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Title: On the Sources of Cp-Violation Contributing To the Electric Dipole Moments
Authors: Demir, Durmuş Ali
Farzan, Yasaman
Keywords: Electric dipole moments
Combined analysis
Seesaw mechanism
Yukawa couplings
Publisher: IPM
Source: Demir, D. A., and Farzan, Y. (2006). On the sources of CP-violation contributing to the electric dipole moments. Paper presented ata the IPM School and Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, IPM-LHP 2006, Tehran; Iran.
Abstract: In the framework of seesaw mechanism embedded in the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cMSSM), phases of neutrino Yukawa coupling, μ-term and A-terms can all contribute to the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of the electron. We discuss and classify the situations for which by combined analysis of the upcoming results on de, dHg and dD discriminating between these sources will be possible.
Description: Proceedings of the IPM School and Conference on Lepton and Hadron Physics, IPM-LHP 2006
Appears in Collections:Physics / Fizik
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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