Architecture / Mimarlık : [263] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 263
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Factors Affecting Tourist Visits To Archaeological Sites in Turkey: a Spatial Regression AnalysisToköz, Özge Deniz ; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Duran, Hasan Engin 
2024Tek Katlı Yapılar için Çekişmeli Üretici Ağlarda Ölçeklendirme ve Kontrol YöntemleriGüldilek, Mertcan; Ekici, Berk ; İlal, Mustafa Emre 
2023Kompleks Cephe Tasarımlarında Makine Öğrenme Eğrileri: Tahminleme Modelleri Doğru Optimizasyonu Beraberinde Getiriyor Mu?Ekici, Berk 
2024Exploring Quantitative Analysis of Thermal Comfort in Architecture as a Positivist Research ParadigmAvcı, Ali Berkay 
2024Estimation of Heat Production Rate Using Thermal Data During Exercise in Indoor Environments: a Study of Heat Storage Rate in Male AthletesBalci, Gorkem Aybars; Avci, Ali Berkay; Colakoglu, Muzaffer; Basaran, Tahsin ; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer; Başaran, Tahsin 
202320. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Bir Kentsel Doğa Parçası: Papazın BağıTükenmez, Başak ; Sökülmez, Buse Ezgi 
2024Art and Construction Related Qualities of 14th‒15th Century Monuments in a Rural Landscape on the Western Coast of TürkiyeHamamcıoğlu Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin ; Toköz, Özge Deniz 
2023An Analysis of Visitors’ Perceptions of Shopping Malls †Çavka, Hasan Burak 
2024Estimation of Heat Production Rate Using Thermal Data During Exercise in Indoor Environments: a Study of Heat Storage Rate in Male AthletesBalcı, Görkem Aybars; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer; Başaran, Tahsin 
2023The Asymmetries of Displacement: The Spatial Aspects of the Greek-Turkish Population ExchangeCankara, Melis
2023Accessibility in Intensive Care Units: a Qualitative Study on Exploring Architects’ PerspectiveKhoojıne, Negar Sioofy; Kasalı, Altuğ ; Bayar, Mualla Erkılıç
Jan-2024Optimizing Thermal Comfort in Physical Exercise Spaces: a Study of Spatial and Thermal FactorsAvcı, Ali Berkay ; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Başaran, Tahsin 
20231960s Tax Law and Non-Muslim Exodus From Istanbul: Turkification of the CityAkpınar, İpek 
2023Decoding and Predicting the Attributes of Urban Public Spaces With Soft Computing Models and Space Syntax ApproachesYönder, Veli Mustafa ; Doğan, Fehmi ; Çavka, Hasan Burak ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Dülgeroğlu, Özüm
2023User Satisfactions on Visual Comfort and View Quality Based on Colours and Opacity of Glazing To Control DaylightingCogul, Ilgin; Duran, Hasan Engin ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tugce 
2023Emerging Concept of Human Centric Lighting in Literature ReviewKazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Köse, Fatma Büşra; Tayfur, Gökmen 
2023Daylight Performance and Lighting Energy Savings of Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells in an Architecture StudioTaşer, Aybüke; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe 
2023Literature Review on Smart Windows in Terms of Daylight Performance, Visual Comfort and Human PerceptionCoğul, Ilgın; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe 
2023Revealing the Climate-Responsive Strategies of Traditional Houses of Urla, İzmirAvcı, A.B. ; Beyhan, Ş.G.
2022Monitoring Soil Degradation Processes for Ecological Compensation in the Izmir Institute of Technology Campus (turkey)Salata, Stefano ; Couch, Virginia Thompson 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 263