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dc.contributor.advisorEyüce, Özen-
dc.contributor.authorAkgün, Yenal-
dc.descriptionThesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2005en_US
dc.descriptionIncludes bibliographical references (leaves: 109-113)en_US
dc.descriptionText in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishen_US
dc.descriptionxii, 122 leavesen_US
dc.description.abstractFor centuries, 2D drawing techniques such as plans, sections and elevations have been the main communication media for the profession of architecture. Addition to these techniques, for two decades, computer based representation techniques and 3D virtual environments (VE) have also entered to the profession of architecture. Effects of these computer based techniques on perception of space have always been interrogated by several researches.Although these researches generally regarded these computerized techniques as better and proper than conventional techniques, in some cases conventional techniques can be more effective to depict architectural space. Main aim of this thesis is to compare and evaluate the positive effects and shortcomings of 3D virtual environments and 2D conventional representation techniques in the context of perception of architectural space. Parallel to this objective, the thesis also aims to show the differentiation in perception of space with the change of representation media. To show these differences, a comparative method is used. As the main step of the application of this method, an experimental case study and survey has been constituted for comparing 2D conventional techniques and 3D computer based techniques. In this survey, 38 first yearstudents from Izmir Institute of technology have taken place as test subject.According to the results of this comparative case study, contributions and shortcomings of 2D conventional representation techniques and 3D computer based techniques on improving the capability of architects on perception of the space have been determined.en_US
dc.publisherIzmir Institute of Technologyen_US
dc.subject.lccNA2765 .A31 2005en
dc.subject.lcshSpace (Architecture)--Computer programsen
dc.subject.lcshArchitecture--Computer-aided designen
dc.titlePerception of Space Through Representation Media: a Comparison Between 2d Representation Techniques and 3d Virtual Environmentsen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US
dc.institutionauthorAkgün, Yenal-
dc.departmentThesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Architectureen_US
item.openairetypeMaster Thesis-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:Master Degree / Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Kampüs Koleksiyonu / Sustainable Green Campus Collection
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