Browsing by Subject Feature selection

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2019Chemometric Analysis of Chemo-Optical Data for the Assessment of Olive Oil Blended With Hazelnut OilKadiroğlu, Pınar; Korel, Figen ; Pardo, Matteo
2013Data Mining for Microrna Gene Prediction: on the Impact of Class Imbalance and Feature Number for Microrna Gene PredictionSaçar, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2017Delineating the Impact of Machine Learning Elements in Pre-Microrna DetectionSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2016Feature Selection for Microrna Target Prediction Comparison of One-Class Feature Selection MethodologiesYousef, Malik; Allmer, Jens ; Khalifa, Waleed
2016The Impact of Feature Selection on One and Two-Class Classification Performance for Plant MicrornasKhalifa, Waleed; Yousef, Malik; Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2022Performance Analysis and Feature Selection for Network-Based Intrusion Detection With Deep LearningCaner, Serhat ; Erdoğmuş, Nesli ; Erten, Yusuf Murat