Browsing by Author Boyacı, Derya

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Biyoaktif maddelerin kontrollu salımı için kompozit veya karışımlardan oluşan aktif yenilebilir gıda ambalaj malzemeleri geliştirilmesiYemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Atabay, Halil İbrahim ; Uysal, İlke; Aydemir, Levent Yurdaer; Arcan, İskender; Korel, Figen ; Boyacı, Derya
1-Oct-2016Development of Activate-At Edible Antimicrobial Films: an Example Ph-Triggering Mechanism Formed for Smoked Salmon Slices Using Lysozyme in Whey Protein FilmsBoyacı, Derya; Korel, Figen ; Yemencioğlu, Ahmet
2019Development of Flexible Antimicrobial Zein Coatings With Essential Oils for the Inhibition of Critical Pathogens on the Surface of Whole Fruits: Test of Coatings on Inoculated MelonsBoyacı, Derya; Iorio, Gianmarco; Sözbilen, Gözde Seval; Alkan, Derya; Trabattoni, Silvia; Pucillo, Flavia; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
2020Development of Gel-Based Pads Loaded With Lysozyme and Green Tea Extract: Characterization of Pads and Test of Their Antilisterial Potential on Cold-Smoked SalmonBoyacı, Derya; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Dec-2017Development of Novel Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Bioactive Edible Gels Intended for Food Preservation and Promotion of Human HealthBoyacı, Derya
2011Development of Ph-Controlled Triggering Mechanisms for Controlled Release of LysozymeBoyacı, Derya
Jun-2018Expanding Horizons of Active Packaging: Design of Consumer-Controlled Release Systems Helps Risk Management of Susceptible IndividualsBoyacı, Derya; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Dec-2016Graphene Oxide Bionanocomposite Coatings With High Oxygen Barrier PropertiesUysal Ünalan, İlke; Boyacı, Derya; Ghaani, Masoud; Trabattoni, Silvia; Farris, Stefano
2021Physicochemical and Active Properties of Gelatine-Based Composite Gels Loaded With Lysozyme and Green Tea PolyphenolsBoyacı, Derya; Barış Kavur, Pelin; Güleç, Şükrü ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
Sep-2017Transparent Pullulan/Mica Nanocomposite Coatings With Outstanding Oxygen Barrier PropertiesUysal Ünalan, İlke; Boyacı, Derya; Trabattoni, Silvia; Tavazzi, Silvia; Farris, Stefano