Browsing by Author Allmer, Jens

Showing results 1 to 20 of 71  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202244 Current Challenges in miRNomicsAkgül, Bünyamin ; Stadler, Peter F.; Hawkins, Liam J.; Hadj-Moussa, Hanane; Storey, Kenneth B.; Ergin, Kemal; Allmer, Jens 
Oct-2011Algorithms for the de novo sequencing of peptides from tandem mass spectraAllmer, Jens 
2017AltORFev facilitates the prediction of alternative open reading frames in eukaryotic mRNAsKochetov, Alex V.; Allmer, Jens ; Klimenko, Alexandra I.; Zuraev, Bulat S.; Matushkin, Yury G.; Lashin, Sergey A.
2021Antiviral microRNA expression signatures are altered in subacute sclerosing panencephalitisTüfekçi, Kemal Uğur; Allmer, Jens ; Çarman, Kürşat Bora; Bayram, Erhan; Topçu, Yasemin; Hız, Semra; Genç, Şermin; Yiş, Uluç
Jul-2016Automatic, fast and accurate sequence decontaminationBağcı, Caner
2012A call for benchmark data in mass spectrometry-based proteomicsAllmer, Jens 
2013Can MiRBase provide positive data for machine learning for the detection of MiRNA hairpins?Demirci, Müşerref Duygu Saçar; Hamzeiy, Hamid; Allmer, Jens 
Dec-2017Categorization of species based on their microRNAs employing sequence motifs, information-theoretic sequence feature extraction, and k-mersYousef, Malik; Nigatu, Dawit; Levy, Dalit; Allmer, Jens ; Henkel, Werner
2015A cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase inhibitor suppresses glioblastoma cell growth in vitroErkan, E. P.; Dinç, Melike; Eren, E.; Allmer, Jens ; Yalçın, Talat ; Genç, S.
2013Comparison of four Ab initio MicroRNA prediction toolsSaçar, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2014Computational and bioinformatics methods for microRNA gene predictionAllmer, Jens 
Jun-2017Computational establishment of microRNA metabolic networksSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu
2012Computational methods for ab initio detection of microRNAsAllmer, Jens ; Yousef, Malik
2014Computational methods for microRNA target predictionHamzeiy, Hamid; Yousef, Malik; Allmer, Jens 
2016Computational miRNomicsAllmer, Jens ; Yousef, Malik
2017Computational miRNomics - Integrative ApproachesHofestaedt, Ralf; Schreiber, Falk; Sommer, Bjoern; Allmer, Jens 
Oct-2014Computational prediction of MicroRNAs from toxoplasma gondii potentially regulating the hosts' gene expressionSaçar, Müşerref Duygu; Bağcı, Caner; Allmer, Jens 
2013Data mining for microrna gene prediction: On the impact of class imbalance and feature number for microrna gene predictionSaçar, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2016Database normalization is crucial for reliable protein identification in mass spectrometry-based proteomicsHas, Canan; Mungan, Mehmet Direnç; Çiftçi, Cansu; Allmer, Jens 
2017Delineating the impact of machine learning elements in pre-microRNA detectionSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens