Computer Engineering / Bilgisayar Mühendisliği : [411] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 411
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Applying Weighted Graph Embeddings To Turkish Metaphor Detectionİnan, Emrah 
2017A News Chain Evaluation Methodology Along With a Lattice-Based Approach for News Chain ConstructionToprak, Mustafa ; Özkahraman,Ö.; Tekir, Selma 
2021A Metric for Measuring Test Input Generation Effectiveness of Test Generation Methods for Boolean ExpressionsUfuktepe,D.K.; Ufuktepe,E.; Ayav, Tolga 
2024Development of Chrono-Spectral Gold Nanoparticle Growth Based Plasmonic Biosensor PlatformSözmen, Alper Baran ; Elveren, Beste; Erdoğan, Duygu; Mezgil, Bahadır; Baştanlar, Yalın ; Yıldız, Ümit Hakan ; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu 
2023Size Measurement and Effort Estimation in Microservicebased Projects: Results From PakistanSoylu, Görkem Kılınç; Ünlü, Hüseyin; Ahmad, Isra Shafique; Demirörs, Onur 
2024Computing a Parametric Reveals Relation for Bounded Equal-Conflict Petri NetsAdobbati, Federica; Bernardinello, Luca; Kılınç Soylu, Görkem; Pomello, Lucia
2023Automatic Test Sequence Generation and Functional Coverage Measurement From Uml Sequence DiagramsEkici, Nazim Umut; Tuglular, Tugkan 
2023Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti Uygulamaları için Fpga Destekli ve Bağlam Tabanlı Erişim Kontrol Güvenlik SistemiErcan, Ahmet Tuncay; Genç, Didem; Tomur, Emrah 
2023Unifying Behavioral and Feature Modeling for Testing of Software Product LinesBelli, Fevzi ; Tuğlular, Tuğkan ; Ufuktepe, Ekincan 
2023Monocular Vision-Based Prediction of Cut-In Manoeuvres With Lstm NetworksNalçakan, Yağız; Baştanlar, Yalın 
2023Link Prediction for Completing Graphical Software Models Using Neural NetworksLeblebici, Onur; Tuğlular, Tuğkan ; Belli, Fevzi 
2024Microservice-Based Projects in Agile World: a Structured InterviewUnlu, Huseyin; Kennouche, Dhia Eddine; Soylu, Gorkem Kiling; Demirors, Onur 
2023How Software Practitioners Perceive Work-Related Barriers and Benefits Based on Their Educational Backgrounds: Insights From a Survey StudyÜnlü, Hüseyin; Yürüm, Ozan Raşit; Özcan Top, Özden; Demirörs, Onur 
2023Kurt saldırıları için sentetik irislerde örnek seçilimiAkdeniz, Eyüp Kaan; Erdoğmuş, Nesli 
2023Spectral Test Generation for Boolean ExpressionsAyav, Tolga 
2022FTGPGPU - Genel amaçlı grafik işlemci birimi uygulamaları için donanım hatası toleransı analiziÖz, Işıl 
2023Yazılım Ürün Hatlarında Tam Üründen Özellik Eksiltme Yoluyla Frklı Ürün Yapılandırmalarını Otomatik Üretme YöntemiÖztürk Kaya, Dilek ; Tuğlular, Tuğkan 
2023Dementia Detection With Deep Networks Using Multi-Modal Image DataYiğit, Altuğ; Işık, Zerrin; Baştanlar, Yalın 
2023A Lightweight and Energy Efficient Secrecy Outage Probability-Based Friendly JammingYaman, Okan; Ayav, Tolga ; Erten, Yusuf Murat 
Jun-2023Mutation-Based Minimal Test Suite Generation for Boolean ExpressionsAyav, Tolga ; Belli, Fevzi 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 411