Browsing by Author Akdoğan, Yaşar

Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2017Adhesion of Dopa Functionalized Gels To Spin Labeled SurfacesGöksel, Yaman
Dec-2018Batio3 Based Ferroelectric Materials for Electrocaloric Cooling ApplicationsŞanlı, Keriman
Feb-2022Characterization of Water Solubility and Binding of Spin Labeled Drugs in the Presence of Albumin Nanoparticles and Proteins by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance SpectroscopySözer, Sümeyra Çiğdem ; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
Oct-2017Determination of Force-Free Wet Adhesion of Mussel-Inspired Polymers To Spin Labeled SurfaceKırpat, İklima; Göksel, Yaman; Karakuş, Erman; Emrullahoğlu, Mustafa ; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
Sep-2018Development of an Ionic Liquid Based Method for the Preparation of Albumin NanoparticlesDemirkurt, Begüm; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
2023Dopamine-Conjugated Bovine Serum Albumin Nanoparticles Containing Ph-Responsive Catechol-V(iii) Coordination for in Vitro and in Vivo Drug DeliveryArgıtekin, Eda; Ersöz-Gülseven, Esra; Çakan-Akdoğan, Gülçin; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
2020The Effect of Dopa Hydroxyl Groups on Wet Adhesion To Polystyrene Surface: an Experimental and Theoretical StudyYıldız, Remziye ; Özen, Sercan; Şahin, Hasan ; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
2023Effects of Different Precursors on the Aging and Electrocaloric Properties of Mn-Doped Ba0.95sr0.05tio3 CeramicsKarakaya, Merve ; Erdem, Emre; Akdoğan, Yaşar ; Adem, Umut 
2016Epr Studies of Intermolecular Interactions and Competitive Binding of Drugs in a Drug-Bsa Binding ModelAkdoğan, Yaşar ; Emrullahoğlu, Mustafa ; Tatlıdil, Diğdem; Üçüncü, Muhammed; Çakan Akdoğan, Gülçin
Sep-2017Experimental Modeling of Silicate-Based Geothermal DepositsÇelik, Aslı ; Topçu, Gökhan; Baba, Alper ; Akdoğan, Yaşar ; Şentürk, Ufuk ; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
Dec-2019Functionalization and Thickness Dependent Properties of Single Layer DichalcogenidesKahraman, Zeynep
Apr-2019Increasing Spontaneous Wet Adhesion of Dopa With Gelation Characterized by Epr SpectroscopyGöksel, Yaman; Akdoğan, Yaşar 
Oct-2014Intrinsic Surface-Drying Properties of Bioadhesive ProteinsAkdoğan, Yaşar ; Wei, Wei; Huang, Kuo-Ying; Kageyama, Yoshiyuki; Danner, Eric W.; Miller, Dusty R.; Martinez Rodriguez, Nadine R.; Waite, J. Herbert; Han, Songi
Jun-2019Investigation of Tribological Performance of B4c Reinforced Aluminium Matrix CompositesSerkir, Sevgi
Jul-2017Measurement of Transition Metals in Soda-Lime Glasses by Using Electron Spin Resonance (esr) SpectroscopyGöktürk, Hakan
2021Mn2+ Ions Incorporated Into Znsxse1-X Colloidal Quantum Dots: Controlling Size and Composition of Nanoalloys and Regulating Magnetic Dipolar InteractionsÜnlütürk, Seçil Sevim; Akdoğan, Yaşar ; Özçelik, Serdar 
Jul-2017Modelling of Pore Formation in Porous MaterialsÜlker, Sevkan
Jul-2019Obtaining and Characterization of Artificial Leather Using Different Types of PlasticizersAkkuş Altındağ, İffet
Jul-2016Obtaining Underwater Adhesive Materials and Characterization of Their Adhesive Properties To Different Surfaces by Esr SpectroscopyKırpat, İklima
29-Jun-2015Physiological Concentrations of Albumin Favor Drug BindingTatlıdil, Diğdem; Üçüncü, Muhammed; Akdoğan, Yaşar