Showing results 1 to 20 of 35
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Breaking the Boundaries of the Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor With Ethylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Nanocrystals | Guvenc, C. Meric; Toso, Stefano; Ivanov, Yurii P.; Saleh, Gabriele; Balci, Sinan ; Divitini, Giorgio; Manna, Liberato |
2020 | Colloidal Bimetallic Nanorings for Strong Plasmon Exciton Coupling | Güvenç, Çetin Meriç; Mert Balcı, Fadime ; Sarısözen, Sema; Polat, Nahit ; Balcı, Sinan |
2019 | Colloidal Nanodisk Shaped Plexcitonic Nanoparticles With Large Rabi Splitting Energies | Mert Balcı, Fadime ; Sarısözen, Sema; Polat, Nahit ; Balcı, Sinan |
Jun-2019 | Dimension Dependent Optoelectronic Properties of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites | Özcan, Mehmet |
Jan-2018 | Electrically Switchable Metadevices Via Graphene | Balcı, Osman; Kakenov, Nurbek; Karademir, Ertuğrul; Balcı, Sinan ; Çakmakyapan, Semih; Polat, Emre O.; Çağlayan, Hümeyra; Özbay, Ekmel; Kocabaş, Çoşkun |
Jul-2020 | Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Functionalized Perovskites | Özen, Sercan |
Jul-2023 | Fabrication and Characterization of Soi Based Photodetectors With Graphene Electrode | Yanılmaz, Alper |
Dec-2020 | Flexible Transparent Conducting Electrodes Based on Silver Nanowire, Graphene, and Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalgogenide | Tertemiz, Necip Ayhan |
2019 | Fourier Transform Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer Using Nanoslit-Nanowire Pair | Uulu, Doolos Aibek; Ashirov, Timur; Polat, Nahit ; Yakar, Ozan; Balcı, Sinan ; Kocabaş, Coşkun |
Jul-2018 | Graphene-Based Adaptive Thermal Camouflage | Salihoğlu, Ömer; Uzlu, Hasan Burkay; Yakar, Ozan; Aas, Shahnaz; Balcı, Osman; Kakenov, Nurbek; Balcı, Sinan ; Olçum, Selim; Süzer, Şefik; Kocabaş, Coşkun |
Dec-2020 | Graphene-Like Materials for Electronic Applications | Başkurt, Mehmet |
Jun-2018 | Graphene-Quantum Dot Hybrid Optoelectronics at Visible Wavelengths | Salihoğlu, Ömer; Kakenov, Nurbek; Balcı, Osman; Balcı, Sinan ; Kocabaş, Çoşkun |
Oct-2022 | Highly Porous Poly(o-Phenylenediamine) Loaded Magnetic Carboxymethyl Cellulose Hybrid Beads for Removal of Two Model Textile Dyes | Arıca, Tuğçe Aybüke; Balcı, Fadime Mert ; Balcı, Sinan ; Arıca, Mehmet Yakup |
2020 | Hybrid J-aggregate-graphene phototransistor | Yakar, Ozan; Balcı, Osman; Uzlu, Burkay; Polat, Nahit ; Arı, Ozan ; Tunç, İlknur; Balcı, Sinan |
2024 | Hyperspectral Imaging of Exciton Polaritons in Optical Microcavities | Polat, Nahit ; Yakar, Ozan; O''zdemir, Sahin K.; Balci, Sinan |
Jul-2020 | Investigation of Photodetectors Using Graphene Field Effect Transistors Incombination With Functional Dyematerials | Yakar, Ozan |
28-Jan-2022 | L2[gaxfa1–xpbi3]pbi4 (0 ≤ X ≤ 1) Ruddlesden–popper Perovskite Nanocrystals for Solar Cells and Light-Emitting Diodes | Güvenç, Çetin Meriç; Tunç, İlknur; Balcı, Sinan |
2020 | Large Rabi Splitting of Mixed Plasmon-Exciton States in Small Plasmonic Moire Cavities | Ateş, Simge; Karademir, Ertuğrul; Balcı, Sinan ; Kocabaş, Coşkun; Aydınlı, Atilla; Ateş, Simge; Ateş, Simge; Karademir, Ertuğrul; Karademir, Ertuğrul; Balcı, Sinan ; Balcı, Sinan ; Kocabaş, Coşkun; Kocabaş, Coşkun; Aydınlı, Atilla; Aydınlı, Atilla |
2021 | Laser Assisted Synthesis of Anisotropic Metal Nanocrystals and Strong Light-Matter Coupling in Decahedral Bimetallic Nanocrystals | Mert Balcı, Fadime ; Sarısözen, Sema; Polat, Nahit ; Güvenç, Çetin Meriç; Karadeniz, Uğur; Tertemiz, Necip Ayhan; Balcı, Sinan |
2024 | Light-Induced, Liquid Crystal-Templated Fabrication of Large-Area Pure Nanoporous Gold Films With High-Density Plasmonic Cavities | Orhan, Ozan Baran; Polat, Nahit ; Demir, Seren; Balci, Fadime Mert ; Balci, Sinan |