Browsing by Author Çetkin, Erdal

Showing results 1 to 20 of 58  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Asymmetric Y-Shaped Micromixers With Spherical Mixing Chamber for Enhanced Mixing Efficiency and Reduced Flow ImpedanceÇetkin, Erdal ; Miguel, A. F.
Jan-2022Canopy-To Liquid Cooling for the Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries, a Constructal ApproachGüngör, Şahin; Çetkin, Erdal ; Lorente, Sylvie
2017Circular and Semi-Circular Constructal Vascular Channels for Cooling and Reduced StressesÇetkin, Erdal 
2023Cold Plate Enabling Air and Liquid Cooling Simultaneously: Experimental Study for Battery Pack Thermal Management and Electronic CoolingCoşkun, Turgay ; Çetkin, Erdal 
2022Computation Time Reduction of Pcm Melting Process by Changing Modeling ParametersDemirkıran, İsmail Gürkan; Çetkin, Erdal 
Jul-2020Computational Fluid Dynamics (cfd) Analysis of Latent Heat Storage in Heat Exchangers by Using Phase Change Materials (pcm)Demirkıran, İsmail Gürkan
2019Constructal Branched Micromixers With Enhanced Mixing Efficiency: Slender Design, Sphere Mixing Chamber and ObstaclesÇetkin, Erdal ; Miguel, Antonio F.
Aug-2017Constructal Microdevice Manifold Design With Uniform Flow Rate Distribution by Consideration of the Tree-Branching Rule of Leonardo Da Vinci and Hess-Murray RuleÇetkin, Erdal 
2015Constructal Structures for Self-Cooling: Microvascular Wavy and Straight ChannelsÇetkin, Erdal 
Jan-2016Constructal Structures With and Without High-Conductivity Inserts for Self-CoolingÇetkin, Erdal 
Jan-2016Constructal Tree-Shaped Designs for Self-CoolingYenigün, Onur; Çetkin, Erdal 
Nov-2015Constructal Vascular Structures With High-Conductivity Inserts for Self-CoolingÇetkin, Erdal 
Jan-2015Constructal vascularized structuresÇetkin, Erdal 
Dec-2021Design Optimization of an Industrial Oven Heat ExchangerNergiz, Güven
2023Digital Twin of Electric Vehicle Battery Systems: Comprehensive Review of the Use Cases, Requirements, and PlatformsNaseri, Farshid; Gil, S.; Barbu, C.; Jensen, A. C.; Larsen, P. G.; Gomes, Claudio; Çetkin, Erdal ; Yarımca, Gülşah
Dec-2017The Effect of Cavities and T-Shaped Assembly of Fins on Overall Thermal ResistancesÇetin, Eylem; Çetkin, Erdal 
Feb-2018The Effect of Cooling on Mechanical and Thermal Stresses in Vascular StructuresÇetkin, Erdal 
Jul-2017The Effect of T-Shaped Fin Geometries on Heat Transfer Rate EnhancementÇetin, Eylem
2018The Effect of Time Delay of Fluid Flow in a Vascularized PlateYenigün, Onur; Coşkun, Turgay ; Çetkin, Erdal 
Jun-2022Emergence of Asymmetric Straight and Branched Fins in Horizontally Oriented Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage UnitsDemirkıran, İsmail Gürkan; Rocha, Luiz Alberto Oliveirab; Çetkin, Erdal