Browsing by Author Gökelma, Mertol

Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Assessment of Melt Cleanliness of Secondary 5000 Aluminum Alloy Via Non-Metallic Inclusions CharacterizationLi, Cong; Dang, Thien; Huang, Jinxian; Huang, Chunfa; Li, Jianguo; Friedrich, Bernd; Gökelma, Mertol 
2023Assessment of Separation and Agglomerationt Tendency of Non-Metallic Inclusions in an Electromagnetically Stirred Aluminum MeltLi, Cong; Dang, Thien; Gökelma, Mertol ; Zimmermann, Sebastian; Mitterecker, Jonas; Friedrich, Bernd
2021Behavior of Al4c3 Particles During Flotation and Sedimentation in Aluminum MeltsGökelma, Mertol ; Storm Aarnaes, Trygve; Maier, Juergen; Renkel, Maria F.; Ekstrom, Kai Erik; Friedrich, Bernd; Tranell, Gabriella
Jun-2022Characteristic Properties and Recyclability of Aluminium Beverage Cans and Coffee CapsulesÖnen, Rabia
2021Characteristic Properties and Recyclability of the Aluminium Fraction of Mswi Bottom AshGökelma, Mertol ; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tranell, Gabriella
Jul-2023Characterization and Recyclability of Pharmaceutical BlistersÇapkın, İrem Yaren
2023Characterization and Separation Behavior of Multi-Layers in Aluminum-Rich Waste Pharmaceutical BlistersÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Caf2 Additions on the Yield of Az63 Magnesium Chips During RemeltingYörük, Pınar; Gökelma, Mertol 
2023Effect of Compaction and Fluoride Content on the Remelting Efficiency of Pure Magnesium ChipsYörük, Pınar; Gökelma, Mertol ; Derin, Bora
2024Effect of Mechanical Pre-Treatment on the Recovery Potential of Rare-Earth Elements and Gold From Discarded Hard Disc DrivesHabibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Mechanical Pre-Treatment on the Recovery Potential of Rare-Earth Elements and Gold From Discarded Hard Disc Drives (nov, 10.1007/S10163-024-02108-0, 2024)Habibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Mn Concentration on Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy Wheels Produced by Low-Pressure Die CastingKaya, A. Yigit; Davut, Kemal ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effects of Size and Mechanical Pre-Treatment on Aluminium Recovery From Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom AshGokelma, Mertol ; Hatipoglu, Utku; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tuzgel, Rabia onen; Kivrak, Olcay; Bazoglu, Elif; Tranell, Gabriella
2021The Influence of the Casting Speed in Horizontal Continuous Casting of Aluminium Alloy En Aw 6082Obalı, Akın; Dilek, Kerem Ahmet; Akdi, Seracettin; Ürk, Deniz Kavrar; Gökelma, Mertol 
2022Investigating Triple Superphosphate for Lead Removal From Aqueous SolutionsSouley Garba, Mahamane Chapiou; Kaya, Erol; Gökelma, Mertol ; Seyrankaya, Abdullah
2023An Investigation on Inclusions Forming During Remelting of Aluminum and Magnesium Scraps Under a Salt FluxÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
2024Mangan Konsantrasyonunun Alçak Basınçlı Döküm Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş A356 Aluminyum Alaşımlı Jantlarda Mekanik Özelliklere EtkisiKaya, Ahmet Yiğit
2024Microstructural Evolution During Homogenization Heat Treatment of Aa 6063 Alloy in Batch and Continuous FurnacesObali, Akin; Gokelma, Mertol ; Urk, Deniz Kavrar; Dogan, Murat; Gokce, Gokcen
2024Microstructural Investigation of Discarded Ndfeb Magnets After Low-Temperature HydrogenationHabibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Cakir, Oznur; Gokelma, Mertol 
2022Pre-Study of the Dissolution Behavior of Silicon Kerf Residue in SteelLazou, Adamantia; Nilssen, David; Gökelma, Mertol ; Wallin, Maria; Tranell, Gabriella