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Title: Development of Low-Cost Portable Blood Vessel Imaging System
Authors: Altay,A.
Keywords: Image Processing
Medical Imaging System
Vascular Imaging
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Abstract: As an alternative to high-cost near-infrared (NIR) vascular imaging devices in the market [1], a microcomputer-based, real-Time, low-cost, non-contact and safe vascular imaging system has been developed. The higher absorption coefficient of blood from skin and fat, as well as the differences in oxy and deoxyhemoglobin spectra in blood, were helpful factors in the use of the NIR region during the acquisition of vessel images. A device, which uses NIR LED light operated at 850 nm, was designed using optical and electronic components. Image analysis were performed using OpenCV, which is an open-source software library, and data visualization libraries. Tests were carried out to optimize the best imaging conditions for the device. In this study, a portable device design with improved vessel image quality is presented which could potentially be used to assist the health professionals to investigate the abnormalities in the superficial vascular structures at different times during patients' treatments. © 2021 IEEE.
ISBN: 978-166543663-2
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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