
Full Name
Okatan, Mahmut Barış
Okatan, Mahmut Baris
Okatan, M. B.
Okatan, MB
Okatan, M. Baris
Okatan, M. Barış
Okatan, Mahmut B.
Okatan, B.
Okatan, M. Bans
Baris Okatan, M.
Baris Okatan, Mahmut
Barış Okatan, M.
Barış Okatan, Mahmut
Okatan, M. B.
Okatan, MB
Okatan, M. Baris
Okatan, M. Barış
Okatan, Mahmut B.
Okatan, B.
Okatan, M. Bans
Baris Okatan, M.
Baris Okatan, Mahmut
Barış Okatan, M.
Barış Okatan, Mahmut
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Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.298 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2021 | Chirality Switching in Ferromagnetic Nanostructures Via Nanosecond Electric Pulses | Aldulaimi, W. A. S.; Akaoğlu, C.; Şendur, Kürşat; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç |
2 | 2020 | Effect of Texture on the Electrical and Electrocaloric Properties of 0.90pb(mg1/3nb2 Relaxor Ceramics | Mensur Alkoy, Ebru; Okatan, M. Barış ; Aydın, Ecem; Kılıç, Yusuf; Mısırlıoğlu, I. Burç; Alkoy, Sedat |
3 | 2025 | Effect of the Synthesis Method and Particle Size on Bczt Electrocaloric Properties | Temel, Helin; Avci, Tubanur; Okatan, M. Baris ; Alkoy, Sedat; Misirlioglu, I. Burc; Mensur, Ebru |
4 | 2021 | Effects of Interphase Boundaries in Ginzburg-Landau One-Dimensional Model of Two-Phase States in Clamped Systems | Levanyuk, Arkady P.; Minyukov, Sergey A.; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Okatan, Mahmut Barış |
5 | Feb-2022 | Enhancement of the Electrocaloric Effect in Pbzr0.7ti0.3o3 Ceramics Via La Doping: Driven by Phase Co-Existence or Defect Effects? | Gözüaçık, Namık Kemal; Bayır, Mustafa Çağrı; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, I. Burç; Alkoy, Sedat; Menşur Alkoy, Ebru |
6 | 2020 | Landau, Ginzburg, Devonshire and Others | Levanyuk, Arkady P.; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Barış Okatan, Mahmut |
7 | Dec-2022 | Size Driven Barrier To Chirality Reversal in Electric Control of Magnetic Vortices in Ferromagnetic Nanodiscs | Aldulaimi, W. A. S.; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Şendur, Kürşat; Onbaşlı, Mehmet Cengiz; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç |
8 | 2021 | Temperature Dependent Electrical and Electrocaloric Properties of Textured 0.72pmn-0.28pt Ceramics* | Böbrek, İrem; Berksoy Yavuz, Ayşe; Kaya, M. Yunus; Alkoy, Sedat; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Mensur Alkoy, Ebru |