: Malatya solar housing. Structural Survey, 28(5), 420-439. doi:10.1108/02630801011089191
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discover the underlying reasons for the failure of solar energy architecture in Turkey in order to be able suggest methods of improving it in Turkey and worldwide. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology employed in this research is on-site observations of Turkish solar houses built with respect to the details of their application, and depiction of heat gains provided with applied solar measures, and to compare them with an ideal gauge to determine the deficiencies involved in applications. Findings: The investigations discovered that various buildings under consideration share several errors. In order of importance, these items are: faulty applications, erroneous choice of methods and lack of precautions in the summer. Practical implications: The practical implications of the study are that measures must be taken to prevent heat loss during winter nights; outer walls with a resistance to heat transmission of u=1 W/m2K would have been preferred rather than ordinary old-fashioned Trombe walls; in order to prevent overheating the surfaces of the sunspaces, Trombe walls and air collectors contacting the outer environment need to be made movable or pliable to avoid sinking of heated air into the sunspace. Social implications: The social implication of the study is that only continued exploration into solar energy use via exemplary practice may encourage adoption of these systems by society itself. Originality/value: The value of the research resides in translating knowledge gained from previous solar projects into design aspects which are expected to avoid these errors and deficiencies, demonstrated herein through Malatya solar housing, from which everyone involved in passive solar house design may benefit. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
ISSN: 0263-080X
Appears in Collections:Architecture / Mimarlık
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Kampüs Koleksiyonu / Sustainable Green Campus Collection

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