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Title: Blind Recognition of Alpha-Stable Random Carrier Signals by an Eavesdropper in Random Communication Systems
Authors: Ahmed, Areeb
Savacı, Ferit Acar
Keywords: AWGN channels
Additive White Gaussian noise
Binary information
Blind recognition
Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology
Abstract: Invisibility of alpha-stable (alpha -stable) noise as carrier signals, in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) as channel noise, is a key factor to ensure covert transmission by employing random communication systems (RCSs). This study introduces a novel blind recognition method for an eavesdropper to detect the presence of real-valued symmetric and skewed alpha -stable random carrier signals in the presence of AWGN. The introduced method is based on the proposed random carrier signal recogniser (RCSR), which consists of fractional lower-order auto-covariance block, threshold control block and the random carrier signal recognition indicator. The proposed RCSR first detects the possible presence of alpha -stable random carrier signals and then recognises the impulsiveness and skewness parameters, exploited by the transmitter and the intended receiver, to extract covertly conveyed binary information. However, the determined covert range can be adopted to perform secure transmission by RCSs. The simulation results reflect the simplicity of the proposed method as it is capable of performing effectively in real time by utilising extremely less number of observed samples.
ISSN: 1751-8628
Appears in Collections:Electrical - Electronic Engineering / Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği
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