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Title: Exergoeconomic analysis of plum drying in a heat pump conveyor dryer
Authors: Hepbaşlı, Arif
Çolak, Neslihan
Hancıoğlu, Ebru
İçier, Filiz
Erbay, Zafer
Keywords: Cost benefit analysis
Exergoeconomic analysis
Food drying
Heat pump dryer
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Source: Hepbaşlı, A., Çolak, N., Hancıoğlu, E., İçier, F., and Erbay, Z. (2010). Exergoeconomic analysis of plum drying in a heat pump conveyor dryer. Drying Technology, 28(12), 1385-1395. doi:10.1080/07373937.2010.482843
Abstract: In this study, plum slices were dried in a heat pump dryer designed and constructed in Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Drying experiments were carried out at an air temperature range of 45-55°C. The performance of the dryer along with its main components were evaluated using an exergy analysis method. Exergy destruction and capital cost rates were used for the exergoeconomic analysis, which is based on the quantities exergy, cost, energy, and mass (EXCEM) method. Exergy destruction rates to capital cost values Rex were obtained to vary between 1.668 and 2.063 W/ USD at different drying air temperatures. Ren values were observed to range from 6.258 to 5.749 W/USD. Ren values decreased as the drying air temperature increased, contrary to Rex values. Ṙex and Ṙen values increased linearly with increasing temperature due to the loss, whereas Ṙen decreased due to the relatively higher energy utilization efficiency of the heat pump. In the compressor, Ṙen and Ṙex values decreased with the increase in the temperature contrary to the other components. Ṙex had the lowest value in the drying duct. However, in the compressor, expansion valve, and heat recovery, Ṙex values were found to be higher and should be improved in these units. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
ISSN: 0737-3937
Appears in Collections:IZTECH Research Centers Collection / İYTE Araştırma Merkezleri Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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