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Title: On the Rings Whose Injective Right Modules Are Max-Projective
Authors: Alagoz, Yusuf
Buyukasik, Engin
Yurtsever, Haydar Baran
Keywords: Injective modules
max-projective modules
max-QF rings
Publisher: World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd
Abstract: Recently, right almost-QF (respectively, max-QF) rings that is the rings whose injective right modules are R-projective (respectively, max-projective) were studied by the first two authors. In this paper, our aim is to give some further characterizations of these rings over more general classes of rings, and address several questions about these rings. We obtain characterizations of max-QF rings over several classes of rings including local, semilocal right semihereditary, right non-singular right Noetherian and right non-singular right finite dimensional rings. We prove that for a ring R being right almost-QF and right max-QF are not left-right symmetric. We also show that right almost-QF and right max-QF rings are not closed under factor rings. This leads us to consider the rings all of whose factor rings are almost-QF and max-QF.
ISSN: 0219-4988
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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