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Title: Application of Geothermal Energy in Hydrogen Production
Authors: Ayzit, T.
Özmumcu, A.
Baba, A.
Keywords: [No Keyword Available]
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: Compared to other renewable resources, geothermal energy is a low-cost, technically proven, reliable, clean, and safe energy source that has been used in various fields and applications for many decades. These energy sources can be used directly or by conversion to other forms of energy. The use of geothermal energy for various purposes such as electricity, heating, cooling, greenhouses, dry food, thermal tourism, fisheries, and mineral extraction is widespread in many countries. Today’s installed geothermal capacity is dominated by the United States with about 3.7 GW, followed by Indonesia (2.1 GW), the Philippines (1.9 GW), Turkey (1.7 GW), and New Zealand. Global geothermal power generation capacity at the end of 2020 was 15.6 GW. The top ten geothermal producers account for nearly 90% of the global market, and many countries, especially Europe, plan to invest in geothermal soon. Looking at the direct use of geothermal energy for thermal applications, only four countries (China, Turkey, Iceland, and Japan) account for three-quarters of the energy consumed. Hydrogen can provide a number of benefits for future energy systems. Hydrogen can serve as storage for intermittent renewables or provide grid services. It can replace natural gas in industrial heating processes that are otherwise difficult to decarbonise. Therefore, geothermal resources can be used to produce clean hydrogen. Within this section, the importance and use of geothermal energy have been highlighted. At the same time, detailed information is given about the importance of hydrogen, its production, and its use in connection with geothermal energy. © 2025 selection and editorial matter, Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Mohammad Amin Makarem, and Parvin Kiani.
ISBN: 978-104010224-4
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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