04.02. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 681-700 of 1354 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
681May-2014On Density Theorems for Rings of Krull Type With Zero DivisorsAy Saylam, Başak 
6822021On Max-Flat and Max-Cotorsion ModulesAlagöz, Yusuf ; Büyükaşık, Engin 
683Mar-2013On pseudo semisimple ringsBüyükaşık, Engin ; Mohamed, Saad H.; Mutlu, Hatice
6842023On Purities Relative To Minimal Right IdealsAlagöz, Yusuf ; Alizade, Rafail ; Büyükaşık, Engin ; Sağbaş, Selçuk
625Mar-2018On Scattering From the One-Dimensional Multiple Dirac Delta PotentialsErman, Fatih ; Gadella, Manuel; Uncu, Haydar
6262023On Schrödinger Operators Modified by Δ InteractionsAkbaş, Kaya Güven; Erman, Fatih ; Turgut, O. Teoman
6272021On simple-direct modulesBüyükaşık, Engin ; Demir, Özlem; Diril, Müge
6282022On simple-injective modulesAlagöz, Yusuf ; Benli Göral, Sinem; Büyükaşık, Engin 
6292019On Smoothers for Multigrid of the Second KindAksoylu, Burak; Kaya, Adem 
630Jun-2012On the Application of the Exp-Function Method To Nonlinear Differential-Difference EquationsAslan, İsmail 
631Nov-2012On the Application of the Exp-Function Method To the Kp Equation for N-Soliton SolutionsAslan, İsmail 
632Jun-2010On the Choice of Stabilizing Sub-Grid for Convection-Diffusion Problem on Rectangular GridsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan 
6332006On the Importance of Public-Key Validation in the Mqv and Hmqv Key Agreement ProtocolsMenezes, Alfred; Ustaoğlu, Berkant 
6342016On the Non-Linear Integral Equation Approaches for the Boundary Reconstruction in Double-Connected Planar DomainsChapko, R. S.; Yaman, Olha Ivanyshyn ; Kanafotskyi, T. S.
6352019On the Non-Linear Integral Equation Method for the Reconstruction of an Inclusion in the Elastic BodyChapko, R. S.; Yaman, Olha Ivanyshyn ; Vavrychuk, V. G.
636Jan-2017On the Number of Bound States of Point Interactions on Hyperbolic ManifoldsErman, Fatih 
6372018On the Number of Bound States of Semirelativistic Hamiltonian With Dirac Delta Potentials in One DimensionErman, Fatih 
638Oct-2011On the Numerical Solution of Korteweg-De Vries Equation by the Iterative Splitting MethodGücüyenen, Nurcan; Tanoğlu, Gamze 
6392002On the Relativistic Supersymmetric Quantum MechanicsMir-Kasimov, Rufat M. 
6402024On the Rings Whose Injective Right Modules Are Max-ProjectiveAlagoz, Yusuf ; Buyukasik, Engin ; Yurtsever, Haydar Baran