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Title: High Arsenic Levels in Groundwater Resources of Gediz Graben, Western Turkey
Authors: Baba, Alper
Gündüz, Orhan
Şimşek, Celalettin
Elçi, Alper
Sözbilir, Hasan
Murathan, Alim
Keywords: Geothermal fields
Geothermal fluids
Groundwater resources
Gediz Graben
Publisher: CRC Press
Source: Baba, A., Gündüz, O., Şimşek, C., Elçi, A., Sözbilir, H., and Murathan, A. (2016, June 19-23). High arsenic levels in groundwater resources of Gediz Graben, Western Turkey. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment. doi:10.1201/b20466-17
Abstract: Gediz Graben situated in western Turkey is an area containing extensional structures with active tectonics and geothermal systems that serves as a suitable environment for the presence of high levels of arsenic (As) in groundwater. The results of a comprehensive monitoring program in the basin revealed that the maximum As concentration detected during the monitoring program was 3086 ppb and the average value was calculated to be 23.63 ppb. In addition, As levels in 28% of the water samples were above the 10 ppb limit value making them unsuitable for drinking water supply. These high As concentrations in the basin was mostly associated with long detention times of water in altered rocks located along detachment faults, strong water–rock interaction processes in the alteration zones and anthropogenic influences made within the geothermal fluid reservoir. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Description: 6th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, AS 2016; Stockholm; Sweden; 19 June 2016 through 23 June 2016
ISBN: 9781138029415
Appears in Collections:Civil Engineering / İnşaat Mühendisliği
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Kampüs Koleksiyonu / Sustainable Green Campus Collection

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