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Title: Holistic Managements of Textile Wastewater Through Circular, Greener and Eco-Innovative Treatment Systems Developed by Minimal To Zero Liquid Discharge
Authors: Aydıner, Coşkun
Doğan, Esra Can
Mert, Berna Kiril
Pala, Burcu
Demirozlu, Tugba Nur
Balcı, Esin
Narci, Ali Oguzhan
Keywords: Textile wastewater reclamation
Membrane concentrates treatment
Water resource recovery
Minimal liquid discharge
Zero liquid discharge
Zero sludge discharge
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: New pragmatic and viable solutions to reduce or prevent discharge and to protect reserves are currently among the top-prioritised research for cleaner, circular, and resource-efficient use of industrial waters. So, the development of eco-sustainable water management is essential for green industrial development that will meet versatile and eco-sensitive regulatory standards, especially in water-intensive industries. Textile wastewater was reclaimed in semi to fully closed loops for minimal to zero liquid discharge. Concentrate-mixed wastewater was steadily treated in a hybrid membrane oxidation reactor at 60-80 % synergistic performances with remarkable UF fluxes of 96.4-820 L/m2h without any sludge discharge. Effluent was purified with 90-100 % removals and 20-80 L/m2h in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. Due to Fenton-specific operation, more handling by ion exchange and neutralisation required to harvest membrane reuse waters and reactor discharge effluents with guaranteed Fe and pH. All-in-one system simulations indicated that high quality reuse waters are produced by 99.9 % efficiency and 98 and 100 % savings in iron and acid but 20-51 % more oxidant through concentrate recycling and regenerant reuse. It was also revealed that reactor effluents can be released to the sea or conventional biological treatment or can be eco-sustainably exploited for in-situ chemical and ex-situ bio-induced recovery of vivianite. This research demonstrates that how textile wastewater can be managed holistically by liquid discharge approaches from 50 % minimal to 99.9 % zero just in two-step, i.e. pretreatment and preconcentration, with consumable minimisation and valuable waste recovery through the eco-innovative systems which are developed as circular, greener, and sludge-free compatible with sustainable development goals.
ISSN: 1385-8947
Appears in Collections:Civil Engineering / İnşaat Mühendisliği
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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